  • 264
  • 264
  • 264
  • 264
  • 264
  • 264
  • Obwohl er sie noch liebt, will sich Oliver von Diana trennen. Oliver beschließt, sich ganz dem Projekt 'Mediziner ohne Grenzen' zu widmen und Essen zu verlassen. Und das überrascht nicht nur Annette, sondern auch Julian. Als Marian Deniz durch den Inkasso-Unternehmer in Gefahr sieht, beschließt er zu handeln und will Deniz auf unbestimmte Zeit nach München schicken. Doch Deniz zeigt sich uneinsichtig und Marian verkennt, dass auch Nadja in Gefahr ist. Jenny ist wütend: Ihre Intrige gegen Diana war erfolglos. In Axel glaubt sie, den Sündenbock gefunden zu haben. Jenny hat kein Verständnis für Axels Geschäftssinn. Genau das macht wiederum Axel misstrauisch und er beginnt mit pikanten Nachforschungen.
  • 264 — перепрошитый дроид-астромеханик линейки R4, работавший в Имперском корпусе прессы на Галактическую Империю в качестве курьера. Дроид был пленён командой Призрака, дабы их собственный дроид, C1-10P, смог играть его роль. После миссии повстанцы хотели оставить 264 себе, но ревнивый Чоппер скинул конкурента с борта корабля.
  • Number 264 was an item on The List.
  • El dos cientos sesentaicuatro (264) es el número natural que sigue al 263 y precede al 265. Categoría:Números
  • 264 fue un droide astromecánico de la serie R4 que trabajaba para el Cuerpo de Prensa Imperial del Imperio Galáctico, como mensajero. Fue hecho prisionero por la tripulación del Espíritu para que su propio androide, C1-10P, pudiera pasar por un mensajero imperial. Los rebeldes consideraron la posibilidad de mantenerlo en su grupo, pero fue expulsado del Espíritu por C1-10P.
  • [Source] 264 est un droïde astromech de série R4 utilisé comme droïde courrier par l'Empire Galactique sur Lothal.
  • Dopo la distruzione della Torre di comunicazione principale di Lothal, l'Impero trasmetteva le informazioni da terra verso la flotta orbitante tramite droidi corrieri. Tra questi vi era 264. Una volta, mentre era accompagnato verso una navetta, che lo avrebbe trasportato presso un incrociatore di comunicazioni, i Ribelli di Lothal, nella speranza di trovare informazioni riguardanti il loro capo, Kanan Jarrus, fatto prigioniero dall'Impero precedentemente, lo catturarono, e fecero infiltrare il loro droide C1-10P (comunemente chiamato Chopper) nella navetta, dopo averlo ridipinto come un droide imperiale.
  • Jason enters the drawing room of Collinwood where Roger pointedly ignores him. Roger starts to leave but not before Jason starts to taunt him, saying that they will soon be brothers-in-law. Roger tells Jason if he can do anything to stop that from happening, he will. Jason laughs in his face.
  • *Галактическая Империя **Имперский корпус прессы *Повстанцы Лотала
  • *Imperio Galáctico **Cuerpo de Prensa Imperial *Rebeldes de Lothal
  • 264
  • Black
  • Red
  • White
  • 250
  • *Impero Galattico *Ribelli di Lothal
  • 1967-06-15
  • 260
  • 264
  • 264
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 264
  • 264
  • Звёздные войны: Повстанцы: Решимость повстанца
  • Rebels Recon: Inside "Rebel Resolve"
  • Star Wars Rebels Rebel Resolve
  • Star Wars Rebels Rebel Resolve
  • Rebels Recon: "Решимость повстанца"
  • 1967-06-29
  • 264
  • 264
  • List Number 264
  • 250
  • 264
  • 264
  • 250
  • 264
  • tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/rebel-resolve
  • tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/rebel-resolve
  • tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/rebel-resolve
  • video/rebels-recon-inside-rebel-resolve
  • video/rebels-recon-inside-rebel-resolve
  • 264
Ligne de production
  • Série R
  • Broke bus stop while looking for Poncho the blue fish
  • green
  • 263
  • Droïde astromech de série R4
  • Nero
  • Negro
цвет датчиков
  • Obwohl er sie noch liebt, will sich Oliver von Diana trennen. Oliver beschließt, sich ganz dem Projekt 'Mediziner ohne Grenzen' zu widmen und Essen zu verlassen. Und das überrascht nicht nur Annette, sondern auch Julian. Als Marian Deniz durch den Inkasso-Unternehmer in Gefahr sieht, beschließt er zu handeln und will Deniz auf unbestimmte Zeit nach München schicken. Doch Deniz zeigt sich uneinsichtig und Marian verkennt, dass auch Nadja in Gefahr ist. Jenny ist wütend: Ihre Intrige gegen Diana war erfolglos. In Axel glaubt sie, den Sündenbock gefunden zu haben. Jenny hat kein Verständnis für Axels Geschäftssinn. Genau das macht wiederum Axel misstrauisch und er beginnt mit pikanten Nachforschungen.
  • 264 — перепрошитый дроид-астромеханик линейки R4, работавший в Имперском корпусе прессы на Галактическую Империю в качестве курьера. Дроид был пленён командой Призрака, дабы их собственный дроид, C1-10P, смог играть его роль. После миссии повстанцы хотели оставить 264 себе, но ревнивый Чоппер скинул конкурента с борта корабля.
  • Dopo la distruzione della Torre di comunicazione principale di Lothal, l'Impero trasmetteva le informazioni da terra verso la flotta orbitante tramite droidi corrieri. Tra questi vi era 264. Una volta, mentre era accompagnato verso una navetta, che lo avrebbe trasportato presso un incrociatore di comunicazioni, i Ribelli di Lothal, nella speranza di trovare informazioni riguardanti il loro capo, Kanan Jarrus, fatto prigioniero dall'Impero precedentemente, lo catturarono, e fecero infiltrare il loro droide C1-10P (comunemente chiamato Chopper) nella navetta, dopo averlo ridipinto come un droide imperiale. Successivamente, dopo che Chopper trovò le informazioni riguardante la posizione di Kanan, il Ghost inizio a sparare contro l'incrociatore. Nello scontro a fuoco, la nave dei ribelli fu colpita e al suo interno si generò un principio di incendio. Fu proprio 264 a spegnerlo: per questo finita la missione si propose di far entrare nel gruppo 264, ma Chopper, geloso, lo gettò fuori dalla nave. 264 alla fine si ritrovò in mezzo ai campi di Lothal, miracolosamente illeso.
  • Number 264 was an item on The List.
  • El dos cientos sesentaicuatro (264) es el número natural que sigue al 263 y precede al 265. Categoría:Números
  • Jason enters the drawing room of Collinwood where Roger pointedly ignores him. Roger starts to leave but not before Jason starts to taunt him, saying that they will soon be brothers-in-law. Roger tells Jason if he can do anything to stop that from happening, he will. Jason laughs in his face. Jason and Roger continue their argument, Jason saying that if anything were going to stop the marriage it would have already happened. Roger tells Jason he will always be his enemy and Jason puts down his drink and tells Roger he has tried to get along with him, but if he wants war, then war he will get. Roger tells Jason he is having papers drawn up to assure that Jason will never take control of the Collins estate and Jason tells him that those papers will never be signed. Roger assures him they will be signed along with other papers that will make sure the wedding never takes place. Roger slams his newspaper down and leaves. Jason takes the paper and chuckles to the empty room. At the Old House, Willie tells Barnabas that all traces of "the Evans girl" are gone. Barnabas mentions he thought he saw a child, but not David outside. Willie tells Barnabas about his remorse over Maggie's death and Barnabas tells him to be careful and make sure he does not step out of line. He tells Willie to go outside and look around because he is certain there is someone out there. Roger shows up at the Old House for an impromptu visit while on an evening stroll. He tells Barnabas that he had to get out of Collinwood and over a drink he tells him that he thinks Jason is forcing Elizabeth to marry him. Barnabas says he is surprised, but that he did think the coupling was odd and without affection. Barnabas inquires to the nature of the blackmail and Roger says he does not know, but it seems to be "something of long standing". Roger tells Barnabas that everyone has tried to talk Elizabeth out of the marriage, and how Carolyn has even planned on marrying the same day to someone who is "undoubtedly one of the most disreputable people in the entire county". Barnabas says he has been trying to mind his own business, but he could talk to Elizabeth. Roger says it would not help and only put Barnabas in a bad position. Barnabas asks if McGuire can be bought off, but Roger does not think so. Barnabas says he will talk to Jason anyway since any transfer of family wealth would involve him and the Old House. Outside, Willie meets Sarah. Sarah tells Willie she is looking for someone to play with and Willie tries to get her to go home. She tells Willie she lives nearby and she has been searching for her parents, but can't find them. She also reveals she has played with David there and Willie tells her no one is supposed to play near the Old House. When asked where she lives, she repeatedly points towards the Old House, despite Willie's protests. When he tries to get her to follow him, she disappears. At Collinwood Barnabas and Roger arrive and Barnabas suggests looking at the original deeds to see if there might be a codicil that would prevent Jason's control from happening. Roger goes upstairs while Barnabas wanders into the Drawing Room where Jason is still reading the newspaper. Barnabas tells Jason he has heard about the wedding and hints that it may not be a happy day. Barnabas and Jason continue their talk, Jason saying it is a chance for Elizabeth to find happiness. Barnabas tells Jason it is none of his business, but that he is concerned with Jason's motives as he may know more about Jason than the others. Jason assumes that Willie has been talking, but Barnabas tells him Willie has said very little, that his objections have to do with their limited contact. Barnabas hints that Jason may have done some things in the past that were illegal and Jason calls his bluff, saying he should call the Sheriff if he is concerned. Jason points out that Barnabas is not exactly a known quantity himself. He has hired Willie, who is a shady character, and is apparently wealthy, but no one knows what Barnabas does for a living - he has no bank accounts, no apparent business interests, yet he is gone every day all day long. He questions how Willie fits in with Barnabas' "business". Jason tells Barnabas he is beginning to interest him. Meanwhile, back at the Old House, Willie is replacing candles when Barnabas returns. He is annoyed that Jason is starting to ask a lot of questions - if he isn't careful, he'll have to be "dealt with". Willie tells him not to worry about Jason and about meeting a strange little girl with no sense of direction. Barnabas seems concerned when Willie tells him that she kept pointing toward the Old House and saying she lived there.
  • 264 fue un droide astromecánico de la serie R4 que trabajaba para el Cuerpo de Prensa Imperial del Imperio Galáctico, como mensajero. Fue hecho prisionero por la tripulación del Espíritu para que su propio androide, C1-10P, pudiera pasar por un mensajero imperial. Los rebeldes consideraron la posibilidad de mantenerlo en su grupo, pero fue expulsado del Espíritu por C1-10P.
  • [Source] 264 est un droïde astromech de série R4 utilisé comme droïde courrier par l'Empire Galactique sur Lothal.
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