  • The Little Acrobat
  • Summary: Ty Lee falls for a prince named Ben, something her uncle, Seto Kiba, does not approve of. Ty Lee will do anything to be with Ben, even if it means selling her voice to Hunter J. Pairings: Ty LeexBen/B10M, JadenxAlexis, and SyrusxMindy Heroes: Ty Lee, B10M/Ben, Syrus, Jaden, Mindy, Alexis, Mokuba, May, Max, Rocko, Seto Kiba, Pluto, Darth Vader, and Genie Villains: Hunter J; Technus; Thrax; Godzilla
  • Summary: Ty Lee falls for a prince named Ben, something her uncle, Seto Kiba, does not approve of. Ty Lee will do anything to be with Ben, even if it means selling her voice to Hunter J. Pairings: Ty LeexBen/B10M, JadenxAlexis, and SyrusxMindy Heroes: Ty Lee, B10M/Ben, Syrus, Jaden, Mindy, Alexis, Mokuba, May, Max, Rocko, Seto Kiba, Pluto, Darth Vader, and Genie Villains: Hunter J; Technus; Thrax; Godzilla