  • Teras Kasi
  • Its earliest practitioners, perhaps it creators, were the Hutts of Alderaan who at that time faced discrimination and persecution from the human majority. Forbidden by local laws to bear weapons, the Hutts found in Teras Kasi a means of defense. It was adopted wholeheartedly and urban fight clubs sprang up across the planet. When the Organas, a human aristocratic clan, usurped the Alderaanian throne and intensified the persecutions, certain young Hutts began using it offensively.
  • Its earliest practitioners, perhaps it creators, were the Hutts of Alderaan who at that time faced discrimination and persecution from the human majority. Forbidden by local laws to bear weapons, the Hutts found in Teras Kasi a means of defense. It was adopted wholeheartedly and urban fight clubs sprang up across the planet. When the Organas, a human aristocratic clan, usurped the Alderaanian throne and intensified the persecutions, certain young Hutts began using it offensively. Before long the government instigated rioters began to meet such determined opposition that the Royal Alderaanian Army had to be called in to support them. However, because Alderaanians were pacifists there was no Royal Alderaanian Army to call. Instead the Organas hired the Echani. Since Echani warriors fought in the buff their arrival was met with mixed public feelings. On the one hand, the Echani were the only combat force which Alderaan's tight-fisted Department of Finance would admit to being able to afford. On the other hand, Alderaan's family orientated tourist trade, a major economic power, was hurt — vibroblade and blaster toting starkers patrolling the streets was not the image the industry wanted to send. In the end the problem was solved when the Hutt rebels crushed the Echanis to death.