  • Void Ship
  • Void ship
  • Although, following the success of the Decreto-class most of the warships in StarFleet Command were capable of such feats.
  • The Void Ship was only thought to be a theory, but it did exist. The Cybermen from a parallel Universe found it and used it to travel to Earth in our Universe in 2007. When confronted by the Doctor, they claimed they didn't know who built it but they found it and took the advantage it gave. It was later discovered to have been originally used by the Cult of Skaro to escape the Time War and live on.
  • The Void Ship, also known by its not-so-technical term, the sphere, was an extremely advanced spacecraft designed to traverse the Void, which was the emptiness that existed "between" all parallel universes and all different dimensions. Void ships were considered by the Time Lords, including the Tenth Doctor, to be impossible to build and strictly theoretical. However, one was created by the four elite Daleks known as the Cult of Skaro during the Last Great Time War. Their featureless metallic spheroid was the only known example in history of such a vessel. (TV: Doomsday)
  • Void Ship
  • The Void Ship - Doctor Who - Army of Ghosts - Series 2 - BBC
  • Although, following the success of the Decreto-class most of the warships in StarFleet Command were capable of such feats.
  • The Void Ship was only thought to be a theory, but it did exist. The Cybermen from a parallel Universe found it and used it to travel to Earth in our Universe in 2007. When confronted by the Doctor, they claimed they didn't know who built it but they found it and took the advantage it gave. It was later discovered to have been originally used by the Cult of Skaro to escape the Time War and live on.
  • The Void Ship, also known by its not-so-technical term, the sphere, was an extremely advanced spacecraft designed to traverse the Void, which was the emptiness that existed "between" all parallel universes and all different dimensions. Void ships were considered by the Time Lords, including the Tenth Doctor, to be impossible to build and strictly theoretical. However, one was created by the four elite Daleks known as the Cult of Skaro during the Last Great Time War. Their featureless metallic spheroid was the only known example in history of such a vessel. (TV: Doomsday) When travelling through the Void, the ship was separate from time and space, which may explain why, until activated, it defied all forms of analysis, meaning it had no detectable mass, heat, quantifiable age or radiation, though it could be visible at the specific location where it was chosen to eventually emerge. Due to these properties, people who looked upon it found it deeply unsettling; foreboding. An invisible barrier prevented anything from having physical contact with the ship, at least while it wasn't active. (TV: Army of Ghosts)