  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo er en imcando dverg, en type dverg som er nesten helt utryddet(bare Thurgo og Ramarno er foreløpig kjent i live). Thurgo er mester i smithing, og en spiller med nivå 99 i nevnte skill kan betale ham 99.000 coins for en smithing skillcape. Thurgo forbindes med mange quests; Knight's Sword, The Giant Dwarf og Defender of Varrock. Når en spiller snakker med han for første gang vil han være frekk, og virker ikke like spilleren noe særlig, men etter at man har gitt ham en Redberry pie blir han vennelig mot spilleren. Kategori:NPC'er
  • Thurgo lives in a small hut right by the Asgarnian Ice Caves, in which a player who's doing The Knight's Sword quest must talk to him to create a blurite sword for Sir Vyvin. Thurgo will only help the player out if he was given a redberry pie. After that, he'll request a picture of the sword, then a chunk of blurite ore and 2 iron bars to make the sword, in which the player will give in the sword and complete the quest.
  • Thurgo on imcando-kääpiö joka pitää puolukkapiirakasta ja hän myy sinulle Smithing skillcapen jos sinun smithing on 99 ja olet p2p. Smithing skillcape maksaa 99,000 gp. Thurgon ihonväri on valkoinen/harmaa ja on aika lihava (ja pieni kuten muutkin kääpiöt). Thurgon löydät Mudskipper Pointista.thumb|183px|Täältä löydät Thurgon thumb|left|Thurgo Thurgoa tarvitaan tehtävissä: * The Knight's Sword * The Giant Dwarf
  • Thurgo est un nain qui peut être trouvé au sud de port Sarim. Il réside dans une forge. Il est notamment très utile dans la quête L'épée du chevalier.
  • Thurgo is a dwarven quest NPC involved in The Knight's Sword. In it, he helps the player create a replica of the sword. Thurgo is an Imcando Dwarf, a tribe of dwarves thought to be extinct. As with all Imcando, he loves Redberry Pie. He lives in a small shack, with an anvil, on Thurgo's Peninsula.
  • After the Song from the Depths quest is completed, players may take the coral crossbow to him to be upgraded into the royal crossbow, provided that the player has the other four parts. In addition, after the Birthright of the Dwarves quest is completed, players can take a gilded dragon pickaxe to him to upgrade it into an Imcando pickaxe, provided that the player has all four parts (fragment 1, 2, 3, 4), as well as 1,000,000gp and a redberry pie. When first met, he is quite rude. However, when he is offered a redberry pie, he becomes friendlier towards the player.
  • Thurgo é um dos últimos Anões Incando (Junto com o Remarno), e é o mestre de Metalurgia encontrado fora das cavernas de gelo, ao sul de Porto Sarim. Jogadores que tenham nível 99 em Metalurgia, pode comprar a capa de Metalurgia por apenas 99.000 moedas. Thurgo está envolvido em várias missões: A Espada do Cavaleiro, O Anão Gigante e o Defensor de Varrock . Quando você conhece Thurgo ele é rude, mas quando você der a ele uma torta de vermelhora, ele começa a ser simpático e amigável.
  • None
  • Masculino
  • Thurgo
  • --04-06
  • Anão.
  • A short angry guy
  • Dwarvish.
  • Dwarvish.
  • No
  • Sul de Porto Sarim, na Ponta traiçoeira
  • None
  • 99000
  • 120000
  • Não
  • Sim - A espada do cavaleiro
  • Capa de Metalurgia
  • N/A
  • Thurgo
  • Smithing cape
  • Smithing hood
  • Smithing master cape
  • Thurgo
  • Thurgo
  • No
  • Nee
  • Massive update!
  • Massive update!
  • 120
  • 2001-04-06
  • 2001-04-06
  • Male
  • Man
  • Only known Imcando Dwarf in RuneScape Classic, loves redberry pie
  • Een van de laatste Imcando dwergen
  • Hebber van de Smithing skillcape
  • Infinite
  • Thurgo's Peninsula
  • Ten zuiden van Port Sarim, bij Thurgo's Schiereiland
  • Mudskipper Point, south of Port Sarim
  • South of Port Sarim, on Thurgo's Peninsula
  • Anão
  • After the Song from the Depths quest is completed, players may take the coral crossbow to him to be upgraded into the royal crossbow, provided that the player has the other four parts. In addition, after the Birthright of the Dwarves quest is completed, players can take a gilded dragon pickaxe to him to upgrade it into an Imcando pickaxe, provided that the player has all four parts (fragment 1, 2, 3, 4), as well as 1,000,000gp and a redberry pie. Thurgo is also the discoverer of the skeletal wyverns. At one time, when mining blurite in the dungeon, he stumbled upon a hole leading into another cave. He went in and awoke the wyverns. Thinking them to be dragons, he pulled out an anti-dragon shield but was nastily burnt by frostbite and narrowly escaped the cave. When first met, he is quite rude. However, when he is offered a redberry pie, he becomes friendlier towards the player.
  • Thurgo er en imcando dverg, en type dverg som er nesten helt utryddet(bare Thurgo og Ramarno er foreløpig kjent i live). Thurgo er mester i smithing, og en spiller med nivå 99 i nevnte skill kan betale ham 99.000 coins for en smithing skillcape. Thurgo forbindes med mange quests; Knight's Sword, The Giant Dwarf og Defender of Varrock. Når en spiller snakker med han for første gang vil han være frekk, og virker ikke like spilleren noe særlig, men etter at man har gitt ham en Redberry pie blir han vennelig mot spilleren. Kategori:NPC'er
  • Thurgo lives in a small hut right by the Asgarnian Ice Caves, in which a player who's doing The Knight's Sword quest must talk to him to create a blurite sword for Sir Vyvin. Thurgo will only help the player out if he was given a redberry pie. After that, he'll request a picture of the sword, then a chunk of blurite ore and 2 iron bars to make the sword, in which the player will give in the sword and complete the quest.
  • Thurgo on imcando-kääpiö joka pitää puolukkapiirakasta ja hän myy sinulle Smithing skillcapen jos sinun smithing on 99 ja olet p2p. Smithing skillcape maksaa 99,000 gp. Thurgon ihonväri on valkoinen/harmaa ja on aika lihava (ja pieni kuten muutkin kääpiöt). Thurgon löydät Mudskipper Pointista.thumb|183px|Täältä löydät Thurgon thumb|left|Thurgo Thurgoa tarvitaan tehtävissä: * The Knight's Sword * The Giant Dwarf
  • Thurgo est un nain qui peut être trouvé au sud de port Sarim. Il réside dans une forge. Il est notamment très utile dans la quête L'épée du chevalier.
  • Thurgo is a dwarven quest NPC involved in The Knight's Sword. In it, he helps the player create a replica of the sword. Thurgo is an Imcando Dwarf, a tribe of dwarves thought to be extinct. As with all Imcando, he loves Redberry Pie. He lives in a small shack, with an anvil, on Thurgo's Peninsula.
  • Thurgo é um dos últimos Anões Incando (Junto com o Remarno), e é o mestre de Metalurgia encontrado fora das cavernas de gelo, ao sul de Porto Sarim. Jogadores que tenham nível 99 em Metalurgia, pode comprar a capa de Metalurgia por apenas 99.000 moedas. Thurgo está envolvido em várias missões: A Espada do Cavaleiro, O Anão Gigante e o Defensor de Varrock . Quando você conhece Thurgo ele é rude, mas quando você der a ele uma torta de vermelhora, ele começa a ser simpático e amigável. Thurgo é um dos últimos sobreviventes da sua raça, a raça dos Anões Incando. Sua raça foi levada à beira da extinção no começo da Quinta Era quando uma cruzada de guerreiros bárbaros destruiu a capital dos Anões Im cando, Camdozaal. Categoria:NPCs Categoria:NPCs de missões Categoria:Anões Incando Categoria:Anões Categoria:Guthixistas/Descrentes Categoria:NPCs de Asgarnia
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