  • Sunagakure (Cloud)
  • Being surrounded by desert offers the village a natural deterrent against invasion, as few foreign powers would be willing to endure the sandstorms that surround Suna. Sunagakure itself lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with passage in and out of the village restricted to a single cleft between two cliff faces, making the area very hard to attack from the ground. The buildings seem to be made from a combination of crystal and clay or stucco, which help keep the buildings cool and gives them a unique look.
  • Being surrounded by desert offers the village a natural deterrent against invasion, as few foreign powers would be willing to endure the sandstorms that surround Suna. Sunagakure itself lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with passage in and out of the village restricted to a single cleft between two cliff faces, making the area very hard to attack from the ground. The buildings seem to be made from a combination of crystal and clay or stucco, which help keep the buildings cool and gives them a unique look. Because of they're surrounded by constant sandstorms and harsh sun rays, Suna-nin, unlike those of other villages, choose to wear dress and robes for their standard attire that come in pale and light colors. Over this, they wear the typical flat jackets and headbands. Headpieces consisting of a head-wrap and cloth neck-covers to protect against the harsh weather are popular with Suna-nin, and many also choose to wear gloves so their hands are also protected. It should also be noted that, unlike in the other Hidden Villages, the clothing worn by Sunagakure Citizens are entirely made in Suna. The fabric they use comes from a special thread created by the Eight Tails. This special thread is very strong and durable, while still remaining soft and light. The most common elemental affinity in Suna is Wind Release, which are sometimes used in combination with certain objects like a Tessen or musical instrument, such as a Flute or an Ocarina.