  • Hunt of the Wielders series
  • The Hunt of the Wielders series was a fanfiction series that takes place during the Second Galactic Civil War and introduces two Force wielders that were revealed to be the sons of Abeloth, as the son of a being of Chaos they seek to bring the Galaxy into a chaotic rule similar to that of Palpatine's era, Darth Caedus soon finds that he has three allies in his mission to become the Dark Lord of the Sith and change the galaxy for the apparently better.
dramatis personae
  • New Galactic Empire: *Caedus *Calor *Aspis *Dolosus Galactic Alliance: *Jacen Solo *Ben Skywalker * * * Confederation: * * *
  • * * *
  • * ** *** **** ** *** **** **** **** and ***** **** **** **** **** ** *** **** **** ** *** **** ** *** **** * ** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** * ** ** *** * ** *** **** *** **** *
Other Characters
  • New Galactic Empire: * Galactic Alliance: Confederation: Others: *
  • The Hunt of the Wielders series was a fanfiction series that takes place during the Second Galactic Civil War and introduces two Force wielders that were revealed to be the sons of Abeloth, as the son of a being of Chaos they seek to bring the Galaxy into a chaotic rule similar to that of Palpatine's era, Darth Caedus soon finds that he has three allies in his mission to become the Dark Lord of the Sith and change the galaxy for the apparently better.