  • Santa Rosian Army
  • The Santa Rosian Army is the official army of The Republic of Santa Rosa. The aim of the Santa Rosian Army is to provide defense and order on the borders of The Republic of Santa Rosa. The Santa Rosian Army is commanded in whole by the CSRA (Commander of the Santa Rosian Army), this command is partially held by the CSMA (Chief Sergeant Major of the Army) as well. The CSMA is in charge of all Enlisted personnel, it is a similar job to CSRA, except it's just specific to Enlisted personnel.
  • The Santa Rosian Army is the official army of The Republic of Santa Rosa. The aim of the Santa Rosian Army is to provide defense and order on the borders of The Republic of Santa Rosa. The Santa Rosian Army is commanded in whole by the CSRA (Commander of the Santa Rosian Army), this command is partially held by the CSMA (Chief Sergeant Major of the Army) as well. The CSMA is in charge of all Enlisted personnel, it is a similar job to CSRA, except it's just specific to Enlisted personnel.