  • April
  • April
  • April
  • April
  • April
  • April
  • April
  • April
  • __NOEDITSECTION__January • February • March • April • May • June • July • August • September • October • November • December
  • April may refer to the following Aprils. * April (2005) * April (2006) * April (2007) * April (2008) * April (2009)
  • April was the fourth month of the year. This month contains 30 days.
  • April ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, die 2013 erschien ist.
  • -.- finish the site men =/
  • April is the fourth month of the year. In the Gregorian Calendar, It has 30 days.
  • April was a young witch applying to become a student at Magic School.
  • April är den fjärde månaden av året i Gregorian kalender. Den har 30 dagar.
  • April is the fourth month of the Human year.
  • April is the fourth month of the year.
  • April was a MI-6 agent who supported November 11.
  • April was a month in Earth's calendar.
  • April was the fourth month of the Human year.
  • This is the biography of April Sleven, a sim from the 3D Sims 3 game. Her traits: Neurotic, Mean Spirited, Evil, and Book Worm. Her favourite colour is black and she likes Heavy Metal music.
  • April is the fourth month of the year and one of four months with a length of thirty days. (source)
  • April ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA. Sie wurde am 03.04.2010 mit einem Geburtsgewicht von 120 kg auch dort geboren. Über ihre Eltern hat sie mehrere Geschwister und Halbgeschwister, viele von ihnen leben ebenfalls im CEC.
  • Off the Valley.
  • April is the fourth month in the Gregorian calendar. It occurs in Wheel of Time world during Aine 17 to Adar 18.
  • These are events from the month of April.
  • April is the fourth month of the year and marks the middle of the spring. One of april's most important events is the Cherry Blossom Watch, which happens in every game from the Animal Crossing series.
  • What happened in April over the years.
  • April is the deceased ex-girlfriend of Roger Davis. Like Roger, she is HIV+ which caused her to commit suicide. She was mentioned by name in Tune Up #3, and is known to have been taking drugs with Roger, which is the most likely cause of their HIV+ status. Portrayed by Mackenzie Firgens in the 2005 movie adaption.
  • Robin #173 came out today and was very Spoiler-rific! scans available here Spoiler in the July solicits! ROBIN #176 Written by Chuck Dixon Cover by Freddie E. Williams II Art by Chris Batista & Cam Smith A “Batman: R.I.P.” story! The shocking conclusion that will start of the rest of Tim Drake’s life — or is it the end? With Batman missing, Robin becomes the new Dark Knight. It’s Robin and Spoiler in an all-out brawl with Gotham City’s underworld — but with Batman’s trail growing cold, the end of this fight will decide the future of the Bat family! On sale July 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
  • April is the peer counselling class adviser at Tom Landry Middle School. She is the voice of Laura Prepon.
  • April ist ein Charakter aus der Folge "Der Verrat ("Zdrada") aus der Wiedźmin Comic Serie, der sechsten Ausgabe der Serie. In der Hexer Saga gibt es eine Zauberin namens April Wenhaver. Es kann nicht mit Sicherheit gesagt werden, ob diese beiden Charaktere identisch sind. Kategorie:Stubs
  • April ist der vierte Monat des Jahres. Er ist einer der Monate des Jahres mit dreißig Tagen.
  • April is the fourth month of the year. It is one of the months of the year with thirty days.
  • April is the wife of Floyd in Garfield and Friends. She once demanded that her husband ask Garfield for more airtime on the show, which resulted in her throwing Floyd out of their home.
  • April is the fourth month of the year. It has 30 days. For events in April, see the pages on specific dates below.
  • April is the protagonist in the 2009 film Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself, she was a self-centered alcholic singer who worked at a nightclub, She is the wife of the second protagonist of the film Sandino She is played by Taraji P. Henson
  • April is a sorceress who appears in the graphic novel Zdrada (English: The Betrayal), the 6th comic in that series. It is not known if she is meant to be April Wenhaver.
  • April is the year month in which, especially known in 1990, for being the year month that zombies attacked humans when they woke up from their graves. But this only happened once.
  • April was a canidate for the 2017 Toad President Election. April received 2 votes, ~7% of the popular vote. This tied for 2nd place but she wasn't nominated for Vice President. Her political party was The Church of Toad.
  • April was a waitress employed by the Black Hole bar -- an establishment where brawls between members of the Colonial Fleet and Confederate Marine Corps were common. It was in one of these fights that April got caught in the crossfire, specifically one of chocolate and framberry cakes.
  • April er den fjerde måned i året. Den har 30 dage. * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days.
  • April (ook wel: grasmaand, paasmaand, eiermaand) is de vierde maand van het jaar in de Gregoriaanse kalender, en heeft 30 dagen. In de oud-Romeinse kalender was het de tweede maand. De naam komt van het Latijnse woord aperire hetgeen openen betekent. Waarschijnlijk refereert het aan de groei van de planten en bloemen in de lente. Een andere theorie stelt dat de naam is afgeleid van een woord dat 'tweede' betekent, of van Aperta, een bijnaam van Apollon.
  • Am Monatsersten sollte man besser keine Versicherung abschließen oder größere Käufe tätigen; der Verkäufer könnte später behaupten, die Konditionen seien ein Aprilscherz gewesen.
  • April by Emoticon & Kitsune² is a song from the first addon pack for Mungyodance 2. As the two Addons were later meant to be MGD3 previews, it is now set to appear in the upcoming Mungyodance 3: The Third Rave, as a normal song.
  • April, al igual que su madre Iris, es extremadamente tímida, y, a pesar de que se encargará de la tienda cuando su madre se retire, no puede cruzar palabra sin ponerse roja y además, tiene la autoestima por los suelos. Le encantan las flores, y puede que la veas recogiéndolas por el valle. Sus ramilletes son los más bonitos del valle, pero para ella no son lo suficiente buenos.
  • April is the fourth month of the Gregorian, Julian, and Revised Julian calendars. The etymology of this month is obscure; it either comes from the Latin word aperire, meaning "to open," or from Aphril, another name for the Greek goddess Aphrodite. It has thirty days.
  • April in this month in; * 2008 - on the 10th of April Tractor and Construction Plant Wiki was founded by BulldozerD11 * 2005 - Doosan acquired Daewoo * 1975 - British Leyland Motor Corporation was Nationalised y the then Labour Government * 1952 - Harry Ferguson and the Ford Motor Company settle there long running law suit * 1949 - The Ferguson TE-D20 introduced with new 85 mm bore engine. * 1933 - Onward a Showman's road locomotive Fowler no. 19989 2nd to last built * 1932 - King Carnival II Showman's road locomotive Fowler no. 19783 3rd to last built. * 1929 - Oliver Corporation created from merger of Hart-Parr, Oliver Chilled Plow Co., Nichols & Shepard and the American Seeding Machine Company. * 1876 - O&K founded in Germany.
  • April — słoweńska wokalistka. Uczestnicy 23. Worldvision Song Contest Reprezentanci 20px|border|Słowenia Słowenii w Worldvision Song Contest 1. WSC: Ayla • 2. WSC: Rebeka Dremelj • 3. WSC: Omar Naber • 5. WSC: Anzej Dezan & Sasa Lendero & Maja Slatinsek • 7. WSC: Sasa Lendero • 8. WSC: Nusa Derenda • 9. WSC: Zablujena Generacija • 10. WSC: Omar Naber • 11. WSC: Alenka Gotar • 13. WSC: Nina Puslar • 14. WSC: Kristina • 18. WSC: Rebeka Dremelj • 21. WSC: Iris • 23. WSC: April • 26. WSC: Sebastian • 27. WSC: Maja Keuc & Camall • 34. WSC: Tina Maze • 41. WSC: Bohem
  • April is the fourth month of the year and marks the middle of the spring. One of april's most important events is the Cherry Blossom Watch, which happens in every game from the .
  • April is the fourth month of the year. It is one of the months of the year that has thirty days.
  • April is de vierde maand van het jaar. Het is een van de maanden van het jaar met dertig dagen.
  • April is de vierde maand van het jaar. Het is een van de maanden van het jaar met dertig dagen.
  • April was named after April Hunter, the Roman goddess of camel toe. It originally contained 69 days, but due to jealousy from the other months (especially July and August), it was shortened to just 30 days by the Emperor Darth Hadrian. April continues to have 30 days now, however, there is a group in the USA who wishes to shorten the month to just 14 days. This group, the AATOA, is entitled Americans Against Taxation and Other Annoyances. A sister group in Canada (CATOA) wants to get rid of April entirely. Another month both groups would like to shorten is August. This would have to go to considerably less than 15 days, knocking out the IRS extension tax return deadline, but also removing some of the hottest days of the year.
  • April is a character labeled as The Awful Liar in Total Drama Idiots.
  • April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • April is the student Mark tries to seduce in the episode University Challenge. She has low self esteem, is fidgety and nervous, but is very intelligent and beautiful. She works part time at a shoe shop near Mark's flat in Croydon where they meet and discuss Mark's foot size and ancient Egypt. Mark then follows her to his alma mater Dartmouth University. She is invited, along with Mark, into Professor Mcleish's inner ring.
  • April is a cat NPC toon working at April's Showers and Tubs on Oak Street, Daisy Gardens.
  • April ist ein Monat in der Zeitrechnung der Erde. Auf der Erde ist es Tradition, dass am ersten April die Menschen einander Streiche spielen. (TNG: ) Am 24. April 1987 wird Gabriel Bell in San Francisco, USA, Erde geboren. (DS9: , ) Im April 2151 ist der Jungfernflug der Enterprise (NX-01). Der primäre Auftrag der Enterprise besteht vor allem darin, nach und nach die Regionen des Alls zu erforschen, in denen noch nie ein Mensch zuvor gewesen ist. (ENT: ) }}
  • April was a month of great importance to the prosecution of the American Civil War. It was in many ways the month in which the war started in 1861, thanks to South Carolina's passage of a kind of "Declaration of Independence" from the United States. It was also the month in which the war ended, following the surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865. In the early part of the month, a victorious Abraham Lincoln visited Richmond to address the people of seceded Virginia. He would have been assassinated there, but for the intervention of the Fifth Doctor. It was a short-lived salvation, however, as Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in the middle of the month. Many ordinary citizens wrote letters throughout the month about Lincoln's fate, and about the future of the Un
  • April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days. April 9 is the 99th day of the year (100th in leap years), with 266 days remaining. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean Glow-in-the-Dark Sticker Book published. April 10 is the 100th day of the year (101st in leap years), with 265 days remaining. April 12 is the 102nd day of the year (103rd in leap years), with 263 days remaining. April 15 is the 105th day of the year (106th in leap years), with 260 days remaining.
  • Der April ist der dritte Monat des Jahres im gregorianischen Kalender. Er hat 30 Tage und beginnt mit demselben Wochentag wie der Juli und in Schaltjahren auch wie der Januar. Im römischen Kalender war der Aprilis ursprünglich der zweite Monat, weil mit dem Ende des Winters im März das neue landwirtschaftliche (aber auch militärische) Jahr begann. Der Sage nach wurde Luzifer am 1. April aus dem Himmel verstoßen. Aprilwetter steht bildlich für wechselhaftes Wetter, auch wenn es in anderen Monaten stattfindet: [[Datei:April_Leandro_Bassano.jpg|miniatur|April, Leandro Bassano]]
  • April is a colonist in Fehl Prime in 2185, and the daughter of Christine. She is a very lively little girl who idolizes the Systems Alliance Marines. She is greatly in awe of Lieutenant James Vega and worships him, their relationship almost one of brother and sister. Occasionally she pretends to be a marine by putting on James's combat helmet. When the Collectors attack the colony, April and Christine are paralyzed by the Seeker Swarms. Delta Squad is forced to watch and let the Collectors carry them away to their ship.
  • April is a minor character in the Guilty Gear series, who is the best friend of May, as well as Dizzy and Johnny's crewmate. She is in charge of the ship's navigation and acts like an older sister to May. Though she doesn't appear to be combatant, she joins May in her in-game battle pose and her Install Kill. She is also featured alongside May in some official art. In Guilty Gear XX, she comforts Dizzy who has just calmed down after going berserk. She tells Dizzy, who has doubts about her origins, that she was sure that Gears can have parents. In Accent Core, she and Johnny become worried at May's disappearance and set off to find her.
  • April in the Northern Hemisphere is during the spring. The hours of daylight are getting longer, the weather is still cold but getting warmer. In England two migratory Birds, the cookoo and the swallow arive in April so rural people called April the month of the cookoo and the swallow. The Romans thought April was the special month of their goddess of Love, Venus. Romans held many festivals in her honour in April. April in the Southern Hemisphere is during the autumn, days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder.
  • Name: April, Bella Gender: Female Age: Unknown Classification: Human, Contractor, MI6 Agent Powers and Abilities: Peak human physical stats, atmospheric pressure manipulation, water manipulation, can create small hurricanes Stamina: Average Range: Up to several meters Intelligence: Experienced field agent for the MI6. Weaknesses: Nothing notable
  • framed|left|Viele Jungtiere kommen im April zur Welt Der April ist der vierte Monat des Jahres. Auf der Nordhalbkugel beginnt nun überall die Vegetation mit voller Kraft zu wachsen. das Wetter ist aber noch sehr instabil. Sonne, Wind, Regen und sogar schnee können sich an einem einzigen Tag abwechseln. In Amerikanien wird der April auch "Mond der Wanderwolken" genannt, weil der kühle Wind die Wolken unablässlich über den weiten Himmel jagt.
  • April, sometimes romanized as Eipuriru, is the ventriloquist dummy used as a butler by Kinnosuke Kashao. His role seems to be mostly so that the latter can have someone to talk to due his lonely lifestyle and also imagine living a luxurious lifestyle as someone with his own personal butler. April's appearance is that of a bespectacled and older bald gentleman with white hair and a mustache wearing a bow tie, tailcoat, and striped pants.
  • April was a bar waitress with a fondness for cars. She described herself as having a "Mercedes taste on a Mazda salary." In 1981, April bought a Pontiac Trans Am from Will Harrell at a reduced price. April didn't ask questions about why he was so eager to sell the car, despite clearly loving it. She simply took the deal. She later sold it for twice what she paid.
Portrayed By
  • 4334965
  • Are We Going To Be Alright?
  • Single
  • "I Was Made to Love You"
Row 4 info
  • Normal
  • Daisy Gardens
  • 4
regalo horror
  • -
Row 1 info
  • Female
  • 4
Debut Manga
English Voice
  • Ashly Burch
  • b4/???
regalo normal
  • -
regalo fatal
  • -
Row 4 title
  • TV Appearances
nombre juego
  • Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
regalo perfecto
  • -
  • 250
animal preferido
  • -
Row 2 info
  • Mouse
Row 1 title
  • Gender
Row 5 info
Row 2 title
  • Species
  • siehe links
  • no
Japanese Voice
  • Tomomi Isomura
  • Yukiko Kato
  • Yumiko Ogawa
Manga Debut
Only appearance
Row 5 title
  • Voice
Row 3 title
  • Affiliations
regalo error
  • -
  • 14
trabajo juego
  • No tiene
  • yes
  • Aprilis
  • Launing, Grasmond, Ostermond, Ostermonat
  • yes
  • yes
Box Title
  • April
  • Waitress
  • Peer Counselling Adviser at Tom Landry Middle School
  • shoe salesgirl/ student
  • April
  • DMX-22 Super Black Box Pack
  • siehe links
  • Black Hole
  • TBA
  • 22
  • 4000
  • 16
Voiced by
  • Laura Prepon
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Inactive
  • Unknown
  • 165
First Appearance
  • MGD3 Productions
  • Brown
  • April
  • April
  • April
  • April Sleven
  • Creature
  • Ventriloquist's dummy
  • 25597699
  • Apuriru
  • April in 2003
  • April on the sidewalk
  • April with his master, Kinnosuke.
  • University Challenge
  • ?
  • 25
  • 26
  • 28
  • *Spell Casting *Potion Making *Scrying *Mediumship
  • Light
  • Little Miss Nuts & Bolts
  • s
  • black
  • ?
  • Angus
  • 250
  • Unknown
  • アプリル
  • Апрель
  • Апрель
  • ?
  • Fehl Prime Colonist
  • #C0C0C0
  • Easy, Med, Hard, PRO
  • Bright Red
  • *Superhuman strength
  • * Programming provided April with a range of different fighting styles.
  • 4
  • Brak udziału
  • 23
  • Brak udziału
  • April.JPG
  • Huhtikuu
  • Huhtikuu
  • Pirate
  • Dissident
  • Good
  • ancient history, literature, ancient Egypt
  • April
  • Abril
  • Abril
  • 1
  • 14
  • 29
  • ?
  • Emoticon & Kitsune²
  • ?
  • 1995
  • Female
  • Male
  • Unknown
  • 2016
  • Human
  • Terran
  • -
  • がつ
  • No Rarity
  • Unnamed Father
  • 2007
  • Lego April.png
  • Unknown
  • London, Dartmouth University
wikipage disambiguates
  • __NOEDITSECTION__January • February • March • April • May • June • July • August • September • October • November • December
  • April may refer to the following Aprils. * April (2005) * April (2006) * April (2007) * April (2008) * April (2009)
  • April, sometimes romanized as Eipuriru, is the ventriloquist dummy used as a butler by Kinnosuke Kashao. His role seems to be mostly so that the latter can have someone to talk to due his lonely lifestyle and also imagine living a luxurious lifestyle as someone with his own personal butler. April's appearance is that of a bespectacled and older bald gentleman with white hair and a mustache wearing a bow tie, tailcoat, and striped pants. Oddly, Kinnosuke has had April for long that it seems like the dummy has developed his own, independent, personality and consciousness, as shown by April giving Nabiki Tendo ¥10 to call for an ambulance despite this meaning that Kinnosuke will lose the fight between him and Nabiki.
  • April was the fourth month of the year. This month contains 30 days.
  • April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days. April 9 is the 99th day of the year (100th in leap years), with 266 days remaining. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean Glow-in-the-Dark Sticker Book published. April 10 is the 100th day of the year (101st in leap years), with 265 days remaining. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: The Movie Storybook published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (junior novelization) published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: Singapore! published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: The Mystic's Journey published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: Saving Jack Sparrow published. * 2007 – Pirates of the Caribbean: Poster Book published. April 12 is the 102nd day of the year (103rd in leap years), with 263 days remaining. * 1992 – Pirates of the Caribbean attraction opened at Disneyland Park, Paris. * 2011 – The Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides junior novelization was released. April 15 is the 105th day of the year (106th in leap years), with 260 days remaining. * 1983 – Pirates of the Caribbean attraction opened at Tokyo Disneyland. April 16 is the 106th day of the year (107th in leap years), with 259 days remaining. * 1856 – Letters of Marque are abolished with the Declaration of Paris. April 19 is the 109th day of the year (110th in leap years), with 256 days remaining. * 2011 – Pirates of the Caribbean: Six Sea Shanties was set to be released. April 27 is the 117th day of the year (118th in leap years), with 248 days remaining. * 1956 – Kevin McNally (Joshamee Gibbs) born. April 29 is the 119th day of the year (120th in leap years), with 246 days remaining. * 2008 – Jack Sparrow: Poseidon's Peak published.
  • April ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, die 2013 erschien ist.
  • -.- finish the site men =/
  • April in the Northern Hemisphere is during the spring. The hours of daylight are getting longer, the weather is still cold but getting warmer. In England two migratory Birds, the cookoo and the swallow arive in April so rural people called April the month of the cookoo and the swallow. The Romans thought April was the special month of their goddess of Love, Venus. Romans held many festivals in her honour in April. April in the Southern Hemisphere is during the autumn, days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder. The 23rd of April is Saint George's day, then people remember a silly story and imagine someone called Saint George killed a dragon.
  • April is the fourth month of the year. In the Gregorian Calendar, It has 30 days.
  • April was a month of great importance to the prosecution of the American Civil War. It was in many ways the month in which the war started in 1861, thanks to South Carolina's passage of a kind of "Declaration of Independence" from the United States. It was also the month in which the war ended, following the surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865. In the early part of the month, a victorious Abraham Lincoln visited Richmond to address the people of seceded Virginia. He would have been assassinated there, but for the intervention of the Fifth Doctor. It was a short-lived salvation, however, as Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in the middle of the month. Many ordinary citizens wrote letters throughout the month about Lincoln's fate, and about the future of the United States and the former Confederacy. Many letters, newspaper articles and diary entries were written by ordinary Americans — such as Will Johnson, Claire Bartlett, Hilary Makepeace and Kenneth Smith — during both of these fateful Aprils. Additionally, Paul LeVal was pressed into service in the Confederate Army, as were many southerners, during April 1961. (PROSE: Blood and Hope) History recorded that April was the month in which the Doctor was killed by River Song, specifically on 22 April 2011. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) In reality, the Eleventh Doctor was in the Tesselecta during the murder, and remained unharmed during the whole process. When River attempted to change the events of this fixed point in time, an alternate reality was created in which it was always 5:02 PM on 22 April 2011. This reality was undone once events were allowed to continue. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)
  • April was a young witch applying to become a student at Magic School.
  • April är den fjärde månaden av året i Gregorian kalender. Den har 30 dagar.
  • April is the fourth month of the Human year.
  • April is the fourth month of the year.
  • April was a MI-6 agent who supported November 11.
  • April was a month in Earth's calendar.
  • April was the fourth month of the Human year.
  • This is the biography of April Sleven, a sim from the 3D Sims 3 game. Her traits: Neurotic, Mean Spirited, Evil, and Book Worm. Her favourite colour is black and she likes Heavy Metal music.
  • April is the fourth month of the year and one of four months with a length of thirty days. (source)
  • April ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA. Sie wurde am 03.04.2010 mit einem Geburtsgewicht von 120 kg auch dort geboren. Über ihre Eltern hat sie mehrere Geschwister und Halbgeschwister, viele von ihnen leben ebenfalls im CEC.
  • Off the Valley.
  • April is the fourth month in the Gregorian calendar. It occurs in Wheel of Time world during Aine 17 to Adar 18.
  • These are events from the month of April.
  • April is the fourth month of the year and marks the middle of the spring. One of april's most important events is the Cherry Blossom Watch, which happens in every game from the Animal Crossing series.
  • April is a colonist in Fehl Prime in 2185, and the daughter of Christine. She is a very lively little girl who idolizes the Systems Alliance Marines. She is greatly in awe of Lieutenant James Vega and worships him, their relationship almost one of brother and sister. Occasionally she pretends to be a marine by putting on James's combat helmet. One time, during the defense cannon installation, April comes to meet Vega with her mother. She snaps him a military salute and pretends to be a professional. Vega presents her with a badge for her to wear. April good-naturedly accuses Vega for staring at Treeya a little differently from others after he greets her. Vega is taken aback at this but saves the situation by hoisting up onto his shoulders and telling her to perform as a lookout for bad guys. April merrily complies, imagining herself as a true private of the Alliance. She then asks about the big gun the Alliance has put up and Vega promises her that he will use it to keep the colony safe. When the Collectors attack the colony, April and Christine are paralyzed by the Seeker Swarms. Delta Squad is forced to watch and let the Collectors carry them away to their ship. Later, when Delta Squad infiltrates the Collector ship and releases the antidote from the processing plant, April reawakens along with the other colonists. She never gives up hope on Vega, believing firmly that he would come and save them. She even contacts Vega on the comm using Toni's omni-tool, telling him to come and save them and that she will always believe in him. Unfortunately, Vega has to make a difficult choice and the one he makes causes the death of April and the other colonists as the Collector ship crashes onto the planet surface before the colonists are evacuated.
  • What happened in April over the years.
  • April is the deceased ex-girlfriend of Roger Davis. Like Roger, she is HIV+ which caused her to commit suicide. She was mentioned by name in Tune Up #3, and is known to have been taking drugs with Roger, which is the most likely cause of their HIV+ status. Portrayed by Mackenzie Firgens in the 2005 movie adaption.
  • April is a minor character in the Guilty Gear series, who is the best friend of May, as well as Dizzy and Johnny's crewmate. She is in charge of the ship's navigation and acts like an older sister to May. Though she doesn't appear to be combatant, she joins May in her in-game battle pose and her Install Kill. She is also featured alongside May in some official art. In Guilty Gear XX, she comforts Dizzy who has just calmed down after going berserk. She tells Dizzy, who has doubts about her origins, that she was sure that Gears can have parents. In Accent Core, she and Johnny become worried at May's disappearance and set off to find her. April appeared in the GGX promotional trailer, navigating the ship at May's command.
  • Robin #173 came out today and was very Spoiler-rific! scans available here Spoiler in the July solicits! ROBIN #176 Written by Chuck Dixon Cover by Freddie E. Williams II Art by Chris Batista & Cam Smith A “Batman: R.I.P.” story! The shocking conclusion that will start of the rest of Tim Drake’s life — or is it the end? With Batman missing, Robin becomes the new Dark Knight. It’s Robin and Spoiler in an all-out brawl with Gotham City’s underworld — but with Batman’s trail growing cold, the end of this fight will decide the future of the Bat family! On sale July 16 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
  • April is the peer counselling class adviser at Tom Landry Middle School. She is the voice of Laura Prepon.
  • April ist ein Charakter aus der Folge "Der Verrat ("Zdrada") aus der Wiedźmin Comic Serie, der sechsten Ausgabe der Serie. In der Hexer Saga gibt es eine Zauberin namens April Wenhaver. Es kann nicht mit Sicherheit gesagt werden, ob diese beiden Charaktere identisch sind. Kategorie:Stubs
  • April ist der vierte Monat des Jahres. Er ist einer der Monate des Jahres mit dreißig Tagen.
  • April is the fourth month of the year. It is one of the months of the year with thirty days.
  • April is the wife of Floyd in Garfield and Friends. She once demanded that her husband ask Garfield for more airtime on the show, which resulted in her throwing Floyd out of their home.
  • April is the fourth month of the year. It has 30 days. For events in April, see the pages on specific dates below.
  • Name: April, Bella Gender: Female Age: Unknown Classification: Human, Contractor, MI6 Agent Powers and Abilities: Peak human physical stats, atmospheric pressure manipulation, water manipulation, can create small hurricanes Stamina: Average Range: Up to several meters Intelligence: Experienced field agent for the MI6. Weaknesses: Nothing notable -Contractor: Contractors possess two other traits that give them a rather sinister reputation: the need to perform Obeisance, which is a bizarre, obsessive compulsive "payment" for the use of their powers, and a generally pragmatic, logical world view. Contractors have a very wide array of powers, and each Contractor appears to have a power unique to him or herself. When a Contractor's powers are used, his or her eyes glow red and a blue glow occasionally surrounds its body. All Contractors are rational and practically immune to emotions. But they're many Contractors who have exhibit at least some forms of emotion, including love, joy, guilt, and sorrow. * -Atmospheric Pressure Manipulation: She has the ability to create localized hurricane weather conditions. This including high velocity winds and large amounts of precipitation. She can focus the ability with fine manipulation. This ability matches up perfectly with November 11's as it coats everything in water that November 11 in turn can freeze. The two of them make a deadly combination, with the two of them using their power in conjunction to overpower an enemy. * -Obeisance: Her remuneration is to drink alcoholic beverages. In contrast to November 11, she very much enjoys her remuneration due to her love for alcohol.
  • April is the protagonist in the 2009 film Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself, she was a self-centered alcholic singer who worked at a nightclub, She is the wife of the second protagonist of the film Sandino She is played by Taraji P. Henson
  • April is a sorceress who appears in the graphic novel Zdrada (English: The Betrayal), the 6th comic in that series. It is not known if she is meant to be April Wenhaver.
  • Der April ist der dritte Monat des Jahres im gregorianischen Kalender. Er hat 30 Tage und beginnt mit demselben Wochentag wie der Juli und in Schaltjahren auch wie der Januar. Im römischen Kalender war der Aprilis ursprünglich der zweite Monat, weil mit dem Ende des Winters im März das neue landwirtschaftliche (aber auch militärische) Jahr begann. Es gibt keine gesicherte Herleitung des Namens. Da die Namen der ersten Jahreshälfte Götter wiedergeben, könnte es von Aphrodite stammen, die als Göttin für Liebe zu April passen würde, auch wenn der römische Name Venus gewesen wäre. Der Name bezieht sich möglicherweise auch auf die sich öffnenden Knospen im Frühling und wäre dann vom Lateinischen aperire („öffnen“) herzuleiten. Eine andere Etymologie sieht apricus („sonnig“) als Ursprung des Wortes. Zur Regierungszeit Kaiser Neros wurde der Monat ihm zu Ehren in Neroneus umbenannt, was sich allerdings nicht durchsetzte. Unter Kaiser Commodus hieß der Monat dann Pius, einer der Namen des Kaiser, auch diese Umbenennung wurde nach seinem Tod wieder rückgängig gemacht. Der alte deutsche Name, der durch Karl den Großen im 8. Jahrhundert eingeführt wurde, ist Ostermond, weil Ostern meist im April liegt. Andere, heute kaum mehr gebräuchliche Bezeichnungen sind Wandelmonat, Grasmond oder auch Launing. Der Sage nach wurde Luzifer am 1. April aus dem Himmel verstoßen. [[Datei:Chronography of 354 Mensis Aprilis.png|miniatur|hochkant|Der Monat April im Chronograph von 354 des spätantiken Kalligraphen Filocalus.]] Seit dem 16. Jahrhundert ist in Europa der Brauch belegt, am 1. April einen Aprilscherz zu begehen, indem man seine Mitmenschen mit einem mehr oder weniger derben Scherz oder einer Lügengeschichte „in den April schickt“. Daher stammen auch die folgenden beiden Sprichwörter: Aprilwetter steht bildlich für wechselhaftes Wetter, auch wenn es in anderen Monaten stattfindet: [[Datei:April_Leandro_Bassano.jpg|miniatur|April, Leandro Bassano]]
  • April is the year month in which, especially known in 1990, for being the year month that zombies attacked humans when they woke up from their graves. But this only happened once.
  • April was a canidate for the 2017 Toad President Election. April received 2 votes, ~7% of the popular vote. This tied for 2nd place but she wasn't nominated for Vice President. Her political party was The Church of Toad.
  • April was a waitress employed by the Black Hole bar -- an establishment where brawls between members of the Colonial Fleet and Confederate Marine Corps were common. It was in one of these fights that April got caught in the crossfire, specifically one of chocolate and framberry cakes.
  • April er den fjerde måned i året. Den har 30 dage. * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days.
  • April (ook wel: grasmaand, paasmaand, eiermaand) is de vierde maand van het jaar in de Gregoriaanse kalender, en heeft 30 dagen. In de oud-Romeinse kalender was het de tweede maand. De naam komt van het Latijnse woord aperire hetgeen openen betekent. Waarschijnlijk refereert het aan de groei van de planten en bloemen in de lente. Een andere theorie stelt dat de naam is afgeleid van een woord dat 'tweede' betekent, of van Aperta, een bijnaam van Apollon.
  • Am Monatsersten sollte man besser keine Versicherung abschließen oder größere Käufe tätigen; der Verkäufer könnte später behaupten, die Konditionen seien ein Aprilscherz gewesen.
  • April by Emoticon & Kitsune² is a song from the first addon pack for Mungyodance 2. As the two Addons were later meant to be MGD3 previews, it is now set to appear in the upcoming Mungyodance 3: The Third Rave, as a normal song.
  • April, al igual que su madre Iris, es extremadamente tímida, y, a pesar de que se encargará de la tienda cuando su madre se retire, no puede cruzar palabra sin ponerse roja y además, tiene la autoestima por los suelos. Le encantan las flores, y puede que la veas recogiéndolas por el valle. Sus ramilletes son los más bonitos del valle, pero para ella no son lo suficiente buenos.
  • April is the fourth month of the Gregorian, Julian, and Revised Julian calendars. The etymology of this month is obscure; it either comes from the Latin word aperire, meaning "to open," or from Aphril, another name for the Greek goddess Aphrodite. It has thirty days.
  • April in this month in; * 2008 - on the 10th of April Tractor and Construction Plant Wiki was founded by BulldozerD11 * 2005 - Doosan acquired Daewoo * 1975 - British Leyland Motor Corporation was Nationalised y the then Labour Government * 1952 - Harry Ferguson and the Ford Motor Company settle there long running law suit * 1949 - The Ferguson TE-D20 introduced with new 85 mm bore engine. * 1933 - Onward a Showman's road locomotive Fowler no. 19989 2nd to last built * 1932 - King Carnival II Showman's road locomotive Fowler no. 19783 3rd to last built. * 1929 - Oliver Corporation created from merger of Hart-Parr, Oliver Chilled Plow Co., Nichols & Shepard and the American Seeding Machine Company. * 1876 - O&K founded in Germany.
  • April — słoweńska wokalistka. Uczestnicy 23. Worldvision Song Contest Reprezentanci 20px|border|Słowenia Słowenii w Worldvision Song Contest 1. WSC: Ayla • 2. WSC: Rebeka Dremelj • 3. WSC: Omar Naber • 5. WSC: Anzej Dezan & Sasa Lendero & Maja Slatinsek • 7. WSC: Sasa Lendero • 8. WSC: Nusa Derenda • 9. WSC: Zablujena Generacija • 10. WSC: Omar Naber • 11. WSC: Alenka Gotar • 13. WSC: Nina Puslar • 14. WSC: Kristina • 18. WSC: Rebeka Dremelj • 21. WSC: Iris • 23. WSC: April • 26. WSC: Sebastian • 27. WSC: Maja Keuc & Camall • 34. WSC: Tina Maze • 41. WSC: Bohem
  • April ist ein Monat in der Zeitrechnung der Erde. Auf der Erde ist es Tradition, dass am ersten April die Menschen einander Streiche spielen. (TNG: ) Am 24. April 1987 wird Gabriel Bell in San Francisco, USA, Erde geboren. (DS9: , ) Am 05. April 2063 findet der erste Warpflug der Menschheit statt, den Zefram Cochrane mit dem Raumschiff Phoenix durchführt. Ein vulkanisches Patrouillenschiff entdeckt die Warpsignatur und stellt unmittelbar nach Cochranes Rückkehr zur Erde den Ersten Kontakt her. Im 24. Jahrhundert ist der Tag des Ersten Kontakts in der Föderation ein Feiertag. Schüler auf der Erde erhalten zu diesem Anlass schulfrei. (Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt, VOY: ) Im April 2151 ist der Jungfernflug der Enterprise (NX-01). Der primäre Auftrag der Enterprise besteht vor allem darin, nach und nach die Regionen des Alls zu erforschen, in denen noch nie ein Mensch zuvor gewesen ist. (ENT: ) }} Jahreszeiten * Frühling * Sommer * Herbst * Winter Monate Erde * Januar * Februar * März * April * Mai * Juni * Juli * August * September * Oktober * November * Dezember Qo'noS * Maktag * nay'Poq Vulkan * Tasmeen Wochentage * Montag * Dienstag * Mittwoch * Donnerstag * Freitag * Samstag * Sonntag Tageszeiten * Morgen * Vormittag * Mittag * Nachmittag * Abend * Nacht
  • April is the fourth month of the year and marks the middle of the spring. One of april's most important events is the Cherry Blossom Watch, which happens in every game from the .
  • April is the fourth month of the year. It is one of the months of the year that has thirty days.
  • April was a bar waitress with a fondness for cars. She described herself as having a "Mercedes taste on a Mazda salary." In 1981, April bought a Pontiac Trans Am from Will Harrell at a reduced price. April didn't ask questions about why he was so eager to sell the car, despite clearly loving it. She simply took the deal. She later sold it for twice what she paid. The car was later found to have been involved in the murder of Paige Pratt. In 2003, April was questioned Detective Will Jeffries and Nick Vera about buying the car from Will Harrell. This would eventually lead them to the car's latest owner, a teenage boy named Isaac.
  • April is de vierde maand van het jaar. Het is een van de maanden van het jaar met dertig dagen.
  • April is de vierde maand van het jaar. Het is een van de maanden van het jaar met dertig dagen.
  • April was named after April Hunter, the Roman goddess of camel toe. It originally contained 69 days, but due to jealousy from the other months (especially July and August), it was shortened to just 30 days by the Emperor Darth Hadrian. April continues to have 30 days now, however, there is a group in the USA who wishes to shorten the month to just 14 days. This group, the AATOA, is entitled Americans Against Taxation and Other Annoyances. A sister group in Canada (CATOA) wants to get rid of April entirely. Another month both groups would like to shorten is August. This would have to go to considerably less than 15 days, knocking out the IRS extension tax return deadline, but also removing some of the hottest days of the year.
  • April is a character labeled as The Awful Liar in Total Drama Idiots.
  • April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. It has 30 days. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • April is the student Mark tries to seduce in the episode University Challenge. She has low self esteem, is fidgety and nervous, but is very intelligent and beautiful. She works part time at a shoe shop near Mark's flat in Croydon where they meet and discuss Mark's foot size and ancient Egypt. Mark then follows her to his alma mater Dartmouth University. She is invited, along with Mark, into Professor Mcleish's inner ring.
  • April is a cat NPC toon working at April's Showers and Tubs on Oak Street, Daisy Gardens.
  • framed|left|Viele Jungtiere kommen im April zur Welt Der April ist der vierte Monat des Jahres. Auf der Nordhalbkugel beginnt nun überall die Vegetation mit voller Kraft zu wachsen. das Wetter ist aber noch sehr instabil. Sonne, Wind, Regen und sogar schnee können sich an einem einzigen Tag abwechseln. In Amerikanien wird der April auch "Mond der Wanderwolken" genannt, weil der kühle Wind die Wolken unablässlich über den weiten Himmel jagt. Auf der Südhalbkugel ist der April der Erntemonat. In den gemässigten und tropischen Zonen sind Früchte und Getreide reif und können eingefahren werden. Dies ist einer der zwei Monate im Jahr, in denen die Erzeugnisse am frischesten sind. Südfrüchte und- getreide stehen hoch im Kurs. Am Ende des Monats ist in manchen Ländern auf der Südhalbkugel das Erntedankfest. Vielerorts gibt es den Brauch, seine Mitmenschen am 1. April "in den April zu schicken", indem man sie mit einer unwahren aber glaubwürdigen Nachricht dazu bringt, zu reagieren und sich so zum Narren zu machen. Wird der Sachverhalt aufgeklärt spottet man mit den Worten: "April, April!" In Amerikanien auch "Wanderwolke, Wanderwolke, Narretei regiert im ganzen Volke!" In Frankreich versucht man an diesem Tag Anderen einen Fisch aus Papier an den Rücken zu heften, ohne dass der Betroffene das merkt. Narreteien solcher Art sind jedoch in manchen Ländern, wie zum Beispiel Steamien, unter Strafe verboten. * Agaton Mars Krypto-Biologe, Mitglied des Führungstriumvates von Aquanopolis. (1. April 1752) * Eleanor Roosevelt Vizepräsidentin Amerikaniens. (11. April 1741) * Louis Daguerre Mit-Vater der Fotografie. (15. April 1635) * Melinda Vega Aztekische Sängerin. (28. April 1774) * Penelope Lopez Venezolanische Autorin und Nobelpreisträgerin. (28. April 1766)
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