  • ...has been cornered by spicily arrogant débutantes
  • From: [[]] It's possible to be very polite and very cruel at the same time. Intervene. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'She won me fifty echoes, y'know!'
Failure title
  • 'You live where? Oh, I'm sorry.'
  • 122
Failure description
  • You ask her a few questions about herself, but the answers only give her persecutors more ammunition. Soon, she pretends she's seen someone she knows across the room and takes her leave. The débutantes put little effort into hiding their laughter.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Turkish Girl...
Unlocked with
  • exactly 5
Success description
  • You interrupt the talk of salons and fashions with a question about shroom-hopping. […] It turns out that many of guests have won money betting on her. Talk turns to the races, leaving the débutantes in the cold.
  • It's possible to be very polite and very cruel at the same time. Intervene.
  • From: [[]] It's possible to be very polite and very cruel at the same time. Intervene. [Find the rest of the story at ]