  • Fatal-A Novel of Corrupted Innocence
  • Fatal (though its proper name is Fatal: A Novel of Corrupted Innocence) is the story of Senn, a nineteen year old boy with a Badass Longcoat and emo hair, his friend and later, bitter enemy Seya, a boy with Angst about his weakness, and The Heart Purity, a timid sixteen year old girl who doesn't like fighting, but will become the Action Girl when necessary. Except she's dead now. The three are a member of the Society, an organization that sends soldiers known as "excavationists", to well.. excavate. On one night, Senn finds the local Artifact of Doom on a dig, but is unable to reach it. Upon everyone returning to the Society's base and going to sleep, Seya steals Disctypes (a mysterious technology in the shape of a disc that expands into a certain object on the owner's will) from the Socie
  • Fatal (though its proper name is Fatal: A Novel of Corrupted Innocence) is the story of Senn, a nineteen year old boy with a Badass Longcoat and emo hair, his friend and later, bitter enemy Seya, a boy with Angst about his weakness, and The Heart Purity, a timid sixteen year old girl who doesn't like fighting, but will become the Action Girl when necessary. Except she's dead now. The three are a member of the Society, an organization that sends soldiers known as "excavationists", to well.. excavate. On one night, Senn finds the local Artifact of Doom on a dig, but is unable to reach it. Upon everyone returning to the Society's base and going to sleep, Seya steals Disctypes (a mysterious technology in the shape of a disc that expands into a certain object on the owner's will) from the Society's infantry to go out and get the artifact on his own. Senn finds Seya there, finding out that the artifact is part of a set of three. From then on, a multitude of things happen, from Heroic Sacrifice, Kill the Cutie, and more. Read it here. The author, known as Riku, has used a forum he visits to place his work, although he is considering looking into a domain for it, as it's becoming more popular.