  • Shut Up, Kirk
  • So The Hero has finally penetrated the Big Bad's fortress, defeated his Mooks, made his Dynamic Entry into the inner sanctum, and the final confrontation is about to begin. Of course, being the Hero, he sums up all that is wrong about what the villain is doing and offers him one last chance to cease his evil-doing and repent. The villain, of course, will have none of it, and rather than wasting time with We Can Rule Together and the like, gives a resounding "Shut Up Kirk!" and the battle is joined. Examples of Shut Up, Kirk include:
  • So The Hero has finally penetrated the Big Bad's fortress, defeated his Mooks, made his Dynamic Entry into the inner sanctum, and the final confrontation is about to begin. Of course, being the Hero, he sums up all that is wrong about what the villain is doing and offers him one last chance to cease his evil-doing and repent. The villain, of course, will have none of it, and rather than wasting time with We Can Rule Together and the like, gives a resounding "Shut Up Kirk!" and the battle is joined. The Kirk Summation equivalent of Shut UP, Hannibal, Shut Up Kirk is when the hero/protagonist speaks the Summation (Kirk or otherwise), Patrick Stewart Speech, or some other goody-goody life-affirming lecture and the villain/antagonist rejects what the hero has said and reaffirms his motives and actions. When the hero spells out how his plan to destroy all life on the planet is wrong, the villain usually will respond with this trope with something like "They don't deserve to live!" or "Silence! How dare you question my judgment?" or "Fool, only those with strength such as mine are fit to survive!" There are even some cases where the villain will deny the charges against him and will instead take this opportunity to reveal completely different (but equally villainous) motives: Then again, the antagonist may reject the last chance offered him and order the Hero to kill him, especially if the hero's a Worthy Opponent. Of course, the Shut Up, Kirk need not be verbal; the No-Nonsense Villain can just as well respond by shooting the hero point blank to shut him up, or some variation thereof. Pretty much a staple when it comes to final showdowns, and can often double as a Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner. Compare Sedgwick Speech, Talk to the Fist. Examples of Shut Up, Kirk include: