  • Roaming
  • Roaming
  • Roaming is
  • Roaming is a rare style of gameplay in which your champion spends the "laning phase" of the game roaming across the map rather than spending it laning or jungling. Roamers are generally champions with high base stats, are not dependent on farming/items, set up ganks well and/or gank well themselves. Roamers often focus on ganking lanes, clearing wards, counter jungling or even killing the enemy jungler.
  • Roaming is
  • Roaming is a rare style of gameplay in which your champion spends the "laning phase" of the game roaming across the map rather than spending it laning or jungling. Roamers are generally champions with high base stats, are not dependent on farming/items, set up ganks well and/or gank well themselves. Roamers often focus on ganking lanes, clearing wards, counter jungling or even killing the enemy jungler. Having a roamer allows each teammate their own lane, giving them a level advantage. With a jungler, there will be three solo lanes. If your team contains a roamer your team should have a champion that can hold their own against two champions by themselves, or roaming can become a liability rather than an asset. Many of the concepts of roaming have become an integral part of some junglers, including File:RivenSquare.png Riven and File:MaokaiSquare.png Maokai. Rather than farming the jungle, some junglers are more suited to counter jungling and roaming.