  • Carlin
  • Carlin
  • Carlin
  • Carlin
  • Carlin
  • Carlin
  • Carlin
  • Carlin was a male individual who lived during the time of the Clone Wars, and he became the leader of the Lurid Gundarks, a criminal gang that was based on the planet Genarius. When the Hutt Riboga seized control of the crime in the Cularin system from the Oblee Nirama, Carlin and the Gundarks refused to submit to the Hutt's authority. However, Carlin soon began to realize that the Gundarks might not have made a wise decision, and he expected that the Gundarks would come under attack from Riboga's minions. The Heroes of Cularin, a group of freelance agents who were trying to work against Riboga, met with Carlin in the Chancellor's Head pub on Genarius and offered to assist him in resisting Riboga.
  • Carlin's sewers are under a seemingly indefinite plague of Bugs and Spiders, the City's citizens do not pay attention to them and consider them minority in comparison to the threat of the surrounding wildlife. However, the most significant threat the residents of Carlin face is by far the Player Killers. Carlin is located near the north-western corner of Tibia, south-west of Northport, west of Femor Hills and Ab'Dendriel. Can be seen here.
  • __TOC__ Carlin is a town ruled by women, although now all but deserted on account of the dangerous monsters under, and surrounding Carlin. Carlin is now an island separated from the rest of Kiwi and only accessible through the NPC Aladdin. This city has a 3-story Depot, a Graveyard to the east and small field surrounding the city itself. The city has some monster infestation like Spiders, Slimes, Blood Crabs, and Tarantulas. The sewers are infested with Juggernauts, although in Old Kiwi they were hive for Kiwis. Currently the biggest house in Carlin is the Carlin Clan Hall 2.
  • He lived on the Aybara farm with the rest of Perrin's family before passing away. He is now buried there.
  • Carlin could refer to: Performers and production staff * Amanda Carlin, the actress who portrayed Kobb in the two part Maquis * Michael Carlin, DC comic book author * Tony Carlin, the actor who portrayed Kohl Physician in VOY: "The Thaw"
  • Ciutat situada al nord-oest de Tibia. Els jugadors nous poden intentar pujar de nivell a les clavegueres, on hi trobaran insectes, però hauran de vigilar amb els pisos inferiors (Rotworms) i al sud del Depot (Slimes). Categoria:Ciutats
  • Carlin was Lord Lovis' old smith. Now he lives all by his lonely at the top of Lovis' Tower. You can mind read him for 133 exp to lower his prices. Also, if you are feeling particularly evil you can talk him into realizing that he's not really alive, and thus killing him. You can buy rare and uncommon Weapons and Armor from him.
  • Carlin ligt in het noord-oosten van het Tibia continent. Deze stad heeft een eeuwige competitie met Thais. De stad wordt geregeerd door Koningin Eloise en vrouwen hebben er de leiding. Hierdoor mogen mannen alleen ondergeschikt werk doen. Een sterke stadsmuur beschermt Carlin tegen de monsters en wilde dieren uit de omgeving. In het riool zwermen bugs, ratten en andere monsters, zoals onder andere rotworms en slimes. Geografishe locatie: Carlin ligt hier, op de TibiaNews' kaart. __TOC__
  • See also: Locations Help __TOC__ __ToC__ See also: A Visit to CarlinCarlin is a town entirely ruled by women. Their queen is Queen Eloise, and the town is at a seemingly endless rivalry with Thais (ruled by King Tibianus). Carlin is located near the northwestern corner of the Tibian Continent, here.
  • Carlin är placerat i Tibias nordvästra region. Denna stad har en speciell rivalitet med Thais. Carlin lyder under Queen Eloises regim. Sen denna kvinnan tog över staden så har männen fått mindre privilegier. En stark stadsmur skyddar staden mot monster och vilda djur ifrån olika områden i närheten. Denna staden har också ett odjursproblem för att det finns rats, bugs och andra monster. På PvP- servrar så har man ofta krig i denna staden, vilket gör den till en farlig stad. På normala servrar så är staden betraktad som ganska farlig.
  • Pre-6.0
  • Dead
  • Carlin
  • Criminal
  • 250
  • Femur Hills, the Ice Islands, Amazon Camp, Maze of Lost Souls, Ghostlands
  • Femur Hills, the Ice Islands, Amazon Camp, Maze of Lost Souls, Ghostlands
  • 36
  • 250
  • Andoran
  • Carlin NPCs
  • Carlin NPCs
  • Carlin was a male individual who lived during the time of the Clone Wars, and he became the leader of the Lurid Gundarks, a criminal gang that was based on the planet Genarius. When the Hutt Riboga seized control of the crime in the Cularin system from the Oblee Nirama, Carlin and the Gundarks refused to submit to the Hutt's authority. However, Carlin soon began to realize that the Gundarks might not have made a wise decision, and he expected that the Gundarks would come under attack from Riboga's minions. The Heroes of Cularin, a group of freelance agents who were trying to work against Riboga, met with Carlin in the Chancellor's Head pub on Genarius and offered to assist him in resisting Riboga.
  • Carlin's sewers are under a seemingly indefinite plague of Bugs and Spiders, the City's citizens do not pay attention to them and consider them minority in comparison to the threat of the surrounding wildlife. However, the most significant threat the residents of Carlin face is by far the Player Killers. Carlin is located near the north-western corner of Tibia, south-west of Northport, west of Femor Hills and Ab'Dendriel. Can be seen here.
  • __TOC__ Carlin is a town ruled by women, although now all but deserted on account of the dangerous monsters under, and surrounding Carlin. Carlin is now an island separated from the rest of Kiwi and only accessible through the NPC Aladdin. This city has a 3-story Depot, a Graveyard to the east and small field surrounding the city itself. The city has some monster infestation like Spiders, Slimes, Blood Crabs, and Tarantulas. The sewers are infested with Juggernauts, although in Old Kiwi they were hive for Kiwis. Currently the biggest house in Carlin is the Carlin Clan Hall 2.
  • See also: Locations Help __TOC__ __ToC__ See also: A Visit to CarlinCarlin is a town entirely ruled by women. Their queen is Queen Eloise, and the town is at a seemingly endless rivalry with Thais (ruled by King Tibianus). Carlin is located near the northwestern corner of the Tibian Continent, here. The city features Queen Eloise's castle on Central Street, a Church, currently run by Tibra, a number of Shops conveniently placed by the 3-story Depot, outdoor Chess and Mill boards, a lake south-east of the depot, and especially the biggest house available at present, Lonely Sea Side Hostel. There are also a few landmarks of note for tourists: A graveyard to the east, Ghostlands to the west, the Fields of Glory, Femor Hills and of course Northport. The Ice Islands Folda, Senja, and Vega may also be worth visiting while here, one can typically be rowed there due to the weak currents. Nielson has taken it up to himself to offer ferry services to take adventurers there. The Carlin Sewers are under a seemingly indefinite plague of Bugs and Spiders, but the city's citizens do not pay attention to them and consider them a minor threat compared to the surrounding wildlife. However, the most significant threat the residents of Carlin face is by far the Player Killers. Amazons also appear, but rarely.
  • Carlin är placerat i Tibias nordvästra region. Denna stad har en speciell rivalitet med Thais. Carlin lyder under Queen Eloises regim. Sen denna kvinnan tog över staden så har männen fått mindre privilegier. En stark stadsmur skyddar staden mot monster och vilda djur ifrån olika områden i närheten. Denna staden har också ett odjursproblem för att det finns rats, bugs och andra monster. På PvP- servrar så har man ofta krig i denna staden, vilket gör den till en farlig stad. På normala servrar så är staden betraktad som ganska farlig. Geografisk plats: Carlin finns här, på den dynamiska TibiaNews' kartan .
  • He lived on the Aybara farm with the rest of Perrin's family before passing away. He is now buried there.
  • Carlin could refer to: Performers and production staff * Amanda Carlin, the actress who portrayed Kobb in the two part Maquis * Michael Carlin, DC comic book author * Tony Carlin, the actor who portrayed Kohl Physician in VOY: "The Thaw"
  • Ciutat situada al nord-oest de Tibia. Els jugadors nous poden intentar pujar de nivell a les clavegueres, on hi trobaran insectes, però hauran de vigilar amb els pisos inferiors (Rotworms) i al sud del Depot (Slimes). Categoria:Ciutats
  • Carlin was Lord Lovis' old smith. Now he lives all by his lonely at the top of Lovis' Tower. You can mind read him for 133 exp to lower his prices. Also, if you are feeling particularly evil you can talk him into realizing that he's not really alive, and thus killing him. You can buy rare and uncommon Weapons and Armor from him.
  • Carlin ligt in het noord-oosten van het Tibia continent. Deze stad heeft een eeuwige competitie met Thais. De stad wordt geregeerd door Koningin Eloise en vrouwen hebben er de leiding. Hierdoor mogen mannen alleen ondergeschikt werk doen. Een sterke stadsmuur beschermt Carlin tegen de monsters en wilde dieren uit de omgeving. In het riool zwermen bugs, ratten en andere monsters, zoals onder andere rotworms en slimes. Geografishe locatie: Carlin ligt hier, op de TibiaNews' kaart. __TOC__
is relatedpages of
is Habitat of
is near of
is Location of