  • City of Wax
  • Chris (Spencer Boldman) receives a letter that his grandfather that has passed away left him something in his will. A wax building. He soon decides to go to the building, but with friends to comfort him along the way. They finally arrive in the city of Maybel, an old rusty, and almost abandoned town that was once famous for their wax figurines.
  • Chris (Spencer Boldman) receives a letter that his grandfather that has passed away left him something in his will. A wax building. He soon decides to go to the building, but with friends to comfort him along the way. They finally arrive in the city of Maybel, an old rusty, and almost abandoned town that was once famous for their wax figurines. They eventually find out that not just some things were made out of wax, but mostly the whole town. Little by little, they get creeped out and begin to leave, but their car breaks down and they forget which way they came in. They soon suspect that they are not the only ones in Maybel, Washington, and that someone has been watching them all along. Their every move. The killing spree begins.