  • The Dragon Pirates
  • The The Dragon Pirates (龍海賊 Ryū kaizoku?) is a pirate crew established in West Blue. This crew is the main protagonist of Fanon series One Piece: Blue Adventure. It's lead by pirate captain Tyson D. Dragon from Brush Island. Crew counts only ten members with a pet, but their common strength is great enough to be recognized by the World Goverment. The crew is named after Tyson D. Dragon's tattoo of dragon. The crew is certainly operating in The New World.
  • The The Dragon Pirates (龍海賊 Ryū kaizoku?) is a pirate crew established in West Blue. This crew is the main protagonist of Fanon series One Piece: Blue Adventure. It's lead by pirate captain Tyson D. Dragon from Brush Island. Crew counts only ten members with a pet, but their common strength is great enough to be recognized by the World Goverment. The crew is named after Tyson D. Dragon's tattoo of dragon. The crew is certainly operating in The New World. Some marines this crew call "Blue-Hair Pirates" because of crew's captain's blue hair, although its not their official name. The total bounty of this crew is certainly unknown due to some of the member's bounty are unknown. Although what is known is that captain Tyson D. Dragon is quite dangerous and he has the biggest bounty in the crew. Their main ship Will come is build by crew's shipwright Ban and its advanced version of the ship then the crew's first ship Rising Sun.