  • Rahab
  • Rahab
  • Rahab demons are large bipedal demons that look and move slightly like lizards. They are blind; they have no eyes and instead have teeth where their eyes should be. Their mouths are fanged and tusked. They are armed with sharp teeth and talons, and a long, forked tongue tipped with a bulb-shaped stinger. They also have a narrow, whip-like tail edged with razor-sharp bone.
  • Rahab is a former prostitute who lived in the city of Jericho around the time that Joshua led the people of Israel into the Promised Land. She hid two of the people who were sent as spies from those seeking after them and sent them off another way in peace. In exchange, the people of Israel spared her as well as those within her family when they came to sack the city and destroy it. Rahab became part of Israel and married Salmon, through whom she became the mother of Boaz and then eventually the ancestress of both King David and Jesus Christ. Rahab was one of the Old Testament saints that was rewarded by Jesus after His Second Coming in the book "Glorious Appearing".
  • Rahab (ラハブ Rahabu) is a sea deity, initially believed to be a fictional aquatic subspecies of Gigantopithecus (Gigantopithecus thalassa cyclops), and the main antagonist of The Ocean Hunter. He is the seventh and final boss of the game.
  • Rahab is a recurring character in the Legacy of Kain series who appears in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2. Born in Nosgoth's early history, the human Rahab rose to become one of the prolific warrior inquisitors of the vampire-hunting Sarafan brotherhood. A millennium after his death, Rahab was resurrected as a vampire by Kain, and served as a member of the Council throughout the Soul Reaver era, raising the Rahabim clan. When Raziel embarked on his journey to destroy the Council, Rahab was the third of his former brothers that he killed.
  • Rahab is a universal god who is the oposite of god ,the represntation of darkness chaos ocean and over all primordial chaos and the creator of tia. he also is said to someday destroy the univsere and god.despite alll this he is not evil but amoral.Nether the less god banished him inside a planet
  • From the Talmud, the demonic angel of the sea. Rahab is or was the angel of insolence and pride, responsible for shaking the waters and producing big waves; he is also responsible for the roaring of the sea. In Jewish folklore, Rahab (noise, tumult, arrogance) is a mythical sea monster, a dragon of the waters, the "demonic angel of the sea". Rahab represents the primordial abyss, the water-dragon of darkness and chaos, comparable to Leviathan and Tiamat . Rahab later became a particular demon, inhabitant of the sea, especially associated with the Red Sea.
  • Rahab is the demon "pride" and "violence." It promotes violent crime with the intention of killing the human being in a way to destroy and annihilate God's creation, he belonged to the order of the cherubim.
  • Rahab is an character introduced in Legend of Zelda: Return of Ganondorf. He is an ice dragon and the Keeper of Ice Magick.
  • Rahab es un monstruo jefe que aparece en los videojuegos Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Es un pez gigante que se mueve muy rápidamente bajo el agua y tiene la capacidad de generar frío, lo que le permite escupir bolas de agua que pueden congelar la superficie del océano, o crear fragmentos de hielo de varias partes de su cuerpo. En su primera aparición en el videojuego Akumajō especial: Boku Dracula-kun, donde fue llamado Mr. Dragon, y era un dragón volador en lugar de solo un pez.
  • In Jericho, a prostitute, also known as a harlot, (Biblical commentator Rashi claims she was a food saleswoman) named Rahab assisted Israelite spies by hiding them from the local authorities. The spies, in return for her protection, promised to save her and her family during the planned military invasion as long as she fulfilled her part of the deal by keeping the details of the contact with them secret and leaving a sign on her residence that would be a marker for the advancing soldiers to avoid. She kept her word by hiding the spies when the city guard came to her house looking for them; the Israelites kept their word by sparing her family from the general massacre after taking the city: they recognized Rahab's house by a red cord hanging from her window. After the people of Israel conqu
  • Rahab was a prostitute who lived in the Canaanite city of Jericho, most notable for hiding Israelite spies sent by Joshua to plan an attack on the city. While she was not a Hebrew, Rahab heard of the the incident at the Red Sea and God's work in delivering Israel from Egypt, so she had faith. Due to her act of faith she would be forever remembered as righteous and she was spared from being killed in the attack of Jericho. After this she became a part of Israel and married Salmon, whom she had Boaz with; this made her a genealogical ancestor of David and of Jesus.
  • En otras noticias, una fuerte y alucinógena droga llega al mercado, llamada simplemente Rahab. Efectos: Desconocidos. Efectos secundarios: Desconocidos. Método de funcionamiento: Desconocido. Tipo de alucinaciones: Desconocido. Modo de consumo: Desconocido. Lo único que se conoce de esta droga es que no se debe, por ningún motivo, adquirirla, ni con el siguiente video, que por razones de seguridad no lo emitiremos en vivo…” Llegué al punto de encuentro, y esperé un poco. A los minutos apareció un hombre, semejante a un mendigo, pero tenía lo que esperaba. —Solo deme lo que compre. “Cómo consumir".
  • Tier: At least 9-A Name: Rahab Origin: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Gender: Male Age: 1500+ years old Classification: Human (born like one), Sarafan Inquisitor | Vampire (after being resurrected by Kain), lieutenant of the Council/Patriarch of the Rahabim clan Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, immortality (Type 1 and 3), vampirism, can shoots projectiles of water, amphibian being, regeneration (Mid-Low, faster in water) Attack Potency: At least Room level (while he is underwater, he's stronger than Raziel, even with the Wraith Blade) Stamina: Superhuman+
  • 54
  • 63
Spiritual State
  • Saved
  • Escupe las bolas de agua congelantes
  • Genera icicles desde su cuerpo
  • Gran movilidad bajo el agua
  • Folclore judío
  • 97
  • 111
  • 37
  • 41
  • 99
  • 128
  • 18
  • 29
  • 36
  • 37
  • 144
  • 184
  • 9
  • 28
  • 35
Pie de Foto
  • Sprite de Rahab en Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
  • 20
  • 30
  • 8
  • 10
  • 28
  • 33
  • 13
  • 36
  • 37
  • Salmon , Boaz , King David , Jesus
  • Soul Reaver 2
  • Soul Reaver
  • Defiance comic
  • Keeper of Ice Magick
  • Rahab
  • Water
  • Boaz
  • Rahab
  • 169
  • 185
  • 192
  • 208
  • Dragon
  • Evil
  • Canaanite
  • Water
  • Light-Chaos
  • Rahab in Soul Reaver .
  • Glorious Appearing
  • Ice Magick
  • Advanced combat
  • Super strength
  • Resistance to cold
  • Ice Temple in Snowpeak
  • 557
  • 695
  • Ryushusupercat
  • ラハブ
  • Rahabu
  • Ice Dragon
  • 31
  • 35
  • 148
  • 186
  • Dragon
  • Bufula Mudo Ice Breath Paralama Makafuji Mamagna
  • Aquadeus Hex Bind Spellprone Purge Hex Comadeus Aqualok
  • Dekaja Bite Bash Cleave
  • Dekaja Cleave Bite Bash
  • Malaqua Paraladyne Magunda Dekunda Mudoon Aquadyne
  • King
  • Monstruo acuático, dragón o pez
  • Unspecified date
  • Yahwism
  • Believer in God
  • 9
  • 10
  • Prostitute
  • Former prostitute
  • 401
  • 438
  • 989
  • 999
  • 30
  • 34
  • Female
  • Male
  • Salmon
  • Magick Entity/Deity
  • Hamitic
  • Sometime prior to Israel entering the Promised Land
  • *Jericho *Israelite
  • Canaanite of the city of Jericho
  • 1
  • 95
  • 106
  • 12
  • 13
  • 15
  • Tier: At least 9-A Name: Rahab Origin: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Gender: Male Age: 1500+ years old Classification: Human (born like one), Sarafan Inquisitor | Vampire (after being resurrected by Kain), lieutenant of the Council/Patriarch of the Rahabim clan Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, immortality (Type 1 and 3), vampirism, can shoots projectiles of water, amphibian being, regeneration (Mid-Low, faster in water) Attack Potency: At least Room level (while he is underwater, he's stronger than Raziel, even with the Wraith Blade) Speed: At least Superhuman swim speed, he can't move in ground probably Durability: Room level (he was unharmed by the telekinetic projectiles from Raziel) Stamina: Superhuman+ Range: Some meters with water projectiles Intelligence: As member of the Council and as a formely Sarafan warrior, he possesses tactical and fighting knowledge Weaknesses: Despite he resist several kind of physical damage and the water, is more sensitive to water than his others brothers
  • Rahab was a prostitute who lived in the Canaanite city of Jericho, most notable for hiding Israelite spies sent by Joshua to plan an attack on the city. While she was not a Hebrew, Rahab heard of the the incident at the Red Sea and God's work in delivering Israel from Egypt, so she had faith. Due to her act of faith she would be forever remembered as righteous and she was spared from being killed in the attack of Jericho. After this she became a part of Israel and married Salmon, whom she had Boaz with; this made her a genealogical ancestor of David and of Jesus. <default>Rahab</default> Genealogical Life-span Sibling(s) Parents Spouse Offspring Political Social class Occupation Cultural Nationality Ethnicity Religion Spoke Race Appearance
  • Rahab demons are large bipedal demons that look and move slightly like lizards. They are blind; they have no eyes and instead have teeth where their eyes should be. Their mouths are fanged and tusked. They are armed with sharp teeth and talons, and a long, forked tongue tipped with a bulb-shaped stinger. They also have a narrow, whip-like tail edged with razor-sharp bone.
  • En otras noticias, una fuerte y alucinógena droga llega al mercado, llamada simplemente Rahab. Efectos: Desconocidos. Efectos secundarios: Desconocidos. Método de funcionamiento: Desconocido. Tipo de alucinaciones: Desconocido. Modo de consumo: Desconocido. Lo único que se conoce de esta droga es que no se debe, por ningún motivo, adquirirla, ni con el siguiente video, que por razones de seguridad no lo emitiremos en vivo…” Apagué la radio de mi teléfono y miré hacia el reloj de digital: 19:42. Ya era hora de ir a recoger el paquete. Empecé a caminar más rápido, ya se estaba oscureciendo y las personas con los efectos de Rahab salían a las calles. Llegué al punto de encuentro, y esperé un poco. A los minutos apareció un hombre, semejante a un mendigo, pero tenía lo que esperaba. —Rahab, et spiritu meo dimittere­—susurró el hombre a mi dirección. —Rahab, et spiritu meo dimittere—le respondí, suponiendo que era la clave. — ¿Así que quieres experimentar con esto? Ten cuidado. —Solo deme lo que compre. —Ya, ya…­—dijo sacando algo de su bolso—. Aquí esta. Lo que tenía en la mano era una pequeña bolsa transparente. —Aquí tienes, chico, diviértete. Puso esa bolsa en la palma de mi mano e inmediatamente la guardé en mi bolsillo. —Sí. Ya tengo que irme. Ya estaba dejando el lugar cuando el extraño hombre se dirige hacia mí, toma mi hombro y susurra casi malévolamente. —Piensas ver el video también, ¿verdad? No dije nada, solo me aparté de él rápidamente y cuando miré hacia atrás, solo pude distinguir su demoníaca sonrisa en la oscuridad. Estaba dispuesto a ver el video, los efectos de Rahab no se “sentían” adecuadamente si no lo veías, pero las malas lenguas decían que si lo veías y alucinabas lo suficiente como para creer que esa era tu realidad, podrías caer en el ya renombrado limbo. “Solo son supersticiones tontas”, pensé, “¡El limbo no existe!” Me senté en el escritorio, encendí mi computadora y en el buscador, escribí: “Rahab et spiritu meo dimittere” Inmediatamente, solo un resultado apareció, cliqueé en él y un mensaje de advertencia se mostraba. “No recomendado para personas sensibles. Si estás bajo los efectos de Rahab, no lo veas, tienes grandes probabilidades de caer en un trauma severo...” Luego el texto parecía ilegible, raros caracteres que nunca había visto reemplazaban a las letras. Cerré la ventana de advertencia. Tomé la pequeña bolsa y la abrí, dentro había pequeñísimos papelitos, los abrí y en ellos se guardaba ese polvo carmesí. Junto con los papelitos, había una hoja de instrucciones. “Cómo consumir". Tomar una pequeña cantidad y frotarla justo en medio de tu frente mientras pasa el segundo 20 del vídeo (el vídeo es opcional). Los efectos acabarán una o dos horas después; el vídeo dura tres horas, así que cuando acaben los efectos detente y cierra el vídeo. Mi mano un poco temblorosa reprodujo el vídeo; en ese lapso de veinte segundos solo había un negro profundo. Me asusté, pensando que podría aparecer un screamer o algo por el estilo. Segundo diecisiete y seguía ese negro. Mis dedos tomaron un poco del polvo y empecé a frotarlo en mi frente. Segundo diecinueve y mi mano ya se estaba adormeciendo, empecé a escuchar música, pero no era agradable: chirridos bastante agudos y algunos tan graves que no se podían casi escuchar. Mi brazo cayó totalmente adormecido. Segundo veinte, ya parecía tener algún tipo de convulsiones, pero las amarras que había puesto en uno de mis brazos y mis piernas iban bastante bien. Segundo veintiuno y ya no sabía nada de mí mismo. Estaba en un largo pasillo que parecía no tener final, varias puertas y algunas palabras en latín escritas, solo seguí caminando. En algún punto de esa caminata empecé a oler un pútrido olor insoportable. Cuando llegué al posible final, había una puerta, pero esta no era como las demás: me daba cierto aire de nostalgia. Decidí abrirla, pero antes me giré y solo vi dos puntos rojos y distantes, observándome atentamente. “Ojalá no sean ojos…”, pensé. Cuando entré, lo único que vi fueron recuerdos, solo recuerdos, algunos tristes, otros felices, embarazosos, solitarios… Pero uno me llamó la atención, no un recuerdo, sino un tipo de criatura, ente. En todos los recuerdos estaba, distinguí que siempre me observaba, siempre, muy cerca de mi rostro, a veces producía sombras y sonidos, haciéndome creer que eran los muebles crujiendo o algún tipo de persona pasando. Pero lo peor era en la noche, él parecía observarme, tal y como en el día, pero sin descanso. Me desesperé, ¿una criatura, espíritu, ser, ente, demonio, observándome? Esa criatura se acercó a mí, y empezó a susurrarme cosas, cosas confusas. Por alguna razón no escapé, tal vez porque no podía correr de él, o porque sabía que nada podría pasarme. Esto es solo droga, nada más. Un raro sentimiento se apodero de mí; no muy lejos había una mesa llena de herramientas. “Tengo que acabar con esto.” Tomé el gran cuchillo, y estaba por insertarlo justo en mi pecho. Desperté. El vídeo había acabado. Estaba en mi cocina, justamente con el cuchillo a pocos milímetros de un suicidio. Lo solté e hizo un estrepitoso sonido al estrellarse contra el suelo, mis ojos estaban fuera de sus órbitas. “¿Cómo es que salí, si estaba amarrado contra la silla…?" Miré a una ventana, ya estaba bastante avanzada la noche, me miré al espejo. Unos ojos endemoniados se reflejaban desde el otro lado dela habitación. Me doy la vuelta, pero ya no están. Decidí dormir, la mañana lo arreglaría todo. Cuando pude dormir tuve pesadillas, pesadillas de las que no se olvidan, solo con ese ser… ¿Sería un efecto secundario de la droga? Desperté otra vez en medio de la noche, me volteé para poder conciliar el sueño, pero algo familiar vuelve a mí. Ese pútrido olor y esos ojos rojos... Categoría:Ciencia Categoría:CO Categoría:Sueños/Dormir
  • In Jericho, a prostitute, also known as a harlot, (Biblical commentator Rashi claims she was a food saleswoman) named Rahab assisted Israelite spies by hiding them from the local authorities. The spies, in return for her protection, promised to save her and her family during the planned military invasion as long as she fulfilled her part of the deal by keeping the details of the contact with them secret and leaving a sign on her residence that would be a marker for the advancing soldiers to avoid. She kept her word by hiding the spies when the city guard came to her house looking for them; the Israelites kept their word by sparing her family from the general massacre after taking the city: they recognized Rahab's house by a red cord hanging from her window. After the people of Israel conquered Canaan, she left prostitution, joined the Jewish people, and became a respectable married woman. She is the subject of a discussion in one section of the Talmud.
  • Rahab is a former prostitute who lived in the city of Jericho around the time that Joshua led the people of Israel into the Promised Land. She hid two of the people who were sent as spies from those seeking after them and sent them off another way in peace. In exchange, the people of Israel spared her as well as those within her family when they came to sack the city and destroy it. Rahab became part of Israel and married Salmon, through whom she became the mother of Boaz and then eventually the ancestress of both King David and Jesus Christ. Rahab was one of the Old Testament saints that was rewarded by Jesus after His Second Coming in the book "Glorious Appearing".
  • Rahab (ラハブ Rahabu) is a sea deity, initially believed to be a fictional aquatic subspecies of Gigantopithecus (Gigantopithecus thalassa cyclops), and the main antagonist of The Ocean Hunter. He is the seventh and final boss of the game.
  • Rahab is a recurring character in the Legacy of Kain series who appears in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2. Born in Nosgoth's early history, the human Rahab rose to become one of the prolific warrior inquisitors of the vampire-hunting Sarafan brotherhood. A millennium after his death, Rahab was resurrected as a vampire by Kain, and served as a member of the Council throughout the Soul Reaver era, raising the Rahabim clan. When Raziel embarked on his journey to destroy the Council, Rahab was the third of his former brothers that he killed.
  • Rahab is a universal god who is the oposite of god ,the represntation of darkness chaos ocean and over all primordial chaos and the creator of tia. he also is said to someday destroy the univsere and god.despite alll this he is not evil but amoral.Nether the less god banished him inside a planet
  • From the Talmud, the demonic angel of the sea. Rahab is or was the angel of insolence and pride, responsible for shaking the waters and producing big waves; he is also responsible for the roaring of the sea. In Jewish folklore, Rahab (noise, tumult, arrogance) is a mythical sea monster, a dragon of the waters, the "demonic angel of the sea". Rahab represents the primordial abyss, the water-dragon of darkness and chaos, comparable to Leviathan and Tiamat . Rahab later became a particular demon, inhabitant of the sea, especially associated with the Red Sea.
  • Rahab is the demon "pride" and "violence." It promotes violent crime with the intention of killing the human being in a way to destroy and annihilate God's creation, he belonged to the order of the cherubim.
  • Rahab is an character introduced in Legend of Zelda: Return of Ganondorf. He is an ice dragon and the Keeper of Ice Magick.
  • Rahab es un monstruo jefe que aparece en los videojuegos Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Es un pez gigante que se mueve muy rápidamente bajo el agua y tiene la capacidad de generar frío, lo que le permite escupir bolas de agua que pueden congelar la superficie del océano, o crear fragmentos de hielo de varias partes de su cuerpo. En su primera aparición en el videojuego Akumajō especial: Boku Dracula-kun, donde fue llamado Mr. Dragon, y era un dragón volador en lugar de solo un pez.
is Wielder of
is Spouse(s) of