  • City Watch
  • Marcuria's de facto police force. They administer Friar's Keep, esentially a political prison, under the control of the Azadi. They presumably also run the City Jail on Cold Stone. If Warden Murron is anything to go by, the City Watch are most likely painfully bureaucratic, and chafe under the yoke of Azadi domination. They rebel quietly by throwing the Azadi's own rules back in their faces.
  • The City Watch, also known as the Watch, was a police force whose jurisdiction covered the provinces of the planet Bajor prior to the Cardassian Occupation. City Watch was a branch of the Bajoran Militia and sought to maintain civil order among the Bajoran people. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers)
  • The City Watch is the main constitutional body in charge of enforcing the laws imposed by the Kingdom of Kovir and Poviss within the winter capital city of Lan Exeter. They are also charged with protection of the city's inhabitants of all classes. It is unknown when the official Watch was established and during whose reign. By year 1104 position of captain was held by certain Yan. In same year horibble murders were committed by three garkains in streets but Watch managed to kill them with help of witcher Olivier of Gulet.
  • The City Watch of Darujhistan were charged with upholding the laws passed by the council. Its members patrolled the shadowy streets bearing globed lanterns. Amongst their tasks was manning the twelve gates leading from the Daru district to the upper city.
  • The City Watch is a law-enforcement institution charged with policing King's Landing. They are informally known as "Gold Cloaks" due to the gold-colored cloaks their members wear as part of their uniform. Apart from the City Watch of King's Landing there are other similar institutions in other major cities in Westeros like Oldtown and Lannisport.
  • The City Watch was formed to provide neutral support to member of the alliance, no mather what class or race you are. We patrol the streets of every major city and alert on intruders, thiefs and everything that tries to Disturb the peace in the alliance teritory.
  • All city guards wear very similar armor sets, differences are normally just the color of the sash and material of the undershirt used, either steel or chain mail. They also wear the same helmets. City guards also carry a shield which varies in color, and typically displays the insignia of the County across the front. City guards are all from the Imperial Legion and as such are normally Imperial. They all perform the same duties and have the same dialogue, although it may differ depending on the faction they're a part of.
  • You have served the community where you grew up, standing as its first line of defense against crime. You aren't a soldier, directing your gaze outward at possible enemies. Instead, your service to your hometown was to help police its populace, protecting the citizenry from lawbreakers and malefactors of every stripe. * Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight * Languages: Two of your choice * Equipment: A uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank, a horn with which to summon help, a set of manacles, and a pouch containing 10 gp
  • Unknown
  • 123457
  • Active
  • Law enforcement
  • City guard
  • Daemon Targaryen
  • Commander Bronn
  • Lord Commander Janos Slynt
  • Marcuria's de facto police force. They administer Friar's Keep, esentially a political prison, under the control of the Azadi. They presumably also run the City Jail on Cold Stone. If Warden Murron is anything to go by, the City Watch are most likely painfully bureaucratic, and chafe under the yoke of Azadi domination. They rebel quietly by throwing the Azadi's own rules back in their faces.
  • The City Watch, also known as the Watch, was a police force whose jurisdiction covered the provinces of the planet Bajor prior to the Cardassian Occupation. City Watch was a branch of the Bajoran Militia and sought to maintain civil order among the Bajoran people. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers)
  • The City Watch is the main constitutional body in charge of enforcing the laws imposed by the Kingdom of Kovir and Poviss within the winter capital city of Lan Exeter. They are also charged with protection of the city's inhabitants of all classes. It is unknown when the official Watch was established and during whose reign. By year 1104 position of captain was held by certain Yan. In same year horibble murders were committed by three garkains in streets but Watch managed to kill them with help of witcher Olivier of Gulet.
  • The City Watch of Darujhistan were charged with upholding the laws passed by the council. Its members patrolled the shadowy streets bearing globed lanterns. Amongst their tasks was manning the twelve gates leading from the Daru district to the upper city.
  • You have served the community where you grew up, standing as its first line of defense against crime. You aren't a soldier, directing your gaze outward at possible enemies. Instead, your service to your hometown was to help police its populace, protecting the citizenry from lawbreakers and malefactors of every stripe. You might have been part of the City Watch of Waterdeep, the baton-wielding police force of the City of Splendors, protecting the common folk from thieves and rowdy nobility alike. Or you might have been one of the valiant defenders of Silverymoon, a member of the Silverwatch or even one of the magic-wielding Spellguard. Perhaps you hail from Neverwinter and have served as one of its Wintershield watchmen, the newly founded branch of guards who vow to keep safe the City of Skilled Hands. Even if you're not city-born or city-bred, this background can describe your early years as a member of law enforcement. Most settlements of any size have their own constables and police forces, and even smaller communities have sheriffs and bailiffs who stand ready to protect their community. * Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight * Languages: Two of your choice * Equipment: A uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank, a horn with which to summon help, a set of manacles, and a pouch containing 10 gp
  • The City Watch is a law-enforcement institution charged with policing King's Landing. They are informally known as "Gold Cloaks" due to the gold-colored cloaks their members wear as part of their uniform. Apart from the City Watch of King's Landing there are other similar institutions in other major cities in Westeros like Oldtown and Lannisport.
  • All city guards wear very similar armor sets, differences are normally just the color of the sash and material of the undershirt used, either steel or chain mail. They also wear the same helmets. City guards also carry a shield which varies in color, and typically displays the insignia of the County across the front. City guards are all from the Imperial Legion and as such are normally Imperial. They all perform the same duties and have the same dialogue, although it may differ depending on the faction they're a part of. The guards are led by a captain, who reports to the local Count or Countess. Their duty is to uphold peace and order throughout the city and county, as well as ensuring justice is had in the event of a crime. Additionally, they are the last line of defense of their city in the event of assault or invasion.
  • The City Watch was formed to provide neutral support to member of the alliance, no mather what class or race you are. We patrol the streets of every major city and alert on intruders, thiefs and everything that tries to Disturb the peace in the alliance teritory.
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