  • Cyberspace
  • Cyberspace
  • Cyberspace
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Der Cyberspace ist die Weiterentwickelte Form des Internets, daher wird es auch "Web 4.0" genannt. Der Eintritt in den Cyberspace erfolgt durch eine Neurale verbindung, die an einen Computer gekoppelt ist.
  • Cyberspace denotes a metaphoric abstraction used in philosophy and computing. It is a kind of virtual reality that represents the Noosphere or three worlds of Popperian Cosmology both "inside" computers and "on" computing networks.
  • Spirits-30
  • Phineas and Ferb travel through the Internet in order to find out why every computer in Danville is getting a virus.
  • Also known as virtual reality, cyberspace is a simulation of the physical world inside a computer. It is commonly used in the Space theme, where many strange things occur while the crew is inside it, including the death of Paris. Someone 'jacks in' to virtual reality through the use of neural interface software (by the way, it is important to read the terms and agreements for this). Cyberspace is apparently operated (at least in part) by Spanners. The software is currently on release version 7.1.
  • Cyberspace is Origin in United Kingdom <default>Cyberspace</default> [[File:|px]] Background Information Birth name Members Also known as Born Died Origin Occupation(s) Years active Associated acts Influences
  • thumb|300px|CyberspaceDas Cyberspace ist ein universaler Schauplatz von interkybernetischen Aktivitäten. Im Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Universum ist er zudem noch der Schauplatz bestimmter Abenteuer, besonders in der 2003 Zeichentrickserie.
  • 1982, often as two words at first, coined by science fiction writer William Gibson (best known for "Neuromancer") and used by him in a short story published in 1982, from cyber- (see cybernetics) + space (n.).
  • Cyberspace is the electronic realm between dimensions and realities such as Earth (Other World) and Daventry.
  • As the office is an obvious parody of Windows 3.1, the name is also a reference to Microsoft Office. However, the trash can is a Mac O/S icon (Windows uses a recycle bin).
  • Dystopia's catch phrase is "Jack in. Kick ass." Jacking in and hacking is one of the most popular parts of Dystopia. A good hacker is essential to winning the game. It can be extremely confusing to new players, though. Jacking in is the easy part, but it's hard to kick ass if you don't know what you're doing. With that in mind, here's the quick and dirty guide to cyberspace ass kicking on the map Vaccine.
  • Cyberspace is an extreme track created by Urnemanden in February 2008. Cyberspace is 467 meters and its difficulty is between Easy and Medium.
  • Cyberspace is a term which is often used in conjunction with virtual reality, designating the imaginary place where virtual objects exist and such terms have derived from this including Metaverse,Xenoverse, and Hyperverse.
  • The term cyberspace (also spelled cyber-space) was coined by science fiction author William Gibson in a short story Burning Chrome, and later used in his novel Neuromancer (1984). It refers to the virtual world created within a computer and the network to which it is attached (also called a "computer-generated reality"). It includes the internal computer memory and wiring, and the networks to which the computer is connected. He called cyberspace a "consensual hallucination": The prefix "cyber" is derived from the Greek word kybernan, which means to steer or control.
  • The idea of a dimension having mystical effect on our own dimension is quite old. Sometimes the dimensional gateway would be a mirror or book. A computer screen is both of these. Cyberspace just puts a modern spin on the idea. If there are other webizens or hackers in cyberspace (not to mention AI's and ghosts), they will either be amorphous gobs of light, be completely outlandishly dressed (or have non-human avatars) because there are no physical limitations, or appear exactly as they would in real life (even wearing the street clothes they were wearing as they logged on).
  • Cyberspace (englisch cyber als Kurzform für "Kybernetik", space "Raum, Weltall": kybernetischer Raum, Kyberraum) bezeichnet eine konkrete virtuelle Welt oder Realität ("Scheinwelt"). Cyberspace wurde vor allem in den 90er Jahren zumeist als Synonym für das Internet oder spezieller das World Wide Web (WWW). Die technik- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung unterscheiden jedoch Internet und WWW als Infrastrukturen vom Cyberspace an sich. Cyberspace erscheint hier als virtualisierter Raumeindruck, der keine topographische Lokalität aufweist. Wer in den Cyberspace eintritt, dessen soziale, sachliche, räumliche und zeitliche Wahrnehmungen werden virtualisiert.
  • There are Wells scattered across the entire world, but most of them are disabled or shut down after centuries of disuse and warfare. Most areas of cyberspace can be traveled to directly from these Halls, so long as the requisite Wells across the globe have been activated. The NORNs, three inseparable and mysterious beings, exercise dominion over the world of data and mystery we commonly call Cyberspace. Certain Aesir may visit this realm via active access points known as "wells". When close to a well, press A to enter Cyberspace. * Push * Lift * Water Walking * Create Fire
  • 140
  • "Cyberspace"
original upload date
  • Oct.13.2015
  • Data
Years Active
  • 1979
  • Data
  • Cyber Space
  • #FFFFFF; color:#000000
Current Members
  • Unknown
  • Infinite
  • Anything with Data.
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Der Cyberspace ist die Weiterentwickelte Form des Internets, daher wird es auch "Web 4.0" genannt. Der Eintritt in den Cyberspace erfolgt durch eine Neurale verbindung, die an einen Computer gekoppelt ist.
  • Cyberspace denotes a metaphoric abstraction used in philosophy and computing. It is a kind of virtual reality that represents the Noosphere or three worlds of Popperian Cosmology both "inside" computers and "on" computing networks.
  • The idea of a dimension having mystical effect on our own dimension is quite old. Sometimes the dimensional gateway would be a mirror or book. A computer screen is both of these. Cyberspace just puts a modern spin on the idea. Rather than go Down the Rabbit Hole into a Spirit World, the character puts on some VR goggles, plugs an Ethernet cable into his skull, or gets "digitized" into data. What do they see when they go online? A pretty nifty 3D world, designed as a Viewer-Friendly Interface made up of Holographic Terminals over a background full of Matrix Raining Code superimposed over Tron Lines. Not only is everything online, you can expect "surfing" from one site/database to another to be handled with all the aesthetic aplomb of a Design Student's Orgasm and to be completely lagless. One curious alternative idea that seems to infest many cyberspaces is travel time... The Metaverse of Snow Crash has people walking to the shops on The Internet. This could be seen as the illogical conclusion to the increasingly graphical user interface design evolution from the concise but user-unfriendly command line to drag-and-drop windows and pointers and presumably to the final stages where your avatar crumples up your virtual document and walks over to the virtual bin with it. People in the future clearly have a phenomenal amount of patience with their user interfaces. Essentially, Cyberspace is stylized into a simulation that's virtually indistinguishable from real life, and less of a recreational pastime or tool. If there are other webizens or hackers in cyberspace (not to mention AI's and ghosts), they will either be amorphous gobs of light, be completely outlandishly dressed (or have non-human avatars) because there are no physical limitations, or appear exactly as they would in real life (even wearing the street clothes they were wearing as they logged on). Sometimes, a Holodeck Malfunction turns Cyberspace outright dangerous -- not just online, but in real life, because Your Mind Makes It Real. It may take an Orphean Rescue to get those trapped out. Frequently pops up in Cyberpunk and Post Cyber Punk settings. See also The Metaverse, which is when society at large uses the Internet this way. Compare Platonic Cave. Also compare Hard Light, where Cyberspace can manipulate the physical world. Examples of Cyberspace include:
  • Cyberspace (englisch cyber als Kurzform für "Kybernetik", space "Raum, Weltall": kybernetischer Raum, Kyberraum) bezeichnet eine konkrete virtuelle Welt oder Realität ("Scheinwelt"). Cyberspace wurde vor allem in den 90er Jahren zumeist als Synonym für das Internet oder spezieller das World Wide Web (WWW). Die technik- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung unterscheiden jedoch Internet und WWW als Infrastrukturen vom Cyberspace an sich. Cyberspace erscheint hier als virtualisierter Raumeindruck, der keine topographische Lokalität aufweist. Wer in den Cyberspace eintritt, dessen soziale, sachliche, räumliche und zeitliche Wahrnehmungen werden virtualisiert. Die erste ernstzunehmende Ausformulierung des Konzepts findet sich bereits 1964 in Stanislaw Lems Roman Summa Technologiae, in dem das Konzept des Cyberspace unter der Bezeichnung "Periphere Phantomatik" beschrieben wird. Wörtlich ist von Cyberspace erst 1982 in der Kurzgeschichte Burning Chrome des amerikanischen Science-Fiction-Autors William Gibson die Rede, der allgemein zur Cyberpunk-Literatur gezählt wird. In seinen Romanen erzeugen die Menschen den Cyberspace – der von Gibson auch als "Matrix" bezeichnet wird – indem sie sich über eine neuronale Schnittstelle an vernetzte Computer anschließen. * Second Life und andere Web3D Welten Ab den späten 1980er Jahren wurde die Raumsimulation in der Computertechnik realisiert. In dieser Raumsimulation sind Objekte im virtuellen Raum planvoll erzeugt, wodurch im virtuellen Raum ein "Sinnhorizont" generiert wird. Es entsteht eine virtuelle erfahrbare Welt, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Internet im Begriff des Web3D eine spezielle Konkretisierung erfährt. Nach dem Medienhype um das virtuelle Spiel Second Life entstanden viele andere wie Secret City, There, Entropia, sMeet, StageSpace, Metaverse oder Utopia. Der Second Life Talk (heute AVAMEO) bezeichnet diese Metaversen auch als internetbasierte 3D-Infrastrukturen, oder es ist die Rede von Web3D. Insbesondere das Zusammenspiel der Begriffe Fiktion, Realität, Virtualität und Kybernetik werden hier behandelt. * Die Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace Ein wichtiger Text zu den rechtlichen Bedingungen solcher virtueller Räume ist die Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace von John Perry Barlow, die eine Freiheit von Kontrolle durch nationale Regierungen forderte. Barlows Deklaration weist in sechzehn kurzen Absätzen die Idee einer Regierbarkeit des Internets durch außenstehende Kräfte zurück, insbesondere durch die Bundesregierung der USA. Er stellte fest, dass die Regierungen nicht die Zustimmung der Regierten besäßen, Gesetze auf das Internet anzuwenden, und betonte, dass sich das Internet außerhalb der Grenzen jeglicher Staaten befinde, da es sich um einen Raum außerhalb der körperlichen und materiellen Welt handele. Zur Zeit, als die Erklärung geschrieben wurde, hatte Barlow bereits ausgiebig Artikel zum Internet und seinen sozialen und rechtlichen Phänomenen veröffentlicht und außerdem die Electronic Frontier Foundation mit gegründet. Barlow gilt als Vertreter einer techno-libertären Strömung, die sich für eine dezentral organisierte Umsetzung des Internets einsetzt, unter Anderem mit Projekten wie dem Open Root Server Network. Ein neuerer Ausdruck dieser Bewegung ist die Diskussion um die Netzneutralität, bei der es auch um die Verhinderung der Einrichtung technischer Beschränkungen des Internetverkehrs geht.
  • Spirits-30
  • Phineas and Ferb travel through the Internet in order to find out why every computer in Danville is getting a virus.
  • Also known as virtual reality, cyberspace is a simulation of the physical world inside a computer. It is commonly used in the Space theme, where many strange things occur while the crew is inside it, including the death of Paris. Someone 'jacks in' to virtual reality through the use of neural interface software (by the way, it is important to read the terms and agreements for this). Cyberspace is apparently operated (at least in part) by Spanners. The software is currently on release version 7.1.
  • Cyberspace is Origin in United Kingdom <default>Cyberspace</default> [[File:|px]] Background Information Birth name Members Also known as Born Died Origin Occupation(s) Years active Associated acts Influences
  • thumb|300px|CyberspaceDas Cyberspace ist ein universaler Schauplatz von interkybernetischen Aktivitäten. Im Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Universum ist er zudem noch der Schauplatz bestimmter Abenteuer, besonders in der 2003 Zeichentrickserie.
  • 1982, often as two words at first, coined by science fiction writer William Gibson (best known for "Neuromancer") and used by him in a short story published in 1982, from cyber- (see cybernetics) + space (n.).
  • Cyberspace is the electronic realm between dimensions and realities such as Earth (Other World) and Daventry.
  • The term cyberspace (also spelled cyber-space) was coined by science fiction author William Gibson in a short story Burning Chrome, and later used in his novel Neuromancer (1984). It refers to the virtual world created within a computer and the network to which it is attached (also called a "computer-generated reality"). It includes the internal computer memory and wiring, and the networks to which the computer is connected. He called cyberspace a "consensual hallucination": The prefix "cyber" is derived from the Greek word kybernan, which means to steer or control. Online systems, for example, create a cyberspace within which people can communicate with one another (via e-mail), do research or simply window shop. Like physical space, cyberspace contains objects (files, e-mail messages, graphics, etc.) and different modes of transportation and delivery. Unlike real space, though exploring cyberspace does not require any physical movement other than pressing keys on a keyboard or moving a mouse. Some programs, particularly virtual worlds, are designed to create a special form of cyberspace, one that resembles physical reality in some ways but defies it in others. Users are presented with visual, auditory, and even tactile feedback that makes cyberspace feel real.
  • There are Wells scattered across the entire world, but most of them are disabled or shut down after centuries of disuse and warfare. Most areas of cyberspace can be traveled to directly from these Halls, so long as the requisite Wells across the globe have been activated. The NORNs, three inseparable and mysterious beings, exercise dominion over the world of data and mystery we commonly call Cyberspace. Certain Aesir may visit this realm via active access points known as "wells". When close to a well, press A to enter Cyberspace. Within Cyberspace, the NORNs will grant you the following abilities to open locked doors or access treasure caches (although some puzzles may require you to return once a later power is attained): * Push * Lift * Water Walking * Create Fire Throughout cyberspace you will find orange, glowing Obelisks of varying sizes that spawn equipment upon use.
  • As the office is an obvious parody of Windows 3.1, the name is also a reference to Microsoft Office. However, the trash can is a Mac O/S icon (Windows uses a recycle bin).
  • Dystopia's catch phrase is "Jack in. Kick ass." Jacking in and hacking is one of the most popular parts of Dystopia. A good hacker is essential to winning the game. It can be extremely confusing to new players, though. Jacking in is the easy part, but it's hard to kick ass if you don't know what you're doing. With that in mind, here's the quick and dirty guide to cyberspace ass kicking on the map Vaccine.
  • Cyberspace is an extreme track created by Urnemanden in February 2008. Cyberspace is 467 meters and its difficulty is between Easy and Medium.
  • Cyberspace is a term which is often used in conjunction with virtual reality, designating the imaginary place where virtual objects exist and such terms have derived from this including Metaverse,Xenoverse, and Hyperverse.
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