  • Fifth Fire-verse of the Prophets
  • The Fifth Fire-verse of the Prophets was a part of a series of writings within Bajoran religion. The Fifth verse stated: The gentle breeze dies, But the gale builds in passionate intensity; The fire is ever in the breaching, Not the building. Major Kira Nerys meditated on these words when a Klingon bird-of-prey nearly threatened to destroy the USS Defiant as the vessel exploded. (DS9 novel: Vengeance)
  • The Fifth Fire-verse of the Prophets was a part of a series of writings within Bajoran religion. The Fifth verse stated: The gentle breeze dies, But the gale builds in passionate intensity; The fire is ever in the breaching, Not the building. Major Kira Nerys meditated on these words when a Klingon bird-of-prey nearly threatened to destroy the USS Defiant as the vessel exploded. (DS9 novel: Vengeance)