  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth is one of the three continents that make up the eastern kingdoms, with the other three being Khaz Modan, and Lordaeron. With is capital being stormwind, it covers the lands of westfall, ellwyn forest, The redridge mountians, Duskwood, Deadwind Pass, The swam of Sorrows, The blasted Lands, Stranglethorne Vale, and The Burning Steeps. It is the largest of the Few remains human Kingdoms. It is also used in terms of the whole planet Azeroth. Which Includes, the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Northrend.
  • The world of Azeroth is comprised of two main continents: Kalimdor in the west and the Eastern Kingdoms in the east. The Eastern Kingdoms can further be divided into three sub-continents. While this is the name that has been used for the world for centuries, it is also quite possible that during the ages prior to the Great Sundering, that Kalimdor which was the name of the primeval continent may have been the name used for the world as well.
  • thumb|400px Azeroth– mapa występująca w modyfikacji Little Fighter 2.5. Wyglądem przypomina lekko Lion Forest.
  • Azeroth was a world created after the lost age.
  • Azeroth er den sørlige delen av Eastern Kingdoms. I tidlige stadier av World of Warcraft ble hele Eastern Kingdoms kalt Azeroth. Azeroth er også den verden som World of Warcraft finner sted (selvfølgelig unntatt Outland). På toppen av dette er også Azeroth navnet på kongedømmet av mennesker på kontinentet med samme navn (på planeten med samme navn ...), som har hovedstad i Stormwind.
  • W uniwersum Warcraft termin Azeroth używany jest w następujących kontekstach: * Planeta Azeroth - świat, w którym dzieje się akcja World of Warcraft (poza Outland). * Królestwo Azeroth - jedno z Siedmiu Królestw ludzi, znane również jako Królestwo Stormwind. * Kontynent Azeroth - jeden z trzech kontynentów wchodzących w skład Wschodnich Królestw. * Wschodnie Królestwa - W niektórych źródłach termin "Azeroth" jest używany zamiennie ze Wschodnimi Królestwami.
  • "Azeroth" can refer to: the southernmost subcontinent of Eastern Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Azeroth (now the Kingdom of Stormwind), or the world which most of the Warcraft series is set (with the exception of Outland/Draenor in parts of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade).
  • Azeroth ist der Name jener Welt, auf welcher sich die wesentlichen Teile der Warcraft-Spiele abspielen. Azeroth besitzt einen gewissen Sonderstatus, da die Welt bereits zweimal einer Invasion der Brennenden Legion getrotzt hat: im Krieg der Ahnen sowie im Dritten Krieg. Vor der Großen Teilung waren alle Kontinente noch eins und es heißt, dass alle Flüsse der Welt in der damaligen Zeit an einem magischen Ort zusammentrafen.
  • Azeroth on maailma, jonne valtaosa Warcraft-sarjasta paikoittuu. Azerothin maailma on synnyinpaikka monille roduille, huomattavimpina yöhaltiat (night elves), suurhaltiat (high elves) ja verihaltiat (blood elves)), ihmiset (humans), kääpiöt (dwarves), taureenit (taurens), hiidet (goblins), peikot (trolls), maahiset (gnomes) ja lohikäärmeet (dragons). Sana Azeroth viittaa myös Eastern Kingdomsin eteläiseen osaan, joka alkaa Khaz Modanista ja loppuu Stranglethorn Valeen.
  • The world of Azeroth is comprised of two main continents: Kalimdor in the west and the Eastern Kingdoms in the east. The Eastern Kingdoms can further be divided into three sub-continents. While this is the name that has been used for the world for centuries, it is also quite possible that, during the ages prior to the Great Sundering, Kalimdor, which was the name of the primeval continent, may have been the name used for the world as well.
  • Azeroth also has two moons; the White Lady and Blue Child.
  • Azeroth er den verden man spiller i, i World of Warcraft. Men den sydlige del af Eastern Kingdoms er også kaldt Azeroth. Azeroth består af Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend og en hel masse øer, deriblandt Teldrassil.
  • Azeroth is an obscure planet which features a wide selection of humans, mutants, and aliens in a state of perpetual superstition and conflict. Notably, it is the homeworld of the tauren, who caught the attention of the Terran Confederacy.
  • thumbAzeroth ist die Welt, in der World of Warcraft spielt. Sie besteht aus vier bekannten Kontinenten: * Kalimdor * Östliche Königreiche * Nordend (seit WotLK) * Pandaria (seit Mists of Pandaria) Eine andere Welt im Spiel ist die Scherbenwelt (seit The Burning Crusade) und ihre Version aus einem Paralleluniversum: Draenor (Warlords of Draenor).
  • Azeroth è il nome proprio di uno dei mondi presenti nell'universo di Warcraft. E' suddiviso in tre continenti conosciuti, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms e Northrend. Esistono anche degli arcipelaghi sconosciuti sparsi per i vasti oceani che compongono la massa d'acqua presente sul pianeta. I continenti sono divisi in due poli, con al centro il grande mare e il Maelstrom, un enorme vortice di energia perenne.
  • Azeroth is the main planetary setting of the Warcraft strategy game and World of Warcraft MMORPG. It consists of four main continents (three, prior to the Mists of Pandaria expansion), a scattering of islands both open and closed to players, and the fierce Maelstrom, through which players must travel to reach Deepholm. In addition to the aforementioned land masses, Azeroth has three main seas: the Great Sea, in which the Maelstrom is situated; the Veiled Sea to the west of Kalimdor; and the Forbidding Sea to the east of the Eastern Kingdoms.
  • --05-28
  • by Feb 23rd 2014 8:00PM
  • Azeroth
  • Azeroth
  • wowinsider
  •|desc=Know Your Lore, Tinfoil Hat Edition: The Titans, Azeroth, and Wrathion
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: Azeroth before the First War
wikipage disambiguates
  • Azeroth is the main planetary setting of the Warcraft strategy game and World of Warcraft MMORPG. It consists of four main continents (three, prior to the Mists of Pandaria expansion), a scattering of islands both open and closed to players, and the fierce Maelstrom, through which players must travel to reach Deepholm. In addition to the aforementioned land masses, Azeroth has three main seas: the Great Sea, in which the Maelstrom is situated; the Veiled Sea to the west of Kalimdor; and the Forbidding Sea to the east of the Eastern Kingdoms. Azeroth has two moons, called the White Lady and the Blue Child.
  • Azeroth is one of the three continents that make up the eastern kingdoms, with the other three being Khaz Modan, and Lordaeron. With is capital being stormwind, it covers the lands of westfall, ellwyn forest, The redridge mountians, Duskwood, Deadwind Pass, The swam of Sorrows, The blasted Lands, Stranglethorne Vale, and The Burning Steeps. It is the largest of the Few remains human Kingdoms. It is also used in terms of the whole planet Azeroth. Which Includes, the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Northrend.
  • The world of Azeroth is comprised of two main continents: Kalimdor in the west and the Eastern Kingdoms in the east. The Eastern Kingdoms can further be divided into three sub-continents. While this is the name that has been used for the world for centuries, it is also quite possible that during the ages prior to the Great Sundering, that Kalimdor which was the name of the primeval continent may have been the name used for the world as well.
  • thumbAzeroth ist die Welt, in der World of Warcraft spielt. Sie besteht aus vier bekannten Kontinenten: * Kalimdor * Östliche Königreiche * Nordend (seit WotLK) * Pandaria (seit Mists of Pandaria) Eine andere Welt im Spiel ist die Scherbenwelt (seit The Burning Crusade) und ihre Version aus einem Paralleluniversum: Draenor (Warlords of Draenor). Hierbei ist jeder Kontinent in verschiedene Zonen unterteilt, die von unterschiedlich starken NPCs bevölkert werden. Somit ist es dem Spieler selbst überlassen in welchem Gebiet er Aufgaben erfüllen möchte. Man levelt von Stufe 1-58 und 68-90.
  • thumb|400px Azeroth– mapa występująca w modyfikacji Little Fighter 2.5. Wyglądem przypomina lekko Lion Forest.
  • Azeroth was a world created after the lost age.
  • Azeroth er den sørlige delen av Eastern Kingdoms. I tidlige stadier av World of Warcraft ble hele Eastern Kingdoms kalt Azeroth. Azeroth er også den verden som World of Warcraft finner sted (selvfølgelig unntatt Outland). På toppen av dette er også Azeroth navnet på kongedømmet av mennesker på kontinentet med samme navn (på planeten med samme navn ...), som har hovedstad i Stormwind.
  • W uniwersum Warcraft termin Azeroth używany jest w następujących kontekstach: * Planeta Azeroth - świat, w którym dzieje się akcja World of Warcraft (poza Outland). * Królestwo Azeroth - jedno z Siedmiu Królestw ludzi, znane również jako Królestwo Stormwind. * Kontynent Azeroth - jeden z trzech kontynentów wchodzących w skład Wschodnich Królestw. * Wschodnie Królestwa - W niektórych źródłach termin "Azeroth" jest używany zamiennie ze Wschodnimi Królestwami.
  • "Azeroth" can refer to: the southernmost subcontinent of Eastern Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Azeroth (now the Kingdom of Stormwind), or the world which most of the Warcraft series is set (with the exception of Outland/Draenor in parts of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade).
  • Azeroth ist der Name jener Welt, auf welcher sich die wesentlichen Teile der Warcraft-Spiele abspielen. Azeroth besitzt einen gewissen Sonderstatus, da die Welt bereits zweimal einer Invasion der Brennenden Legion getrotzt hat: im Krieg der Ahnen sowie im Dritten Krieg. Vor der Großen Teilung waren alle Kontinente noch eins und es heißt, dass alle Flüsse der Welt in der damaligen Zeit an einem magischen Ort zusammentrafen.
  • Azeroth on maailma, jonne valtaosa Warcraft-sarjasta paikoittuu. Azerothin maailma on synnyinpaikka monille roduille, huomattavimpina yöhaltiat (night elves), suurhaltiat (high elves) ja verihaltiat (blood elves)), ihmiset (humans), kääpiöt (dwarves), taureenit (taurens), hiidet (goblins), peikot (trolls), maahiset (gnomes) ja lohikäärmeet (dragons). Sana Azeroth viittaa myös Eastern Kingdomsin eteläiseen osaan, joka alkaa Khaz Modanista ja loppuu Stranglethorn Valeen.
  • The world of Azeroth is comprised of two main continents: Kalimdor in the west and the Eastern Kingdoms in the east. The Eastern Kingdoms can further be divided into three sub-continents. While this is the name that has been used for the world for centuries, it is also quite possible that, during the ages prior to the Great Sundering, Kalimdor, which was the name of the primeval continent, may have been the name used for the world as well.
  • Azeroth è il nome proprio di uno dei mondi presenti nell'universo di Warcraft. E' suddiviso in tre continenti conosciuti, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms e Northrend. Esistono anche degli arcipelaghi sconosciuti sparsi per i vasti oceani che compongono la massa d'acqua presente sul pianeta. I continenti sono divisi in due poli, con al centro il grande mare e il Maelstrom, un enorme vortice di energia perenne. Azeroth è il mondo di origine di diverse razze notevoli, tra cui i Draghi, i Tauren, gli Umani e gli Elfi della Notte. Sfortunatamente, questa estrema varietà di razze senzienti ha spesso portato a scontri inimmaginabili per la conquista del territorio e del semplice diritto alla sopravvivenza. Azeroth è un mondo sempre in guerra, ambito da tutte le razze dell'universo e bersaglio da sempre della Legione Infuocata di Sargeras.
  • Azeroth also has two moons; the White Lady and Blue Child.
  • Azeroth er den verden man spiller i, i World of Warcraft. Men den sydlige del af Eastern Kingdoms er også kaldt Azeroth. Azeroth består af Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend og en hel masse øer, deriblandt Teldrassil.
  • Azeroth is an obscure planet which features a wide selection of humans, mutants, and aliens in a state of perpetual superstition and conflict. Notably, it is the homeworld of the tauren, who caught the attention of the Terran Confederacy.
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