  • Brass razoo (deleted 19 Feb 2008 at 05:57)
  • A Brass Razoo is an Australian term that arose as soldiers slang in World War 1. It is heard often in the statement "I haven't got a brass razoo" when someone is out of money. There is no actual thing called a brass razoo, though some speculate it arises from Egyptian or Indian currency. The term itself is not a neologism, but has been part of colloquial vocabulary for almost a century, and has it's own reference in the Oxford English Dictionary as a non-existent coin of trivial value.
  • A Brass Razoo is an Australian term that arose as soldiers slang in World War 1. It is heard often in the statement "I haven't got a brass razoo" when someone is out of money. There is no actual thing called a brass razoo, though some speculate it arises from Egyptian or Indian currency. The term itself is not a neologism, but has been part of colloquial vocabulary for almost a century, and has it's own reference in the Oxford English Dictionary as a non-existent coin of trivial value.