  • Fal-Tor-Pan
  • Fal-tor-pan
  • Fal-tor-pan
  • It was a synaptic pattern displacement technique that only trained members of the Vulcan people, such as the High Priestesses of Mount Seleya, are capable of accomplishing. The purpose of the ritual is to reunite the katra of a Vulcan with their body. The ritual is considered very dangerous to perform and has therefore been done only in a very few cases. This is because of the fragile state of both the recently deceased person and the keeper of the katra itself.
  • thumb|Das Fal-Tor-Pan-Ritual Fal-Tor-Pan ist ein vulkanisches Ritual zur Wiedervereinigung von Körper und der Katra, dem Geist bzw. Essenz einer Person. 2285 wird es von der Priesterin T'Lar an Spock durchgeführt. Obwohl es eine sehr schwierige und für alle eine gefährliche Prozedur ist, die seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr durchgeführt wurde, bittet Sarek darum, damit sein Sohn Spock wieder lebt. T'Lar gelingt es, mit Unterstützung anderer Priester, Spocks Katra von McCoy, dem Hüter der Katra, wieder in Spocks lebendigen Körper zu übertragen.
  • Il Fal-tor-pan è un rituale Vulcaniano atto a riunire il katra di un Vulcaniano al proprio corpo. Questo rituale fu eseguito sul Capitano Spock nel 2285 dopo che fu trovato sul pianeta Genesis dall'Ammiraglio Kirk. Il rituale era considerato molto pericoloso, sia per chi lo subiva, sia per il possessore del katra. Per questo motivo, non veniva eseguito quasi mai, ed al tempo del fal-tor-pan di Spock, non era chiaro se tale rito fosse mai stato eseguito prima. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock)
  • A variant of this ritual was performed when the katra of Surak was inside Captain Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "Kir'Shara") The fal-tor-pan was performed by High Priestess T'Lar on Captain Spock in 2285 after he was recovered from the Genesis Planet by Admiral Kirk. Prior to Spock's death during the Battle of the Mutara Nebula, he had transferred his katra into Doctor Leonard McCoy, but, after the Genesis effect revived Spock's body, the Enterprise senior staff took McCoy and the resurrected Spock to Vulcan, where Sarek requested that fal-tor-pan be performed to restore Spock's katra to his body. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) Despite the implied danger, McCoy came through the ritual unharmed, and, after a period of temporary amnesia as his knowledge returned to him, Spock soon returned t
  • It was a synaptic pattern displacement technique that only trained members of the Vulcan people, such as the High Priestesses of Mount Seleya, are capable of accomplishing. The purpose of the ritual is to reunite the katra of a Vulcan with their body. The ritual is considered very dangerous to perform and has therefore been done only in a very few cases. This is because of the fragile state of both the recently deceased person and the keeper of the katra itself.
  • thumb|Das Fal-Tor-Pan-Ritual Fal-Tor-Pan ist ein vulkanisches Ritual zur Wiedervereinigung von Körper und der Katra, dem Geist bzw. Essenz einer Person. 2285 wird es von der Priesterin T'Lar an Spock durchgeführt. Obwohl es eine sehr schwierige und für alle eine gefährliche Prozedur ist, die seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr durchgeführt wurde, bittet Sarek darum, damit sein Sohn Spock wieder lebt. T'Lar gelingt es, mit Unterstützung anderer Priester, Spocks Katra von McCoy, dem Hüter der Katra, wieder in Spocks lebendigen Körper zu übertragen. Das Ritual dauert einen ganzen Vulkan-Tag und wird in einem Tempel auf dem Berg Seleya durchgeführt. Die Priesterin legt eine Hand auf das Gesicht des Hüters der Katra und die andere Hand auf das Gesicht des seelenlosen Körpers. Beide liegen auf einem Altar. Begleitet durch die leise Musik der Gongs, begibt sich die Priesterin in einen Trance-Zustand, der einer Gedankenverschmelzung ähnelt. (Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock)
  • A variant of this ritual was performed when the katra of Surak was inside Captain Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "Kir'Shara") The fal-tor-pan was performed by High Priestess T'Lar on Captain Spock in 2285 after he was recovered from the Genesis Planet by Admiral Kirk. Prior to Spock's death during the Battle of the Mutara Nebula, he had transferred his katra into Doctor Leonard McCoy, but, after the Genesis effect revived Spock's body, the Enterprise senior staff took McCoy and the resurrected Spock to Vulcan, where Sarek requested that fal-tor-pan be performed to restore Spock's katra to his body. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) Despite the implied danger, McCoy came through the ritual unharmed, and, after a period of temporary amnesia as his knowledge returned to him, Spock soon returned to himself. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • Il Fal-tor-pan è un rituale Vulcaniano atto a riunire il katra di un Vulcaniano al proprio corpo. Questo rituale fu eseguito sul Capitano Spock nel 2285 dopo che fu trovato sul pianeta Genesis dall'Ammiraglio Kirk. Il rituale era considerato molto pericoloso, sia per chi lo subiva, sia per il possessore del katra. Per questo motivo, non veniva eseguito quasi mai, ed al tempo del fal-tor-pan di Spock, non era chiaro se tale rito fosse mai stato eseguito prima. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock) Una variante di questo rito fu eseguita con il katra di Surak all'interno del capitano Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "Il Kir'Shara")
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