  • Korrd
  • Korrd
  • Korrd
  • General Korrd was a Klingon male in the 23rd century. He had a distinguished career in the Klingon Defense Force, including campaigns against Federation forces which were required reading at Starfleet Academy.
  • Le Général Korrd était un Klingon issu des champs de bataille et servait pour le Commandement Impérial Klingon, puis fut Consul sur la planète Nimbus III dans les années 2280.
  • Korrd's military strategies became widely studied, even outside the Empire. Starfleet Academy included his strategies as part of the curriculum in the early 2250s. Korrd was assigned to the Shepard sector on stardate 4326.3. He was in command of the Klingon patrol forces in this region. In the time he was commander, the Feira Incident occurred, in which he was held responsible by the Klingon High Command for the failure of his patrol forces at preventing the Orions from attacking material outposts. While no definite transformation is possible, stardate 4326.3 should fall within the 2260s.
  • thumb|General Korrd (2287) thumb|Korrds Lebenslauf in der Datenbank der Sternenflotte Korrd ist ein klingonischer Offizier. Seine Militärstrategien sind zu Kirks Zeiten an der Sternenflottenakademie Pflichtstoff. Ein weiteres Mal ist er Captain Spock nach anfänglichem Zögern behilflich, jene heikle Situation bezüglich seines Untergebenen Captain Klaa zu schlichten, ehe dieser die Enterprise angreifen und Captain Kirk auf der Oberfläche des Planeten überwältigen und gefangen nehmen kann. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums)
  • 2287
  • General Korrd
  • Adviser to Chancellor Gorkon
  • Ambassador to Nimbus III
  • Ambassador
  • Active
  • Unnamed sister
  • Korrd
  • kling
  • Korrd
Character Name
  • Korrd
  • Unnamed son, Unnamed daughter
  • 220
  • Male
  • Early 23rd century
Other Relatives
  • General Korrd was a Klingon male in the 23rd century. He had a distinguished career in the Klingon Defense Force, including campaigns against Federation forces which were required reading at Starfleet Academy.
  • Korrd's military strategies became widely studied, even outside the Empire. Starfleet Academy included his strategies as part of the curriculum in the early 2250s. Korrd was assigned to the Shepard sector on stardate 4326.3. He was in command of the Klingon patrol forces in this region. In the time he was commander, the Feira Incident occurred, in which he was held responsible by the Klingon High Command for the failure of his patrol forces at preventing the Orions from attacking material outposts. While no definite transformation is possible, stardate 4326.3 should fall within the 2260s. Later, Korrd was assigned to the K'Rebeca sector as a field commander. By 2287, Korrd had fallen out of favor with the Klingon High Command, and was relegated to a position as a representative of his people on Nimbus III. By this point, Korrd had become disenfranchised with his career, drinking heavily and adopting an apathetic attitude. When Caithlin Dar, the Romulan representative to Nimbus III, arrived to greet Korrd and St. John Talbot, the Federation representative, Korrd only responded with a loud belch. When the renegade Vulcan Sybok arrived on Nimbus III, capturing Paradise City with the support of his "Galactic Army of Light," he confronted the three representatives and mentally manipulated them into joining his cause of locating the mythical planet of Sha Ka Ree. Korrd went with him as he had captured the USS Enterprise and took it to Sha Ka Ree. When Captain Klaa arrived, a renegade Klingon on a mission to destroy the Enterprise in a quest for glory, Captain Spock convinced Korrd to overrule his command. Taking command of Klaa's Bird-of-Prey, he instituted Spock as the ship's temporary gunner, allowing him to destroy a malevolent alien entity which was attempting to kill Captain Kirk on the planet's surface. Korrd subsequently forced Klaa to apologize to Kirk for his unauthorized actions, and even shared a drink of scotch whisky with Captain Montgomery Scott upon the conclusion of the crisis. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
  • thumb|General Korrd (2287) thumb|Korrds Lebenslauf in der Datenbank der Sternenflotte Korrd ist ein klingonischer Offizier. Seine Militärstrategien sind zu Kirks Zeiten an der Sternenflottenakademie Pflichtstoff. 2287 ist er der klingonische Botschafter auf Nimbus III, nachdem er bei seinem Oberkommando in Ungnade gefallen ist. Im selben Jahr wird er von den Truppen des anrückenden Sybok als Geisel genommen und anschließend einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen. So manipuliert hilft er Sybok, die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) zu kapern um mit ihr ins Zentrum der Galaxis vorzudringen, wo der Vulkanier den mystischen Planeten Sha Ka Ree vermutet. Ein weiteres Mal ist er Captain Spock nach anfänglichem Zögern behilflich, jene heikle Situation bezüglich seines Untergebenen Captain Klaa zu schlichten, ehe dieser die Enterprise angreifen und Captain Kirk auf der Oberfläche des Planeten überwältigen und gefangen nehmen kann. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) Korrd wurde durch Charles Cooper verkörpert, der in der Nachfolgerserie [[]] den klingonischen Kanzler K'mpec darstellt. Seine deutsche Stimme erhielt er von Manfred Erdmann.
  • Le Général Korrd était un Klingon issu des champs de bataille et servait pour le Commandement Impérial Klingon, puis fut Consul sur la planète Nimbus III dans les années 2280.
is Characters of
is Other Relatives of