Property | Value |
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rdfs:label | - Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
- Marduk
rdfs:comment | - Marduk was the Babylonian name of a late-generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BC), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BC. In the perfected system of astrology, the planet Jupiter was associated with Marduk by the Hammurabi period.
- Marduk is a Goa'uld who once led an attack on the temple on Jebanna, taking Kendra as a host for another Goa'uld. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")
- right|300px Marduk ist ein Feind der Bakugan Helden.
- Marduk – postać, występująca w Gothic II oraz Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Jest to Mag Ognia przebywający w klasztorze Innosa na wyspie Khorinis.
- Marduk - po hebrajsku Merodach, w mitologii babilońskiej bóg patron miasta Babilonu, znany przynajmniej od XXVIII wieku p.n.e., syn słońca. Ze wzrostem babilońskiej potęgi państwowej Marduk stał się powoli najważniejszym bogiem panteonu babilońskiego i dlatego pisarzom greckim i rzymskim znany jest po prostu jak Bel — „Pan". Mitologia każe mu walczyć z ucieleśnieniem chaosu — Tiamat i stworzyć świat i ludzi. W Babilonie czczony był w olbrzymiej świątyni Esagila. Małżonką jego była Zarpanitu, jego planetą — Jowisz.
- Marduk is the Babylonian god of the city. He once visited New York in an effort to avoid his enemy Tiamat.
- Marduk ist ein Spieler aus dem Bakugan Game und der Rivale des Protagonisten. Sein Bakugan ist Vladitor der sich vorm Ende in Battle Ax Vladitor entwikelt. Der Spieler höhrte das Drago von einem sehr starken Bakugan geschlagen wurde nachdem man das Subterra-Finale geschaft hat muss man gegen Marduk kämpfen. Der spieler muss dann auch noch bein Finale der Haos-Arena gewinnen. Wenn man gewonnen hat, muss man mit Omega Leonidas gegen Battle Ax Vladitor in einen 1vs1-Kampf in der Darkus-Arena antreten
- The Marduk was an Imperial Carrack-class light cruiser that was assigned to the Celanon system under the command of Systems Sub-Commander Jared Brojtal. Following the attack on the Syndaar Military Prep School, the warship led the search for the Ho'Din terrorist Ort Hoogra-D'En.
- Byczogłowy bóg deszczu i burzy, a także mądrości, wody i sądownictwa.
- Marduk is the name of a planet in multiple works of science fiction.
- Marduk is a Shaman of the aborigines living near Morocc. He spellbound his people to use them as royal guards for the tomb of their king. A gangly wizard of darkness. Look out, it knows magic!
- Marduk, the creator, is mentioned in the introduction text. He created at least the Mazes of Menace, and probably the entire universe. He plays no part in the game.
- Marduk was an aspect of the lesser dragon god Bahamut, worshiped in Unther as the greater god of cities, wind, thunder, storms, and rain.
- Marduk var en Goa'uld som en gång leda en attack på templet på Jebanna, med Kendra som värd för en annan Goa'uld. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")
- Marduk (Sumerian spelling in Akkadian: AMAR.UTU 𒀫𒌓 "solar calf"; perhaps from MERI.DUG; Biblical Hebrew מְרֹדַךְ Merodach; Greek Μαρδοχαῖος, Mardochaios) was the Babylonian name of a late-generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BCE), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BCE. In the perfected system of astrology, the planet Jupiter was associated with Marduk by the Hammurabi period.
- Marduk es un luchador y el villano principal en el juego Bakugan Battlers.
- Marduk was a chimpanzee soldier serving in the army of General Thade and Colonel Attar. While part of the ape army camped in the desert near Calima, Marduk played cards with Tuug, but the game ended in a fight. Attar arrived in time to break them up and reorganized the camp after being ashamed of this behaviour.
- Marduk (jap. マルドゥク Maruduku) – postać występująca w grze Sailor Moon: Another Story. Jest jedną z Oppositio Senshi i jest przeciwieństwem Sailor Jupiter. Marduk jest przeciwstawiona Sailor Jupiter, ma podobny wygląd i charakter. Jej marzeniem było stać się tak silna jak Senshi z Kryształowe Tokio. Marzenie to spełniła Shaman Apsu, czyniąc ją jedną z Oppositio Senshi.
- Marduk (マーダック Mādakku) is a Darkus brawler and the main villain in the Bakugan: Battle Battlers video game. His Guardian Bakugan is Vladitor.
- Marduk is a black metal band from Norrköping, Sweden. The band formed in 1990 and released their first record in 1991. Their name is derived from the Babylonian god Marduk, patron deity of Babylon.
- Marduk is a Swedish Black Metal/"Norse core" band. Not to be confused with Tiamat, a Swedish goth-rock band, or the RPG flash-series MARDEK.
- Marduk is a character who appears in Sailor Moon: Another Story.
- Marduk (laŭ Sumera lingvo, laŭ Akada lingvo, Amar.Utu = "suna bovido", eble el Meri.Dug; laŭ biblia Hebrea lingvo Merodach (mi ja flaris, ke ne ĉio iras glate…); laŭ Greka lingvo Μαρδοχαῖος, Mardochaios) estis la babilona nomo de diaĵo de la malfrua epoko de Mezopotamio protektanta de la antikva urbo Babilono: ĝi, kiam tiu urbo fariĝis politika centro de la valo Eŭfrato dum la erao de Hammurabi (Zamenhof ja rajtis deklami la preĝon sub verda standardo - escepte de la kvara strofo), ekakiris ĉiam pli grandan gravecon ene de la babilona panteono, pozicio solidigita en la dua duono de la dua jarmilo a. K.
- Marduk urged King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to construct a great engine to serve as a gateway between the two planes of existence: reality and the Aetherium. According to Soviet theoretical physicist Gennadi Volodnikov, "Marduk himself crossed over from the Aetherium to inspire the Babylonian priests"; however, during the completion of its construction, the Machine was suddenly abandoned by the uneducated masses, either by their own fearful act of defiance or because Nebuchadnezzar changed his orders. Regardless, four priests who may have remained loyal to Marduk named Urgon, Taklit, Azerim and Nub were able to escape with the four most crucial parts of the Machine and flee to opposite corners of the world (Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Mexico and Sudan respectively) wherein they each estab
- marduk.jpg|Il Mago del Fuoco Marduk marduk2.jpg|Marduk nel monastero di Innos Parlaneb1.jpg|Marduk nel monastero di Innos Marduk è un Mago del Fuoco saggio, gentile, di solida fede e di forti convinzioni, qualità che gli hanno meritato il titolo di custode dell'altare di Innos del monastero. Egli si occupa anche di supervisionare i paladini in visita e di insegnare loro come benedire la propria spada, mentre essendo specializzato nella Magia del Ghiaccio e del Fulmine può insegnare agli altri Maghi come creare Rune magiche di questo tipo. E' coinvolto nella quest:
- Marduk is a planet that managed to survive the collapse of the Systems Commonwealth and the Long Night. The capital city of the planet is called Baal, and the planet is located in the Cantarax Sector. Armin Krows was one of the planet's leaders who led the government into the Commonwealth with his successor overthrowing the planetary rule as well as establishing a dictatorship over the system leading to the civilian population living a life of oppression. These traits led to Marduk being considered a "rogue" planet during the Long Night.
- Marduque, Marduk ou Merodaque, como é apresentado na Biblia, é um deus protector da cidade da Babilónia, pertencente a uma geração tardia de deuses da antiga Mesopotâmia. Era filho de uma relação incestuosa entre Enki e Ninhursag. Foi pai de Dumuzzi (que seria o bíblico Tamuz) que corresponde ao deus egipcio Osíris. A sua consorte era Sarpanitu. Em Ragnarök Online,o Marduk é como um mago numa roupa como se fosse uma"armadura".
- Level: Great Wyrm Magichange 9 Spell Resistance: no Sending a volley of Summoned greatwyrms at your enemy, they rip through them with a violent ferocity. You summon the Great Wyrm from the weapon and surround it with an orb of it's own energy before throwing it down and blowing apart the world. This works as a Summon Major Dragon spell that summons 1d4+2 level 7 dragons. These dragons gain a +4 bonus to strength and the additional discipline damage of the great wyrm you're wielding. As a standard action, these Dragons can end this technique. In doing so, create a 30 foot burst within 60 feet, creatures in this area must make a reflex saving throw DC: 19+ Strength modifier or take double damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level. This damage is of the greatwyrm's normal disciplin
- [[Archivo:Marduk_Portador_Palabra_Wikihammer.jpg|thumb|300px|Marduk, Apóstol Oscuro de los Portadores de la Palabra.]] Marduk es uno de los más formidables Apóstoles Oscuros de la Legión Traidora de los Portadores de la Palabra. Es un antiguo Primer Acólito del Apóstol Oscuro Jarulek, convirtiéndose en un Apóstol Oscuro y el señor de pleno derecho de la 34ª Hueste a finales del 41º Milenio, tras la muerte de su antiguo señor a manos de un recientemente despertado Líder Necrón en el planeta Tanakreg. Marduk ayudó a dirigir la masiva Cruzada Oscura de los Portadores de la Palabra para conseguir el control del estratégico Sistema de la Puerta de Boros, perteneciente al Imperio de la Humanidad, que los Portadores de la Palabra creían que desencadenaría los Últimos Días y la victoria final del
- Marduk (sumer. Amar. Utu) to bóg-opiekun miasta Babilon. Jego imię znaczy "Byczek Słońca" i łączono go z planetą Jowisz. Był synem Enkiego – boga podziemnego oceanu wody słodkiej (abzu). Małżonką Marduka była Sarpanitu albo Nanaja. Ze względu na pozycję miasta w niedługim czasie Marduk stał się naczelnym bóstwem Mezopotamii. W pewnym momencie był tak potężny, że resztę bogów uważano za jego sługi bądź jedynie inne aspekty jego osobowości. Jego kult stał się również popularny w Asyrii.
- Marduk was born upon the Feudal World of Colchis in the decades after the Word Bearers had already been enlightened by the truth of the Ruinous Powers. He had been recruited from the Colchisian masses and found worthy to become a part of Lorgar's blessed Word Bearers Legion. His rise through the ranks was meteoric, and he soon found himself serving as the First Acolyte to the Dark Apostle Jarulek. Considered a specially chosen favourite of the Chaos Gods, Marduk had been granted their favour through the experience of prescient visions of many possible futures. He also demonstrated the innate ability to summon daemons from the Empyrean to aid him in battle without the usual ritual summoning spells and extensive preparations and blood sacrifice.
- Name: Marduk Gender: Female Age: 3 years chronologically Classification: Quantum Super Computer Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Probability Manipulation, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Telepathy, Resurrection, Soul Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Information Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Invulnerability, Connecting the virtual worlds to the real worlds (Can make one real or the other fictional), Can make a virtual copy of infinite dimensional hyperverse, All types of Absorption Stamina: Unknown Range: Outerversal
owl:sameAs | |
Allegiances | |
Level | |
CP | |
Appeared | |
Alignment | |
Bonus | |
Pierwsze pojawienie | - Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
dcterms:subject | |
foaf:homepage | |
Przynależność | |
Posiadana Broń | |
Płeć | |
Zawód | |
mieszka w | |
hemvärld | |
Dubbing | |
Pantheon | |
Miejsce urzędowania | |
MATK | |
Powiązania | |
alignment2e | |
Imię | |
Hit | |
DEX | |
aktör | |
Gatunek | |
Obraz | |
Obrazek | |
LVL | |
Agi | |
Występowanie | |
stext | |
Wyznanie | |
Arcana | |
Auftritt | |
Mag | |
Lojalitet | |
pierwsze wystąpienie | - Sailor Moon: Another Story
str | |
Narodowość | |
ATK | |
Kolor | |
Ras | |
Przedmiot kradzieży | |
Kod na przywołanie | |
Posiadana Zbroja | |
LCK | |
kanji / kana | |
MDEF | |
Letzter Auftritt | |
Item | |
STM | |
Agl | |
spd | |
Kön | |
Quest | |
Framträdanden | |
MGC | |
Miejsce zamieszkania | |
LV | |
Gildia | |
Poziom postaci | |
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Cards | |
Range | |
Affinity | |
Associates | |
Appearances | |
Movement | |
Nombre | |
Element | |
Story | |
diameter | |
Enemy | |
Origin | |
Grad | |
Last | |
Power | |
Voiced by | |
Status | |
Habitat | |
Events | - Started construction on Nova Bombs
Game | - God Eater 2
- God Eater 2 Rage Burst
Actor | |
Name | |
MP | |
Text | |
Type | |
Guardian | |
Align | |
Traits | - Bluff, Wise
- Forceful, Wise
First | |
Weakness | |
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exp | |
Character Name | |
Aliases | |
fgcolor | |
Profile | - Babylonian creator god who made heaven and earth from Tiamat's body.
- Babylonian creator god who formed earth from Tiamat's corpse.
Alias | |
Population | |
parts | |
Rōmaji | |
Species | - Garm
- Human
- Human derivatives
Title | - Lord of Pure Incantations
- Niosący Sprawiedliwość
- The Justice Bringer
DEF | |
Skill | - 1
- Maragion
Di Punish
- Flare Light
Bright Judgment
Killing Blow
- Megido
Cursed Arrow
Curse of Words Messatsu ya
- Holy Flare
Golden Mute
Healmax All
Rank | |
Image size | |
Class | |
Return | - Agility Source
- Raime Gauntlet
Note | - A royal emperor who was defeated in battle against Tiamat. He was injured and now searches for a warrior that can defeat Tiamat his stead.
Description | - Marduk can mutate into Galahad or Ebisu
- Marduk mutates into Nankyoku Roujin
Color | |
Namn | |
Died | |
Symbol | |
dbkwik:pl.sailormoon/property/wikiPageUsesTemplate | |
Japanese | |
Home | |
Attribute | |
Image | |
SP | |
Character | |
int | |
Occupation | - God of the City
- Servant of Shaman Apsu
Home Planet | |
HP | |
Subtype | |
RES | |
Continuity | |
Resides | |
Gender | |
Race | |
Born | |
Book | |
portfolio | - miasta, wiatr, piorun, burza, deszcz
Quote | - I am Marduk... Your name is among the 50 that I hold...
- I am Marduk... Your name shall become one of the 50 names I hold...
- I shall follow the book of destiny and become the shield of order!
- Let us follow the way to become a shield of discipline!
Super | |
Bild | |
Location | |
Size | |
wikipage disambiguates | |
AVD | |
Infobox-Farbe | |
CHM | |
Defenses | - Fighters
- Frigates
- Orbital defense system
Ptalk | |
ITIN | |
PhysDef | |
restype | |
CRT | |
Move Type | |
Vit | |
affilliation | |
Luk | |
Combo | - True Veil\Dred Cat
Holy Shield\Michael / Dominion
Soul Eater\Dred Cat
Ray Field\Solron
atributo | |
Resistance | |
WSM | |
Wymagana zręczność | |
Unknown Power | |
homeplane2e | |
bakugan | |
symbol2e | |
realm2e | |
portfolio2e | - City, Wind, Thunder, Storms, and Rain
power2e | |
spieler typ | |
cleric alignments2e | |
weakpoint | |
serves2e | |
abstract | - Marduk was the Babylonian name of a late-generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BC), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BC. In the perfected system of astrology, the planet Jupiter was associated with Marduk by the Hammurabi period.
- Marduk is a Goa'uld who once led an attack on the temple on Jebanna, taking Kendra as a host for another Goa'uld. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")
- right|300px Marduk ist ein Feind der Bakugan Helden.
- Marduk – postać, występująca w Gothic II oraz Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Jest to Mag Ognia przebywający w klasztorze Innosa na wyspie Khorinis.
- marduk.jpg|Il Mago del Fuoco Marduk marduk2.jpg|Marduk nel monastero di Innos Parlaneb1.jpg|Marduk nel monastero di Innos Marduk è un Mago del Fuoco saggio, gentile, di solida fede e di forti convinzioni, qualità che gli hanno meritato il titolo di custode dell'altare di Innos del monastero. Egli si occupa anche di supervisionare i paladini in visita e di insegnare loro come benedire la propria spada, mentre essendo specializzato nella Magia del Ghiaccio e del Fulmine può insegnare agli altri Maghi come creare Rune magiche di questo tipo. E' coinvolto nella quest:
* Una preghiera per i paladini.
- Marduk urged King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to construct a great engine to serve as a gateway between the two planes of existence: reality and the Aetherium. According to Soviet theoretical physicist Gennadi Volodnikov, "Marduk himself crossed over from the Aetherium to inspire the Babylonian priests"; however, during the completion of its construction, the Machine was suddenly abandoned by the uneducated masses, either by their own fearful act of defiance or because Nebuchadnezzar changed his orders. Regardless, four priests who may have remained loyal to Marduk named Urgon, Taklit, Azerim and Nub were able to escape with the four most crucial parts of the Machine and flee to opposite corners of the world (Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Mexico and Sudan respectively) wherein they each established themselves as a ruler among the local people and kept the parts safe within secluded sanctuaries. Many centuries later, soldiers from the Soviet Union led by Dr. Volodnikov attempted to find these parts so that they could reactivate the machine and use the powers of Marduk and the Aetherium to take over the world themselves. Indiana Jones was able to find each of the parts before they did, but then made the mistake of giving them to CIA agents Sophia Hapgood and Simon Turner. Turner, corrupted by his newfound power, reactivated the Machine himself and pushed Sophia into a cage of the otherworldly substance aether, planning to send her down into the Aetherium for "scientific purposes." Jones killed Turner, but Hapgood was still sent into the Aetherium and Jones dove after her. Within the Aetherium, Jones at last encountered Marduk, a bizarre, winged, quasi-physical hollowed being made of light and energy (presumably aether) with no apparent biological sex (but with the representation of a deep masculine voice that spoke fluent English, although it may have only sounded this way while he actually communicated with Jones telepathically; the only words Marduk ever spoke to Jones were, "Welcome to the Aetherium, mortal!"). The creature's power source came from a pink gem worn around his neck and known as the Marduk Medallion. This allowed Marduk to charge up his energy beneath a suspended electrical power sphere and consequently fire purple energy blasts. Upon encountering Jones, Marduk charged himself and then immediately commenced a violent barrage of attacks upon the human intruder. Jones, though, nearly defeated Marduk by reflecting the luminous attacks back at him with a large mirror; weakened, Marduk fled and later reappeared to graft his ghostly body with Hapgood's to form an even more extraordinary hybrid that resembled a giant aethereal harpy. This feminine half-Hapgood, half-Marduk monster, after killing Jones, would presumably leave the Aetherium to fulfill its original task of taking over the Earth. However, Jones was able to harness the same deadly powers that Marduk had used by charging his whip with the same aether energy. After striking the monster several times with lightning from the aethereally-charged whip, Jones sufficiently crippled Marduk's aethereal form, freeing Hapgood's body as a result. If Marduk survived beyond that, he was certainly in too weak a state of existence to still have any visible body left. As the Aetherium collapsed and merged with reality, it is assumed that the already-diminished Marduk, unable to survive in a non-aethereal atmosphere, was erased, like the Aetherium itself, from all existence.
- Marduque, Marduk ou Merodaque, como é apresentado na Biblia, é um deus protector da cidade da Babilónia, pertencente a uma geração tardia de deuses da antiga Mesopotâmia. Era filho de uma relação incestuosa entre Enki e Ninhursag. Foi pai de Dumuzzi (que seria o bíblico Tamuz) que corresponde ao deus egipcio Osíris. A sua consorte era Sarpanitu. Com a ascensão da Babilónia à capital da coligação de estados do Eufrates, sob a liderança do Rei Hamurabi (2250 a.C.), torna-se também o deus supremo do panteão de deuses mesopotâmicos, foi a ele que os outros deuses confiaram o poder supremo, foi o vencedor do monstro Tiamat, que personificava o caos primordial, divide-o em duas partes, com as quais forma o céu (onde coloca os astros) e a terra (onde estabelece a residência dos principais deuses). Os deuses queixam-se, porém, de não terem quem os adore, pelo que Marduque cria o homem, para que os povos da terra os adorem e lhe levantem templos. Podemos encontrar referências ao deus Marduque nos parágrafos de abertura e finalização do Código de Hamurabi, o mais famoso código legislativo da Antiguidade. Marduque é chamado de Merodaque pelos hebreus. (Isaías 39:1; Jeremias 50:2; II Reis 25:27) Marduk foi declarado, por volta de 2000 a.C., Deus Supremo da Babilônia e dos Quatro Cantos da Terra, após vencer disputa entre os deuses pelo controle da Terra. Marduk não se conformava, pelo facto de a família de seu tio Enlil e seus primos Nannar-Sin e Ninurta não deixar seu pai Enki ser o supremo entre os deuses. Após conseguir a supremacia, Marduk chamou para si os atos do planeta Nibiru/Marduk, que se chocou com Tiamat na formação do sistema solar, evento contado nas plaquetas sumérias que relatam a Batalha Celeste (Enuma Elish). Num gesto de farsa autointitulou-se o criador do mundo e do homem. Era venerado no templo de Esagil, na Babilônia. Em Ragnarök Online,o Marduk é como um mago numa roupa como se fosse uma"armadura".
- Marduk - po hebrajsku Merodach, w mitologii babilońskiej bóg patron miasta Babilonu, znany przynajmniej od XXVIII wieku p.n.e., syn słońca. Ze wzrostem babilońskiej potęgi państwowej Marduk stał się powoli najważniejszym bogiem panteonu babilońskiego i dlatego pisarzom greckim i rzymskim znany jest po prostu jak Bel — „Pan". Mitologia każe mu walczyć z ucieleśnieniem chaosu — Tiamat i stworzyć świat i ludzi. W Babilonie czczony był w olbrzymiej świątyni Esagila. Małżonką jego była Zarpanitu, jego planetą — Jowisz.
- Marduk (laŭ Sumera lingvo, laŭ Akada lingvo, Amar.Utu = "suna bovido", eble el Meri.Dug; laŭ biblia Hebrea lingvo Merodach (mi ja flaris, ke ne ĉio iras glate…); laŭ Greka lingvo Μαρδοχαῖος, Mardochaios) estis la babilona nomo de diaĵo de la malfrua epoko de Mezopotamio protektanta de la antikva urbo Babilono: ĝi, kiam tiu urbo fariĝis politika centro de la valo Eŭfrato dum la erao de Hammurabi (Zamenhof ja rajtis deklami la preĝon sub verda standardo - escepte de la kvara strofo), ekakiris ĉiam pli grandan gravecon ene de la babilona panteono, pozicio solidigita en la dua duono de la dua jarmilo a. K. Marduk estas simboligita per la planedo Jupitero kaj la nombro al ĝi dediĉita estas la 50, atribuita antaŭe al Enlil, kies jam disvolvas la funkcion de reĝo de la dioj.
- Marduk is the Babylonian god of the city. He once visited New York in an effort to avoid his enemy Tiamat.
- Marduk (sumer. Amar. Utu) to bóg-opiekun miasta Babilon. Jego imię znaczy "Byczek Słońca" i łączono go z planetą Jowisz. Był synem Enkiego – boga podziemnego oceanu wody słodkiej (abzu). Małżonką Marduka była Sarpanitu albo Nanaja. Ze względu na pozycję miasta w niedługim czasie Marduk stał się naczelnym bóstwem Mezopotamii. W pewnym momencie był tak potężny, że resztę bogów uważano za jego sługi bądź jedynie inne aspekty jego osobowości. Jego kult stał się również popularny w Asyrii. Symbolem Marduka było trójkątne narzędzie rolnicze – łopata lub motyka – zwane marru (ponieważ na początku był najprawdopodobniej jak inni bogowie jedynie lokalnym bóstwem rolniczym). Towarzyszył mu wąż-smok. Kojarzy się go przede wszystkim z takimi dziedzinami, jak magia, mądrość, woda i sądownictwo – im bowiem patronował. Pojawił się w grze Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine na poziomie The Aetherium. Został jednak pokonany przez Indianę przy pomocy naelektryzowanego bicza.
- Marduk ist ein Spieler aus dem Bakugan Game und der Rivale des Protagonisten. Sein Bakugan ist Vladitor der sich vorm Ende in Battle Ax Vladitor entwikelt. Der Spieler höhrte das Drago von einem sehr starken Bakugan geschlagen wurde nachdem man das Subterra-Finale geschaft hat muss man gegen Marduk kämpfen. Der spieler muss dann auch noch bein Finale der Haos-Arena gewinnen. Wenn man gewonnen hat, muss man mit Omega Leonidas gegen Battle Ax Vladitor in einen 1vs1-Kampf in der Darkus-Arena antreten
- Marduk is a planet that managed to survive the collapse of the Systems Commonwealth and the Long Night. The capital city of the planet is called Baal, and the planet is located in the Cantarax Sector. Armin Krows was one of the planet's leaders who led the government into the Commonwealth with his successor overthrowing the planetary rule as well as establishing a dictatorship over the system leading to the civilian population living a life of oppression. These traits led to Marduk being considered a "rogue" planet during the Long Night. It was well known for being a heavily defended star system with at least 5 layers of both orbital as well as planetary defenses. In fact, Marduk's defenses were strong enough to easily destroy a Glorious Heritage Class heavy cruiser the moment it entered into the system even the most favorable projections preformed by Rommie did allow the Andromeda Ascendant to enter into orbit before being destroyed by defensive fire. The actual orbital defense stations look like moons. A web-like pattern of detection lasers criss-crossed the upper orbits of the planet, and are virtually impenetrable. Even vessels in stealth mode are capable of being detected after entering the atmosphere, and are bombarded with anti-air fire, as well as home guard of VTOL (Vertical Takeoff Or Landing) space-capable fighters. ("Slipfighter The Dogs of War") In CY 10089, the planet began an armament campaign secretly sponsored by the Spirit of the Abyss. This led to Marduk's reclusive ruler beginning a weapons development program for Nova bombs and the synthesis of the element responsible for allowing the device to work (Voltarium). Two warheads ended up being tested, leading to the destruction of those stars. This provoked a reaction from the restored Systems Commonwealth. However, they were unable to intervene due to the possible political backlash of interfering in the system, as well as the heavy defenses protecting it. However, the Commonwealth did want to respond because Nova Bombs would have given the dictator a weapon that would have been used to take over nearby systems and to gain favorable sanctions. This led to Captain Dylan Hunt being allowed to take part in a plausibly deniable black ops attack on the planet in order to destroy the Voltarium manufacturing plant to prevent further warheads from being produced. The refinery itself was disguised as a children's hospital and was surrounded by ghettos. Beka Valentine destroyed it when she dropped a laser guided bomb on it, leveling it. ("Slipfighter The Dogs of War")
- The Marduk was an Imperial Carrack-class light cruiser that was assigned to the Celanon system under the command of Systems Sub-Commander Jared Brojtal. Following the attack on the Syndaar Military Prep School, the warship led the search for the Ho'Din terrorist Ort Hoogra-D'En.
- Byczogłowy bóg deszczu i burzy, a także mądrości, wody i sądownictwa.
- Marduk is the name of a planet in multiple works of science fiction.
- Marduk is a Shaman of the aborigines living near Morocc. He spellbound his people to use them as royal guards for the tomb of their king. A gangly wizard of darkness. Look out, it knows magic!
- [[Archivo:Marduk_Portador_Palabra_Wikihammer.jpg|thumb|300px|Marduk, Apóstol Oscuro de los Portadores de la Palabra.]] Marduk es uno de los más formidables Apóstoles Oscuros de la Legión Traidora de los Portadores de la Palabra. Es un antiguo Primer Acólito del Apóstol Oscuro Jarulek, convirtiéndose en un Apóstol Oscuro y el señor de pleno derecho de la 34ª Hueste a finales del 41º Milenio, tras la muerte de su antiguo señor a manos de un recientemente despertado Líder Necrón en el planeta Tanakreg. Marduk ayudó a dirigir la masiva Cruzada Oscura de los Portadores de la Palabra para conseguir el control del estratégico Sistema de la Puerta de Boros, perteneciente al Imperio de la Humanidad, que los Portadores de la Palabra creían que desencadenaría los Últimos Días y la victoria final del Caos en la Galaxia.
- Marduk, the creator, is mentioned in the introduction text. He created at least the Mazes of Menace, and probably the entire universe. He plays no part in the game.
- Level: Great Wyrm Magichange 9 Spell Resistance: no Sending a volley of Summoned greatwyrms at your enemy, they rip through them with a violent ferocity. You summon the Great Wyrm from the weapon and surround it with an orb of it's own energy before throwing it down and blowing apart the world. This works as a Summon Major Dragon spell that summons 1d4+2 level 7 dragons. These dragons gain a +4 bonus to strength and the additional discipline damage of the great wyrm you're wielding. As a standard action, these Dragons can end this technique. In doing so, create a 30 foot burst within 60 feet, creatures in this area must make a reflex saving throw DC: 19+ Strength modifier or take double damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level. This damage is of the greatwyrm's normal discipline type. A successful saving throw halves the damage. These dragons last for 1 round per level.
- Marduk was born upon the Feudal World of Colchis in the decades after the Word Bearers had already been enlightened by the truth of the Ruinous Powers. He had been recruited from the Colchisian masses and found worthy to become a part of Lorgar's blessed Word Bearers Legion. His rise through the ranks was meteoric, and he soon found himself serving as the First Acolyte to the Dark Apostle Jarulek. Considered a specially chosen favourite of the Chaos Gods, Marduk had been granted their favour through the experience of prescient visions of many possible futures. He also demonstrated the innate ability to summon daemons from the Empyrean to aid him in battle without the usual ritual summoning spells and extensive preparations and blood sacrifice. When the Word Bearers turned from the light of the Emperor of Mankind in favour of the worship of the Ruinous Powers there were still those amongst their ranks that remained Loyal to the "False Emperor". Those who refused to accept Legion's new creed were “purged” over the course of one week. This involved the elimination of every one of the Terran-born members of the Legion as well as any Colchisian Astartes who refused to accept the new religious doctrine espoused by their Primarch. This purge was carried out by The Brotherhood, an internal sect secretly formed by the order of Lorgar, composed of his most dedicated sons. The Urizen mourned the necessity of this betrayal and acted with great reluctance when this clandestine sect acted to kill so many of their Battle-Brothers. Marduk was a member of The Brotherhood and carried out the brutal purge of the Legion with joy in his black heart. Swearing to utterly destroy their hated rivals, the Ultramarines, for destroying the "Perfect City" of Monarchia upon the world of Khur, First Captain Kor Phaeron led a Dark Crusade against the worlds of the Ultramar Sector. As the first step in this assault, the First Captain directed a full-scale invasion of the Calth System. Marduk took part in the Calth campaign which devastated the planet and left horrific destruction in its wake. But in the end, Kor Phaeron had underestimated the Ultramarines' resolve and was defeated when the Loyalist Legion sent reinforcements from Macragge, driving the Word Bearers Astartes from the surface of Calth. Kor Phaeron retreated all the way to the Maelstrom, a turbulent Warp rift similar to the much larger Eye of Terror, where the Immaterium of Chaos seeped through into the material realm of the universe. Like his Battle-Brothers, Marduk swore his eternal enmity towards the hated Ultramarines and everything they stood for.
- Name: Marduk Gender: Female Age: 3 years chronologically Classification: Quantum Super Computer Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Probability Manipulation, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Telepathy, Resurrection, Soul Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Information Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Invulnerability, Connecting the virtual worlds to the real worlds (Can make one real or the other fictional), Can make a virtual copy of infinite dimensional hyperverse, All types of Absorption Attack Potency: Outerverse level (Exists over infinite higher levels of existence, each level containing their own multiverse of unknown size) Stamina: Unknown Range: Outerversal Standard Equipment: Unknown Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient Weaknesses: Hysterical, amoral & irrational Quantum Calculation - Can calculate using the many-world theory. Modeling the universe - Creates (but is not limited to) hundreds of millions replicas of the universe with all the endless levels of existence (the ones that are "below") in the span of an instant. Marduk can use the design to catch the enemy in an infinite recursion. Marduk may also destroy all worlds at any time. Infinite Recursion - Forces Marduk's enemies down through infinite dimensions and experiencing an infinite number of lives, which is too much for the victim and drives them insane. Assimilation - Can absorb any information and make it part of the herself. Because for a quantum computer a reality is nothing more than an array of information, Marduk can also absorb the real world. Similarly, Marduk absorbs and human consciousness / soul in unlimited quantities.
- Marduk was an aspect of the lesser dragon god Bahamut, worshiped in Unther as the greater god of cities, wind, thunder, storms, and rain.
- Marduk var en Goa'uld som en gång leda en attack på templet på Jebanna, med Kendra som värd för en annan Goa'uld. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")
- Marduk (Sumerian spelling in Akkadian: AMAR.UTU 𒀫𒌓 "solar calf"; perhaps from MERI.DUG; Biblical Hebrew מְרֹדַךְ Merodach; Greek Μαρδοχαῖος, Mardochaios) was the Babylonian name of a late-generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BCE), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BCE. In the perfected system of astrology, the planet Jupiter was associated with Marduk by the Hammurabi period.
- Marduk es un luchador y el villano principal en el juego Bakugan Battlers.
- Marduk was a chimpanzee soldier serving in the army of General Thade and Colonel Attar. While part of the ape army camped in the desert near Calima, Marduk played cards with Tuug, but the game ended in a fight. Attar arrived in time to break them up and reorganized the camp after being ashamed of this behaviour.
- Marduk (jap. マルドゥク Maruduku) – postać występująca w grze Sailor Moon: Another Story. Jest jedną z Oppositio Senshi i jest przeciwieństwem Sailor Jupiter. Marduk jest przeciwstawiona Sailor Jupiter, ma podobny wygląd i charakter. Jej marzeniem było stać się tak silna jak Senshi z Kryształowe Tokio. Marzenie to spełniła Shaman Apsu, czyniąc ją jedną z Oppositio Senshi.
- Marduk (マーダック Mādakku) is a Darkus brawler and the main villain in the Bakugan: Battle Battlers video game. His Guardian Bakugan is Vladitor.
- Marduk is a black metal band from Norrköping, Sweden. The band formed in 1990 and released their first record in 1991. Their name is derived from the Babylonian god Marduk, patron deity of Babylon.
- Marduk is a Swedish Black Metal/"Norse core" band. Not to be confused with Tiamat, a Swedish goth-rock band, or the RPG flash-series MARDEK.
- Marduk is a character who appears in Sailor Moon: Another Story.
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