  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba is a pet cat it is available to everyone for purchase in the SC Marketplace at the price of File:Sc.png225 and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png202.
  • Bubba ist ein Mitglied der Extremistengruppe Committee To Rebuild American Patriotism.
  • Bubba – warg, występujący w modyfikacji do Gothic II: Noc Kruka o nazwie Bumshak. Należy do orkowego wojownika imieniem Bogg.
  • Bubbas are large orange Cheep-Cheeps that first appear in Super Mario 64. They have large mouths which can swallow Mario as an attack, making him lose a life. They appear in Tiny-Huge Island in Super Mario 64 and been replaced by Big Bertha in Super Mario 64 DS. Nothing is able to defeat Bubbas. Bubbas appear in Mario Golf along with Blurps who can eat the balls when they land in the water. Bubbas also are smaller in the game. They also appear in Mario Party on Yoshi's Tropical Island on the Happening Space that eat the player and swap positions with another player.
  • Bubba Es un enemigo que aparece por primera vez en el videojuego Super Mario 64. El es un gran pez de color anaranjado y de aletas rojas, llevando con el unas grandes gafas oscuras, se encuentra únicamente en la Isla Peque-grande, donde se ubica principalmente en una pequeña zona cerca de una costa en el mar, cuando estés cerca de el comenzara a perseguirte hasta tragarte por completo, por lo tanto no lo podrás derrotar de ninguna forma.
  • miniatur|Bubba, einer der auswählbaren Protagonisten Bubba ist ein Charakter aus Grand Theft Auto 1, der als Protagonist ausgewählt werden kann.
  • The mischievous Bubba was the adopted son of Lion-Man.
  • Bubba drank some Scum Soda and had a violent reaction, turning him into an enormous overweight monster.
  • Bubba debuted in The Muppet Show episode 208.
  • Bubba is a professional wrestler, currently working for Extreme Wrestling Federation in Poland.
  • Bubba (właśc. Benjamin Bufford-Blue) - bohater filmu Forrest Gump zagrany przez Mykelti Williamsona. Czarnoskóry przyjaciel Forresta poznany w wojsku. Podobnie jak cała jego rodzina był zafascynowany krewetkami. Planował rozkręcić wielki krewetkowy biznes. Zginął na wojnie w Wietnamie. Kategoria:Postacie z Forrest Gump
  • He directed Sara to the fourth basement bathroom after she cleaned up Puppet's room. He and Angelina thought this was a neat trick!
  • Bubba est un jeune canard anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Bubby is the first boss Bubba can have in the game. Bubby actually was born with the name of Robert Michael Peter Luke French Darth Bruno Seragliano. He is the most important member of the Vercotti Gang, a family of crime that is in Liberty City. His father was killed by the Secret Service of Britana and Bubby wants to avenge the death of his father. In Liberty City, Bubba (protagonist of the game) will start doing small crime jobs like stealing cars, etc. When in an enviable position in the crime family you can do work for Bubby and so go to San Andreas to work with secret agents.
  • Bubba is a big bear with noticeable fur and a lack of eyes, instead having yellow pin-pricked pupils. He has four fingers and sharp claws, along with two buttons on his chest. He seems to have metal screws in his jaw and feet, and a giant motor that are seen on wind-up toys.
  • >"I'll tell you what to do with those creatures. Smash them, Spyro, stamp them out, and squish them and squash them, hahaha..." —Bubba Bubba is a Beast Makers dragon who first appeared in Spyro the Dragon. He prefers to deal with his enemies brutally while Spyro points out the methods of charging and flaming, something dragons usually do.
  • Species Gender Associates First Appearance Voiced by Bubba is Ren's lummox nephew, who helped his own uncle with the mass production of Stimpy's hair balls after the value of hair balls skyrocketed.
  • Bubba is the owner of Bubba's Gas & Grub. During the Second Great War, Bubba ran ads on the Universal News Network for his "space trucker home away from home." He advertised "two fer Tuesday" deals on fried muta wings, and a free plasma charge with every fillup.
  • Bubba är en golden retriever-valp, tik. Kategori:Lucifers vänner
  • Bubba es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece como protagonista en Grand Theft Auto. Es el personaje a escoger en el juego, puede escogerse como el protagonista del juego y se habla de él en forma directa. Bubba es un matón que tendrá que ir por las tres ciudades, Liberty City, San Andreas y Vice City haciendo trabajos para diferentes jefes.
  • Bubba was the jug blower from the Lubbock Lou and his Jughuggers jug-band. Bubba debuted in The Muppet Show episode 208. In Jim Henson's original design sketch for the jugband, Bubba is named "Willy." He's referred to by the name "Bubba" in episodes 223 and 408.
  • Bubba is one of the several bosses encountered in FNaF World. He is a giant animatronic bear, residing in Pinwheel Funhouse, guarding the exit of the maze.
  • Bubba (Japanese name: Vanth - バンス) is a character in Fighting Simulator: 2-in-1 Flying Warriors and its remake, Hiryuu no Ken Retsuden GB. Bubba is a boxer from the United States. In Fighting Simulator and in his sprite in Retsuden, he appears as a typical close-cropped boxer. His portrait art in Retsuden, however, portrays him with wild hair, headgear, and blank eyes.
  • Bubba is an Alien who joined the Hard Corps. Alongside Tasha, CD-288 and Ray Poward, they took on Colonel Bassad. After making their way from a city into a hidden mountain fortress, the Hard Corps subdues Colonel Bassad. The team is then absorbed into Bassad’s brain as a last-ditch effort. Faced with several previously fought enemies, the 4 soldiers struggle to survive the onslaught of attacks in Bassad’s degrading mind.
  • A screwed up vampire that can't be trusted in the real world, Bubba lives mostly on cat blood and is passed around between the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee vampires. Bubba is actually Elvis; when he died there was still a spark of life left in him and a vampire working at the morgue was a fan. Regardless of whether it was a good thing or not, Bubba was "turned". He hates being called by his old name and gets agitated if asked to sing when he doesn't want to. It is safe to assume that Bubba is strong--even for a vampire--because all are careful not to upset him.
  • Bubba is a animatronic boss in FNaF World <default>Bubba</default> Aliases Relatives Affiliation Biographical information Marital status Date of birth Physical description Gender Height Weight Eye Color Bubba is a boss enemy in FNaF World, and appears to be based off of Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's and/or Nightmare Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's 4. He could also be based off the character Bruce from the Scott Cawthon's game: "Chipper & Sons Lumber Co.". He resembles Frankenstein. Possible Battle Theme for Bubba File:Battle Theme.ogg
  • Bubba is een personage uit de Amerikaanse animatieserie DuckTales. In de Engelstalige versie wordt zijn stem gedaan door Frank Welker. Hij maakt zijn debuut aan de start van het tweede seizoen, in de vijfdelige aflevering Time is Money. Hij ontmoet Dagobert Duck, Kwik, Kwek en Kwak en Turbo McKwek wanneer deze met een tijdmachine van Willie Wortel per ongeluk een miljoen jaar terugreizen in de tijd. In het verleden redt Dagobert het leven van Bubba, waarna deze eeuwig trouw aan hem zweert. Wanneer de groep terugkeert naar het heden, reizen Bubba en zijn huisdier triceratopss Tootsie met hen mee als verstekelingen.
  • Bubba ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid der Familie. Für ihn gibt es nichts Schöneres als den Anblick von Familienmitgliedern mehrerer Generationen bei einer gemeinsamen Mahlzeit! Drum ist es ihm zu verdanken, wenn eure Geburts- und Feiertage im Rahmen der Familie so warmherzig und stimmungsvoll ausfallen... oder manchmal auch als Disaster enden und schwelende Familienfehden nach sich ziehen! Wenn du mit dem Geist von Bubba sprechen möchtest, dann musst du ihm eine Opfergabe darbringen.Bubba ist Hauptdarsteller in der Quest "Opfergabe für Bubba".
  • He and I decided to raid our families storage unit because he hardly has any furniture to go in his new apartment. We went the next day and saw a few decent pieces of furniture, a desk, coffee table, and our old couch. “What’s in all of these boxes anyway?” I asked while scanning the room. My brother dusted one of the plastic boxes off and read the label. “Toys” “Hey! Look, it’s Bubba. Do you remember him?” He turned around from the box he was searching and squinted his eyes at the bear. “The batteries are dead.” He chuckled and tossed the bear back to me. “Oh yeah!” I mimicked another phrase.
  • Bubba first appeared when Mater, Jud, Buford, and Cletus found Mater's hood. He took Mater's hood. He and his friend were playing with it. Mater and his cousins went after them trying to get it back. Finally, Bubba and his friend got bored of the game, so they tossed it in a tree, but luckily, Red got it down with his hose. He later appears when Mater and his cousins head back to town where he challenge's Mater to a race, and the loser will buy the winner a tank of gas. Then Mater had an idea. He decided that they should race backwards, because he knew that Bubba can't race backwards.
  • Bubba es la familia Méryde. Nada le hace más feliz que ver a los miembros de varias generaciones se reúnen alrededor de una buena comida. Es gracias a él que sus cumpleaños y fiestas de fin de año son tan cálido ... o si terminan en placas y lanzar ajuste de cuentas! Efecto santo Hoy en día, hasta la familia! Pero si quieres saber más acerca de su árbol genealógico, tendrás que armarte de coraje ... y te tiran en el agua! Como usted bien podría tener que pedirle a su tía abuela cascarrabias ... o el fantasma de su primo segundo, sofocado por un barrigón Tofu. Misión: Ofrenda para Bubba
Other Appearances
  • 80
  • 600
  • Face
  • Masculin
Primera aparición
  • 150
  • Unknown
  • Massachusetts
Row 4 info
  • Geo. J. Evans Jr.
Miejsce urzędowania
  • Jaskinia na drodze wulkanu
  • männlich
  • Bibliotempel
movie appearances
  • None
Row 1 info
  • Bubba
Actor de Doblaje
  • Ninguno
  • Bubba
  • Unbeatable
  • 200
cars toons appearances
  • None
  • Bubba_.jpg
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • 200
  • [-4,-24]
  • Boxing
  • * Reden
Related Quests
Row 2 info
  • All-Negro Comics #1
última Aparición
  • 150
  • Armbrust
  • Messer
  • TEC-9]
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Fußsoldat von C.R.A.P.
  • Überlebenskünstler
  • 1650
code inducks
  • Bubba
  • 1988-11-24
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
Nom Original
  • Bubba
comentario imagen
  • Artwork de Bubba
  • Bubba en Mario Party
current efeds
Przedmiot kradzieży
  • Kradzież niemożliwa
Kod na przywołanie
  • orc_156_Bubba
video game appearances
  • Cars Race-O-Rama
  • 290
Row 3 info
  • All-Negro Comics, Inc.
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
Miejsce zamieszkania
Patch Introduced
  • Mensch
Wrestling Style
  • Power
Live Image
  • Bubba Live.jpg
  • Ren
  • Stimpy
Box Title
  • Bubba
  • Tow Truck
  • Owner of Bubba's Gas and Grub
  • Bubba
  • Mario Party
  • Mario Golf
  • Super Mario 64
  • 410
  • Desconocida
  • Teenager/Adult
  • Żyje
  • Villager
  • Brother of Tubba
  • Bubba
  • Bubba
  • Aw Rapo... if only my bro was here...
  • He's back in the village? What are we waiting for!?
  • Bubba as he appears in Hiryuu no Ken Retsuden GB
  • Mario approaching a Bubba in Super Mario 64.
  • Super Mario 64
  • 35
  • Cania-Ebene
original game
  • Fnaf World
  • Unknown
  • 100.0
  • black
  • Bubba dans un épisode de La Bande à Picsou.
  • 86.0
  • 375
  • 190.0
  • 188.0
  • "Vendetta" by
  • Big Bubbowski
  • Bubba Love
  • Bubbowski
  • Une marque indélébile
  • Brown
  • #ff5252
  • Bubba when saved in Drawn to Life
  • Swallowing Mario
  • 200
  • Im Tempel
  • Male
  • 1485
  • Human
  • Terran
  • Tusker
  • Balthazar Picsou
  • Juliette
  • 250
  • Inside Colton Reeyan's Sanctuary at 22.9N 37.0W.
  • Unknown
  • Bubba is a pet cat it is available to everyone for purchase in the SC Marketplace at the price of File:Sc.png225 and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png202.
  • Bubba ist ein Mitglied der Extremistengruppe Committee To Rebuild American Patriotism.
  • Bubba – warg, występujący w modyfikacji do Gothic II: Noc Kruka o nazwie Bumshak. Należy do orkowego wojownika imieniem Bogg.
  • Bubbas are large orange Cheep-Cheeps that first appear in Super Mario 64. They have large mouths which can swallow Mario as an attack, making him lose a life. They appear in Tiny-Huge Island in Super Mario 64 and been replaced by Big Bertha in Super Mario 64 DS. Nothing is able to defeat Bubbas. Bubbas appear in Mario Golf along with Blurps who can eat the balls when they land in the water. Bubbas also are smaller in the game. They also appear in Mario Party on Yoshi's Tropical Island on the Happening Space that eat the player and swap positions with another player.
  • Bubba es la familia Méryde. Nada le hace más feliz que ver a los miembros de varias generaciones se reúnen alrededor de una buena comida. Es gracias a él que sus cumpleaños y fiestas de fin de año son tan cálido ... o si terminan en placas y lanzar ajuste de cuentas! Efecto santo Hoy en día, hasta la familia! Pero si quieres saber más acerca de su árbol genealógico, tendrás que armarte de coraje ... y te tiran en el agua! Como usted bien podría tener que pedirle a su tía abuela cascarrabias ... o el fantasma de su primo segundo, sofocado por un barrigón Tofu. Bonus: BotínLas posibilidades de conseguir un botín aumentan un 75% con las criaturas fantasmas. Misión: Ofrenda para Bubba Recolectar 2 Reliquia de familia y llevárselo a Ontoral Zo Categoría:Almanax
  • Bubba Es un enemigo que aparece por primera vez en el videojuego Super Mario 64. El es un gran pez de color anaranjado y de aletas rojas, llevando con el unas grandes gafas oscuras, se encuentra únicamente en la Isla Peque-grande, donde se ubica principalmente en una pequeña zona cerca de una costa en el mar, cuando estés cerca de el comenzara a perseguirte hasta tragarte por completo, por lo tanto no lo podrás derrotar de ninguna forma.
  • miniatur|Bubba, einer der auswählbaren Protagonisten Bubba ist ein Charakter aus Grand Theft Auto 1, der als Protagonist ausgewählt werden kann.
  • The mischievous Bubba was the adopted son of Lion-Man.
  • He and I decided to raid our families storage unit because he hardly has any furniture to go in his new apartment. We went the next day and saw a few decent pieces of furniture, a desk, coffee table, and our old couch. “What’s in all of these boxes anyway?” I asked while scanning the room. My brother dusted one of the plastic boxes off and read the label. “Toys” “Here, I think these are yours.” he said as he slid the box my way. I could see some dolls and ponies through the clear orange plastic. I opened it up and a big smile grew on my face. There were some of my favorite toys in here, animal figurines, an assortment of beanie babies, a slinky, bouncy balls and much more. I saw a paw sticking out of the pile and pulled on it. A strange looking stuffed animal emerged from the rubble. It was like a teddy bear, but it had big round cheeks and funny protruding eyes with the lids half way down so he looked like he was stoned or sleepy. He was also wearing red pajamas with blue trim and holding a yellow flashlight that was sewed to his hand. “Hey! Look, it’s Bubba. Do you remember him?” He turned around from the box he was searching and squinted his eyes at the bear. “Oh yeah! I remember him. Let me see.” he said as he reached out his hand. He inspected the bear for a minute and then pressed the button on his flashlight. Nothing happened. “The batteries are dead.” He chuckled and tossed the bear back to me. “This guy was crazy. What did he used to say...” I scratched my head. Before I could think my brother mimicked the bear. “Lets go in the closet! Are we in the closet? I’m gonna turn on my flashlight!” we both laughed. “Oh yeah!” I mimicked another phrase. “Hey you know what would be fun? Lets get under the covers. Are we under the covers? Ok, tickle me! WHOOOA that tickles hehehe” we laughed harder until we both sighed. My brother looked at the ground for a moment and then at me. “He said some weird stuff. Do you remember? I remember once he told us to go into mom’s room and turn off the lights. Do you remember that?” I thought for a second and remembered. “Yeah I remember that. Remember when cousin Abby took him from us?” “Haha! Yeah and he was like “Hey don’t touch me!” and she screamed and ran.” we both reflected for a moment until I broke the silence. “Yeah, he was crazy. We should get going. Mom wants us to come over for dinner.” We packed up the boxes and secured the furniture in the truck. Later that night after we unloaded everything we went to our childhood home. We visited with our grandmother and our aunt for a bit and I decided to help my mom cook. “Did you find something he could use, honey?” she said while chopping carrots. “Oh yeah. Our old couch still looks good and some pieces of furniture. We looked through our old toys ma. I thought you threw them away?” “No no! I want to keep those. When you have kids of your own you can show them your old toys.” “Thanks ma. I want to put batteries in Bubba and see if he still works. Remember Bubba?” “Oh yes! Bubba. He was your guy’s favorite. You two had such an imagination back then. You used to blame everything on Bubba. Both of you insisted he spoke to you.” she chuckled and moved onto chopping onions. “Wait what? I don’t remember thinking he said anything other than what he was programmed to say.” “What do you mean, dear? He wasn’t programmed to say anything.” “Yes he was. He said a bunch of different phrases.” I stopped stirring and looked at her. She grabbed the pepper across from me and patted me on the shoulder. “Nice try, honey. You may be grown ups, but I’m only 52 years old. My memory hasn’t’ gone yet. When I bought him for you two, the only thing he had was that flashlight. Even that you had to turn on yourself.” She grabbed a plate of appetizers and walked into the living room. I stood there speechless. She must be wrong. I remember clearly. He did speak to us. He did. I tried to put it out of my mind for the rest of the visit. We said our goodbyes and I offered to drive my brother home. It was dark now, around 8:30. I turned the radio down a little bit. “Hey. I was talking to mom about Bubba and she insisted that he was never programmed to say anything. She said we were making it up and the only thing he had was the flashlight.” “What? Nah. She’s wrong. She bought us tons of toys over the years. She’s probably thinking of something else. I distinctly remember times when he talked to us.” “Me too.” We pulled up to his apartment complex and he got out of the car. Just before he closed the door he leaned down and said “Don’t worry about it sis. She’s wrong.” he waved as I pulled away. When I got home I opened my laptop and searched for the Bubba doll. After several searches, nothing came up. I typed in “teddy bear with flashlight 90’s toy” This was him. However, his name just said, “Flashlight Teddy” I clicked on link after link trying to see if there were different versions. I found some on Amazon. They were all the same. Just the light turned on, nothing else. A wave of discomfort fell over me as I sunk down in my chair. I pulled out my phone from my purse and texted my brother. “Mom was right... Google flashlight teddy...” Occasionally I have nightmares about Bubba. I dream he shows up in my apartment or my mom brings him home. I’ve been trying to block it out, but it always comes back... and neither my brother or I will go in that storage unit to this day.
  • Bubba drank some Scum Soda and had a violent reaction, turning him into an enormous overweight monster.
  • Bubba is an Alien who joined the Hard Corps. Alongside Tasha, CD-288 and Ray Poward, they took on Colonel Bassad. After making their way from a city into a hidden mountain fortress, the Hard Corps subdues Colonel Bassad. The team is then absorbed into Bassad’s brain as a last-ditch effort. Faced with several previously fought enemies, the 4 soldiers struggle to survive the onslaught of attacks in Bassad’s degrading mind. Overcoming the mind games, the team is inexplicably teleported onto a satellite planet that houses the last of the alien threat, which is subsequently eliminated. The planet then explodes and the heroes are sent drifting in uncertainty on a broken piece of rock from the planet. Behind them, an arthropod alien is revealed to be hanging on the side of the rock.
  • Bubba debuted in The Muppet Show episode 208.
  • Bubba is a professional wrestler, currently working for Extreme Wrestling Federation in Poland.
  • A screwed up vampire that can't be trusted in the real world, Bubba lives mostly on cat blood and is passed around between the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee vampires. Bubba is actually Elvis; when he died there was still a spark of life left in him and a vampire working at the morgue was a fan. Regardless of whether it was a good thing or not, Bubba was "turned". He hates being called by his old name and gets agitated if asked to sing when he doesn't want to. Bubba is an obedient servant though he follows orders to a T. He is kind of the mentally challenged, sweet little brother of the Vampire world. It is safe to assume that Bubba is strong--even for a vampire--because all are careful not to upset him.
  • Bubba (właśc. Benjamin Bufford-Blue) - bohater filmu Forrest Gump zagrany przez Mykelti Williamsona. Czarnoskóry przyjaciel Forresta poznany w wojsku. Podobnie jak cała jego rodzina był zafascynowany krewetkami. Planował rozkręcić wielki krewetkowy biznes. Zginął na wojnie w Wietnamie. Kategoria:Postacie z Forrest Gump
  • He directed Sara to the fourth basement bathroom after she cleaned up Puppet's room. He and Angelina thought this was a neat trick!
  • Bubba est un jeune canard anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Bubby is the first boss Bubba can have in the game. Bubby actually was born with the name of Robert Michael Peter Luke French Darth Bruno Seragliano. He is the most important member of the Vercotti Gang, a family of crime that is in Liberty City. His father was killed by the Secret Service of Britana and Bubby wants to avenge the death of his father. In Liberty City, Bubba (protagonist of the game) will start doing small crime jobs like stealing cars, etc. When in an enviable position in the crime family you can do work for Bubby and so go to San Andreas to work with secret agents.
  • Bubba is a big bear with noticeable fur and a lack of eyes, instead having yellow pin-pricked pupils. He has four fingers and sharp claws, along with two buttons on his chest. He seems to have metal screws in his jaw and feet, and a giant motor that are seen on wind-up toys.
  • >"I'll tell you what to do with those creatures. Smash them, Spyro, stamp them out, and squish them and squash them, hahaha..." —Bubba Bubba is a Beast Makers dragon who first appeared in Spyro the Dragon. He prefers to deal with his enemies brutally while Spyro points out the methods of charging and flaming, something dragons usually do.
  • Species Gender Associates First Appearance Voiced by Bubba is Ren's lummox nephew, who helped his own uncle with the mass production of Stimpy's hair balls after the value of hair balls skyrocketed.
  • Bubba is the owner of Bubba's Gas & Grub. During the Second Great War, Bubba ran ads on the Universal News Network for his "space trucker home away from home." He advertised "two fer Tuesday" deals on fried muta wings, and a free plasma charge with every fillup.
  • Bubba är en golden retriever-valp, tik. Kategori:Lucifers vänner
  • Bubba first appeared when Mater, Jud, Buford, and Cletus found Mater's hood. He took Mater's hood. He and his friend were playing with it. Mater and his cousins went after them trying to get it back. Finally, Bubba and his friend got bored of the game, so they tossed it in a tree, but luckily, Red got it down with his hose. He later appears when Mater and his cousins head back to town where he challenge's Mater to a race, and the loser will buy the winner a tank of gas. Then Mater had an idea. He decided that they should race backwards, because he knew that Bubba can't race backwards. The race track went down Main Street, around the statue of Stanley twice, then back down Main Street to the finish line. Bubba started out in the lead, but he lost control when he went around the statue of Stanley. Mater passed him, and won the race.
  • Bubba is een personage uit de Amerikaanse animatieserie DuckTales. In de Engelstalige versie wordt zijn stem gedaan door Frank Welker. Hij maakt zijn debuut aan de start van het tweede seizoen, in de vijfdelige aflevering Time is Money. Hij ontmoet Dagobert Duck, Kwik, Kwek en Kwak en Turbo McKwek wanneer deze met een tijdmachine van Willie Wortel per ongeluk een miljoen jaar terugreizen in de tijd. In het verleden redt Dagobert het leven van Bubba, waarna deze eeuwig trouw aan hem zweert. Wanneer de groep terugkeert naar het heden, reizen Bubba en zijn huisdier triceratopss Tootsie met hen mee als verstekelingen. Aanvankelijk moet Dagobert niets weten van Bubba, en stuurt hem zelfs terug weer even terug naar het verleden. Maar nadat Bubba hem helpt om een diamantmijn te bemachtigen accepteert Dagobert hem eindelijk. Hij laat zelfs een grot bouwen voor Bubba op het landgoed naast zijn villa. Bubba is abnormaal sterk, maar daar hij uit de prehistorie komt is de hedendaagse wereld vreemd voor hem. Veel afleveringen met hem erin draaien dan ook om zijn pogingen zich aan te passen. Veel fans van de serie hadden hun twijfels bij de keuze van de producers om Bubba tot een vast personage te maken, en waren van mening dat hij na zijn optreden in de eerste vijf afleveringen van seizoen 2 niet veel meer toe te voegen had. Na zijn debuut verschenen er nog twee afleveringen waarin Bubba echt een centrale rol had: "Bubbeo & Juliet", waarin hij verliefd wordt op het nieuwe buurmeisje van de Ducks, en "Bubba's Big Brainstorm", waarin hij door een helm van Willie Wortel hoogbegaafd wordt. Na deze afleveringen verviel Bubba in de rol van een soort vierde neefje, dat weinig meer toevoegde aan de plot van een aflevering. Toen later in seizoen twee het personage Roboduck zijn intrede deed, die een stuk populairder bleek bij de fans, verdween Bubba vrijwel geheel uit de serie. Wat er met hem is gebeurd is nooit onthuld.
  • Bubba es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece como protagonista en Grand Theft Auto. Es el personaje a escoger en el juego, puede escogerse como el protagonista del juego y se habla de él en forma directa. Bubba es un matón que tendrá que ir por las tres ciudades, Liberty City, San Andreas y Vice City haciendo trabajos para diferentes jefes.
  • Bubba ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid der Familie. Für ihn gibt es nichts Schöneres als den Anblick von Familienmitgliedern mehrerer Generationen bei einer gemeinsamen Mahlzeit! Drum ist es ihm zu verdanken, wenn eure Geburts- und Feiertage im Rahmen der Familie so warmherzig und stimmungsvoll ausfallen... oder manchmal auch als Disaster enden und schwelende Familienfehden nach sich ziehen! Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Bubba beschützt den 16. Javian. Wenn du mit dem Geist von Bubba sprechen möchtest, dann musst du ihm eine Opfergabe darbringen.Bubba ist Hauptdarsteller in der Quest "Opfergabe für Bubba". Eine Übersicht aller 365 Opfergaben-Quests findet sich unter Almanax.
  • Bubba was the jug blower from the Lubbock Lou and his Jughuggers jug-band. Bubba debuted in The Muppet Show episode 208. In Jim Henson's original design sketch for the jugband, Bubba is named "Willy." He's referred to by the name "Bubba" in episodes 223 and 408.
  • Bubba is one of the several bosses encountered in FNaF World. He is a giant animatronic bear, residing in Pinwheel Funhouse, guarding the exit of the maze.
  • Bubba (Japanese name: Vanth - バンス) is a character in Fighting Simulator: 2-in-1 Flying Warriors and its remake, Hiryuu no Ken Retsuden GB. Bubba is a boxer from the United States. In Fighting Simulator and in his sprite in Retsuden, he appears as a typical close-cropped boxer. His portrait art in Retsuden, however, portrays him with wild hair, headgear, and blank eyes.
  • Bubba is a animatronic boss in FNaF World <default>Bubba</default> Aliases Relatives Affiliation Biographical information Marital status Date of birth Physical description Gender Height Weight Eye Color Bubba is a boss enemy in FNaF World, and appears to be based off of Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's and/or Nightmare Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's 4. He could also be based off the character Bruce from the Scott Cawthon's game: "Chipper & Sons Lumber Co.". Bubba is a bear that has brown skin, with a light brown belly. His endoskeleton is visible from many parts of his body, such as his joints and eyes. His eyes are yellow, and like the other Freddies, he has two buttons on his chest. He also has bolts on his neck and feet, giving him a Frankenstein-like look. His fur seems to be very tattered and dirty. And like the other characters, he has four fingers and three toes. A winder is sticking out from his back. He resembles Frankenstein. Bubba currently has an unknown amount of health, and unknown attacks. This will be revealed in the full release or in another teaser. Bubba is a boss enemy. He is fought in Pinwheel Funhouse. He protects another purple tent that will eventually lead you out of Pinwheel Funhouse. Possible Battle Theme for Bubba File:Battle Theme.ogg * Bubba is one of the largest animatronic's in FNaF World, along with Porkpatch, Scott Cawthon's boss form, and Chipper's Revenge. meetBubba.jpg|Bubba in battle BubbaFight.gif|Idle animation Bubba3DOverworld.png|3D Overworld Sprite Bubba2DOverworld.png|2D Overworld Sprite
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