  • In Their Paws
  • Dewpetal was always an ordinary she-cat in WingClan - the one who always respects the leader, the one who works endlessly for her Clan. When the medicine cat starts talking about a prophecy, she is frightened about what is going on... Meanwhile, outside the Clan, Soot is a rogue who is worried by a threat looking on the horizon. As such, he joins WingClan, and tells them of his threat. Only one cat believes him - and that is Dewpetal. Now Soot and Dewpetal must convince the Clan about what's coming, before it's too late...
  • Dewpetal was always an ordinary she-cat in WingClan - the one who always respects the leader, the one who works endlessly for her Clan. When the medicine cat starts talking about a prophecy, she is frightened about what is going on... Meanwhile, outside the Clan, Soot is a rogue who is worried by a threat looking on the horizon. As such, he joins WingClan, and tells them of his threat. Only one cat believes him - and that is Dewpetal. Now Soot and Dewpetal must convince the Clan about what's coming, before it's too late...