  • So You Want To/See the Index
  • This index holds the various pages of the So You Want To namespace. Go to Write a Story and Be Original for basic advice that transcends genre boundaries. If You Want to Suggest a Page. There is a rather large section at the tail end of the article. It is separated into the same sections as the rest of the article- as shown by order of appearance- though not labeled. Feel free to add suggestions using the existing format, and please look there first if you wish to write up a page. If you have trouble picking a title for your story, refer to Genre Title Grab Bag.
  • This index holds the various pages of the So You Want To namespace. Go to Write a Story and Be Original for basic advice that transcends genre boundaries. If You Want to Suggest a Page. There is a rather large section at the tail end of the article. It is separated into the same sections as the rest of the article- as shown by order of appearance- though not labeled. Feel free to add suggestions using the existing format, and please look there first if you wish to write up a page. To Write Up a Suggested Page: Make the title into a link (get rid of the spaces, and stick a slash between the So You Want To and the name of the page, like this: SoYouWantTo/SeeHowToDoThis). Move it onto its own line somewhere in the appropriate section. To Start a New (Unsuggested) Page: Just create a bulleted link at the end of the appropriate section, then click on it, click the Edit Page button, and start editing. To Expand An Existing Page. There are a few pages that need expanding. If you see one and you feel like you're up to it, please do so. To Get the Template: Head over to See a Template, open it for editing, and copy the template at the bottom of the page. Then come back here, click on the link for the page you want to create, open it for editing, paste in the template, and start filling in the sections. There you go! If you have trouble picking a title for your story, refer to Genre Title Grab Bag. Compare All the Tropes How to Guides. See also So You Want To/Make a Joke About The So You Want To Namespace