  • Three Great Hero Magics
  • The Three Great Hero Magics are said to be three nigh-absolute magics that said to be able to kill God-Level Mysterious Beings in a instant. Due to the power said these possess, the Hero Association had banned these magics, and can only be used if an God-Level Threat is present. These magics are passed down from generation to generation in a group of family called the Hero's Family, which is said to be lineage of mages that protected the world from supernatural threats long before the creation of the Hero Association.
  • Three Great Hero Magics
Hero Law
  • File:Fairy_Law.gif
  • The Three Great Hero Magics are said to be three nigh-absolute magics that said to be able to kill God-Level Mysterious Beings in a instant. Due to the power said these possess, the Hero Association had banned these magics, and can only be used if an God-Level Threat is present. These magics are passed down from generation to generation in a group of family called the Hero's Family, which is said to be lineage of mages that protected the world from supernatural threats long before the creation of the Hero Association. Despite not classified as one of the Three, Hero Heart is considered to be "part" of the three due to what it is.
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