  • Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 2332
  • Following the Sinestro Corps War, Sinestro remained a prisoner of the Green Lantern Corps, sentenced to die for his countless crimes against the universe. In recognition of the tyranny he perpetrated against the Korugarian people, and the desire of the Korugarians to bring justice to the greatest villain in their history, the Guardians of the Universe agreed to transport Sinestro to stand trial on his own homeworld. Sinestro was placed in a Sciencell and turned over to Hal Jordan and John Stewart, who would lead a contingent of Green Lanterns assigned to guard their prisoner until he reached Korugar.
Character Name
  • Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 2332
Real Name
  • Unknown
  • Following the Sinestro Corps War, Sinestro remained a prisoner of the Green Lantern Corps, sentenced to die for his countless crimes against the universe. In recognition of the tyranny he perpetrated against the Korugarian people, and the desire of the Korugarians to bring justice to the greatest villain in their history, the Guardians of the Universe agreed to transport Sinestro to stand trial on his own homeworld. Sinestro was placed in a Sciencell and turned over to Hal Jordan and John Stewart, who would lead a contingent of Green Lanterns assigned to guard their prisoner until he reached Korugar.