  • Ornaran freighter
  • First constructed during the mid-22nd century, they continued to be used, and remained relatively unchanged through the 2360s, when their state of disrepair affected the three remaining ships on Ornara to result in the destruction of the Sanction. (TNG: "Symbiosis" ) The Ornaran freighter was a redress of the Talarian freighter Batris, from TNG: "Heart of Glory" and later reappeared as the class 9 cargo vessel, Erstwhile in TNG: "The Outrageous Okona" .
  • First constructed during the mid-22nd century, they continued to be used, and remained relatively unchanged through the 2360s, when their state of disrepair affected the three remaining ships on Ornara to result in the destruction of the Sanction. (TNG: "Symbiosis" ) The Ornaran freighter was a redress of the Talarian freighter Batris, from TNG: "Heart of Glory" and later reappeared as the class 9 cargo vessel, Erstwhile in TNG: "The Outrageous Okona" .