  • Brigade (Kolkpravis)
  • A brigade was a military division with the Kaleesh military structure known as the Kolkpravis. A brigade was lead by a Baatar and consisted of one hundred to two hundred Hordes each lead by a Tarkhan and consisting of one hundred kamen each lea by a blackarm. A brigade would often be widely spread out during a mlitary campaign and the leading baatar would have to rely on messengers to communicate with the individual hordes. Several brigades made up a khanate which was the largest military division bellow the kolkpravis itself and was lead by one of the eight Khans of the Izvoshra.
  • A brigade was a military division with the Kaleesh military structure known as the Kolkpravis. A brigade was lead by a Baatar and consisted of one hundred to two hundred Hordes each lead by a Tarkhan and consisting of one hundred kamen each lea by a blackarm. A brigade would often be widely spread out during a mlitary campaign and the leading baatar would have to rely on messengers to communicate with the individual hordes. Several brigades made up a khanate which was the largest military division bellow the kolkpravis itself and was lead by one of the eight Khans of the Izvoshra.