  • 233
  • 233
  • 233
  • El dos cientos treintaitrés (233) es el número natural que sigue al 232 y precede al 234. Categoría:Números
  • #233 is the two-hundred thirty-third figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • As Victoria sits with Maggie, Maggie gets up and goes to the french doors, but Victoria manages to get her back to bed. Victoria fusses around, tucking her in, and Maggie snaps at her to leave off. Later in the evening, Maggie wakes up. Victoria gets up from the chair where she has been reading, and moves to Maggies bed. She tries to ask Maggie what's wrong, but the other girl is unresponsive. Suddenly, the French doors leading outside Maggie's room fly open and the silhouette of a man stands bathed in the moonlight. Victoria lets out a scream, and after a flash of lightning, the figure is gone. Victoria jumps up to shut the doors while Maggie screams: "they've got to stay open!" Victoria races back to Maggie's bedside, but Maggie seems oddly comforted.
  • Lena geht auf Robins Forderung ein: Sie will ihren Selbstmord vortäuschen, um mit Robin heimlich nach Indonesien zurückzukehren - nur um ihre Schwester zu schützen. Sie schreibt der WG einen Abschiedsbrief... Diana findet Trost bei Julian, der die Situation aber nicht ausnutzt. Auch Diana gibt nicht auf und bemüht sich weiter um Oliver. Trotzdem genießt sie Julians unkomplizierte und lockere Art und vergisst für einen Moment ihre Anspannung - dies bleibt allerdings nicht unbeobachtet. Vanessa kann Deniz nicht ausstehen und will nicht, dass er weiterhin am Training teilnimmt. Auch Deniz weigert sich, Vanessa als kompetente Spielpartnerin zu akzeptieren und es kommt erneut zum Streit. Vanessa reicht es und sie fordert Deniz zu einem Duell auf dem Eis auf: Der Verlierer des Spiels muss das Ei
  • 233
  • 233
  • 1967-05-11
  • 229
  • 1967
  • 2
  • 1967-05-17
Character Name
  • God Von Erich
  • 3
  • 233
  • Lena geht auf Robins Forderung ein: Sie will ihren Selbstmord vortäuschen, um mit Robin heimlich nach Indonesien zurückzukehren - nur um ihre Schwester zu schützen. Sie schreibt der WG einen Abschiedsbrief... Diana findet Trost bei Julian, der die Situation aber nicht ausnutzt. Auch Diana gibt nicht auf und bemüht sich weiter um Oliver. Trotzdem genießt sie Julians unkomplizierte und lockere Art und vergisst für einen Moment ihre Anspannung - dies bleibt allerdings nicht unbeobachtet. Vanessa kann Deniz nicht ausstehen und will nicht, dass er weiterhin am Training teilnimmt. Auch Deniz weigert sich, Vanessa als kompetente Spielpartnerin zu akzeptieren und es kommt erneut zum Streit. Vanessa reicht es und sie fordert Deniz zu einem Duell auf dem Eis auf: Der Verlierer des Spiels muss das Eishockeyteam verlassen...
  • As Victoria sits with Maggie, Maggie gets up and goes to the french doors, but Victoria manages to get her back to bed. Victoria fusses around, tucking her in, and Maggie snaps at her to leave off. Later in the evening, Maggie wakes up. Victoria gets up from the chair where she has been reading, and moves to Maggies bed. She tries to ask Maggie what's wrong, but the other girl is unresponsive. Suddenly, the French doors leading outside Maggie's room fly open and the silhouette of a man stands bathed in the moonlight. Victoria lets out a scream, and after a flash of lightning, the figure is gone. Victoria jumps up to shut the doors while Maggie screams: "they've got to stay open!" Victoria races back to Maggie's bedside, but Maggie seems oddly comforted. Later that night, Victoria returns to Collinwood and meets Carolyn in the foyer. Carolyn wasn't able to sleep (thanks to the storm) and she and Victoria warm themselves by the fire in the Drawing room. Suddenly, the lights flicker and a nervous Carolyn hopes the power doesn't go out. Victoria relates her dangerous drive home in the storm. Carolyn jokes that she and Victoria make a "great pair" just before the lights die. The girls light candles, and Victoria is startled as she thinks she sees something at the window. She tells Carolyn about the figure she saw outside Maggie's bedroom. As Victoria tries to chalk the incident up to her imagination, she and Carolyn scream as another figure appears in the doorway. It is Barnabas Collins. He apologizes for startling the girls, who welcome his presence. Barnabas inquires about Maggie's health, then is enchanted by the room lit by candles and lightning. He begins to talk of other storms that have assailed Collinwood and the Old House, and the ships that have crashed on the rocks below Widows' Hill in the past. The storm continues, and Barnabas is caught up in the moment. He begins to tell Victoria and Carolyn the story of a woman, pressed to her limits, who could no longer accept what the future held for her. The woman had to destroy herself before she became something she did not want to be. Barnabas becomes saddened as he relates how the woman ran out into the stormy night with her lover, whom she had fought with, chasing after her. She hurled herself off the cliff, her body impaled on the rocks below... lifeless, bloodless. Carolyn, upset by the story, excuses herself and goes to bed. Victoria, however, is intrigued and likens the tale to recent events: from the animals found drained of blood, to both Willie's and Maggie's conditions. Barnabas learns of the phone call Victoria received on the night of Maggie's disappearance. Victoria is beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together, and Barnabas warns the clever governess to take care for the same thing that happened to Maggie might happen to her. Victoria questions Barnabas' wording, and he tells her he doesn't want to see Victoria suffer from the same illness afflicting Maggie. At that moment, Jason enters the room. Victoria bids the men goodnight and goes upstairs to her room. Jason, who claims to have been keeping an eye on Willie, recommends Barnabas get rid of his house-servant post-haste. McGuire mentions once following Willie to the cemetery, which alarms Barnabas. It is clear to Barnabas that Jason is beginning to suspect too much.
  • El dos cientos treintaitrés (233) es el número natural que sigue al 232 y precede al 234. Categoría:Números
  • #233 is the two-hundred thirty-third figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
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