  • Doodle Yervin
  • Doodle Yervin is in the Yervin Family. He is a penguin who loves drawing and has a crush on Jtolla. Jtolla, however, doesn't even know he exsists and probably wouldn't share the same feelings if they met. Doodle is not a very succesful artist, and he owns Leonardo Puff Vinci, who he gets ahlf the profits of his art from. Therefore, he raised a very succesful artist, but really isn't one. Most people see him deranged, noticing the fact he has got obssesed with his work. He claims he is always being followed by the Grim Reapuff, making most people think he is delerious.
  • Doodle Yervin is in the Yervin Family. He is a penguin who loves drawing and has a crush on Jtolla. Jtolla, however, doesn't even know he exsists and probably wouldn't share the same feelings if they met. Doodle is not a very succesful artist, and he owns Leonardo Puff Vinci, who he gets ahlf the profits of his art from. Therefore, he raised a very succesful artist, but really isn't one. Most people see him deranged, noticing the fact he has got obssesed with his work. He claims he is always being followed by the Grim Reapuff, making most people think he is delerious. He has never in his life ever been on a date, and has only drawn paper versions of Jtolla. He has also built a shrine to Jtolla, which freaks out everyone who visits him. Luckily not much people visit him. They have mentioned this to Jtolla, and she just thinks they're pulling a prank on her.