  • Expedition 5
  • Expedition 5 was the fifth long-duration stay on the International Space Station (ISS). The crew, consisting of three people, remained in space for 184 days, 178 of which were spent aboard the ISS. Expedition 5 was a continuation of an uninterrupted human presence in space, as of July 2015, which was begun by Expedition 1 in 2000-2001. The crew of Expedition 5 launched to space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour aboard the STS-111 mission on 5 June 2002. Their tenure aboard the station, however, did not occur until they docked with the ISS two days later on 7 June.
agency2 up
Start date
  • --06-07
crew EVA duration
  • 35160.0
Previous Mission
crew size
  • 3
flights1 up
  • Fourth
  • Second
space station
departure craft
Mission Duration
  • 1.53906E7
  • 1.5977663E7
crew photo caption
  • L-R: Valery G. Korzun, Peggy Whitson, and Sergei Y. Treshchev
  • ISS Expedition 5
agency3 up
crew1 up
crew3 up
  • Astronaut
  • Expedition 5 insignia .png
crew photo
  • ISS Expedition 5 crew.jpg
arrival craft
crew2 up
flights3 up
  • First
crew EVAs
  • 2
Mission Type
  • ISS Expedition
flights2 up
  • First
  • Second
crew members
agency1 up
  • Commander
  • Flight Engineer 1
  • Flight Engineer 2
End Date
  • --12-02
Next Mission
  • Expedition 5 was the fifth long-duration stay on the International Space Station (ISS). The crew, consisting of three people, remained in space for 184 days, 178 of which were spent aboard the ISS. Expedition 5 was a continuation of an uninterrupted human presence in space, as of July 2015, which was begun by Expedition 1 in 2000-2001. The crew of Expedition 5 launched to space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour aboard the STS-111 mission on 5 June 2002. Their tenure aboard the station, however, did not occur until they docked with the ISS two days later on 7 June.
is expedition7 down of
is Previous Mission of
is expedition5 up of
is expedition7 up of
is expedition5 down of
is expedition6 down of
is expedition6 up of
is Next Mission of