  • Cole Fretten
  • Cole Fretten was an Imperial Officer who worked on Danutua. His primary purpose was to monitor all incoming space traffic, as well as administer teams to deal with cargo ships. Fretten however failed to notice the smuggler ship Moldy Crow, something which led to an injury he sustained when Kyle Katarn infiltrated the base to steal the Death Star plans. Fretten was then knocked out by Katarn's blaster.
  • Cole Fretten was an Imperial Officer who worked on Danutua. His primary purpose was to monitor all incoming space traffic, as well as administer teams to deal with cargo ships. Fretten however failed to notice the smuggler ship Moldy Crow, something which led to an injury he sustained when Kyle Katarn infiltrated the base to steal the Death Star plans. Fretten was then knocked out by Katarn's blaster. After recovering, Fretten moved to work on board the Star Destroyer Dug's Monarch. When the ship was attacked by pirates and destroyed, Fretten became the only survivor by sneaking on board one of the pirate vessels. He later arrived at Byss, where he continued his officer duties. However, with the fall of the Galactic Empire, Fretten, like so many other Imperials were forced into hiding. Fretten eventually sided with the Dark Jedi Jerec though, and worked on Sulon, posing as the head of Imperial security at Sulon's primary fuel station. It was there that he met Katarn again. Neither men recognized the other, but either way the meeting didn't last. Fretten tried to shoot Katarn as he took care of several Stormtroopers, but before he could fire he was killed by a Trandoshan who was firing his own concussion rifle at Katarn.