  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Karath is then featured as the secondary antagonist in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He was voiced by the late Robin Sachs who also is Sarris and Zaeed Massani.
  • Sodan jälkeen hän loikkasi sithien imperiumiin Darth Revanin johtamana ja toimi sen laivueen ylikomentajana jedien sisällissodan aikaan. Hän oli henkilökohtaisesti valvomassa useiden planeettojen, kuten Telos IV:n, Tariksen ja Dantooinen, pommituksia.
  • Karath was put in command of the Leviathan, Malak's flagship. He relayed Malak's order to destroy Taris, and captured the Ebon Hawk and its crew. Saul Karath was responsible for Carth's learning of Revan's true identity, and indirectly allowed Revan to finally learn who he truly was. Karath was killed on the bridge of the Leviathon by Revan, Carth, and Bastila Shan, who were captured with the Ebon Hawk. Karath carried a modified Sith Assassin Pistol.
  • Saul Karath fu un ammiraglio che servì la Repubblica durante le Guerre Mandaloriane e successivamente divenne il comandante supremo della flotta imperiale Sith durante la Guerra Civile Jedi.
  • Saul Karath was a human who served in the Sith Navy during the Jedi Civil War. Before that, Karath served as an admiral in the Republic Navy during the Mandalorian Wars. After the newly turned Revan and Malak returned as Sith Lords of the Sith Empire, Karath betrayed the Republic and joined with the Sith Empire.
  • Saul Karath era un oficial condecorado de la Armada de la República durante las Guerras Mandalorianas. Después de frenar con éxito a las fuerzas Mandalorianas en la línea Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith por seis semanas, y comandar la flota en la Batalla de Vanquo, Karath fue promovido a almirante. Después dirigió a la flota de la República en la Batalla de Serroco.
  • Saul Karath was a Human male born on Corellia who served in the Galactic Republic's Navy as an admiral during the Mandalorian Wars. In 3963 BBY, Karath was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral after keeping the Mandalorian forces at bay for six weeks at the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line. When the fugitive Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick—who was fleeing from his Masters after being framed for the Padawan Massacre—attempted to warn Karath of the planet Serroco's impending destruction, Karath assumed that Carrick was a Mandalorian spy. When the Mandalorians razed Serroco's surface, Karath and his allies took Carrick into custody and, after boarding Adascorp leader Arkoh Adasca's flagship Arkanian Legacy, they participated in an auction in which Karath attempted to negotiate for Republic control of Ad
  • Saul Karath fue un humano que sirvió en la armada Jedi durante la Guerra Civl Jedi. Antes de eso, había servido como almirante en la armada republicana durante las guerras mandalorianas. Después de que el recién convertido Revan y Malak regresaran como señores del Imperio Sith, Karath traicionó a la República y se unió al Imperio Sith. En un momento no especificado durante la guerra, Karath fue ascendido a almirante de la Armada Sith. Le dieron el mando de su propia estrella destructora, el Leviatán.
  • [Source] Saul Karath était un officier décoré de la Flotte de la République durant les Guerres Mandaloriennes. Il devint amiral au cours de celles-ci et prit sous son aile Carth Onasi, qui le considérait comme son mentor. Lorsque le Revanchiste remporta la guerre, partit pour la Bordure Extérieure et se déclara Sith, Karath le suivit, trahissant ainsi la République pour rejoindre l'Empire Sith. Il se rangea aux côtés de Dark Malak, apprenti de Revan, qui fut renversé au cours de la Guerre Civile des Jedi. Karath dirigeait alors le Léviathan.
  • Maschio
  • Masculin
  • 1
  • 250
  • * Galaktinen Tasavalta * Sithien imperiumi
  • Rubio
  • *República Galáctica *Imperio Sith
  • —3.956 ABY
  • 3956
  • Saul Karath
  • Vaaleat
  • Biondi
  • Azules
  • *Repubblica Galattica *Impero Sith
  • · Imperio Sith
  • ·República Galáctica
  • 3956
  • Siniset
  • Saul Karath‎
  • Saul Karath‎
  • Saul Karath‎
  • Saul Karath
  • Sith Empire
  • Blue
  • Almirante de la Armada Sith
  • Saul Karath
  • Deceased 303 BTC
  • *Galactic Republic *Sith Empire
  • *République Galactique *Empire Sith
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Blond
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • KOTOR Campaign Guide Web Enhancement 2: Captain Dallan Morvis
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 12: Tales Of The New Republic
  • Sith Empire
  • 3956
  • 3956
  • 100.0
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • 400
  • Admiral of the Sith Navy
  • *Knights of the Old Republic 0: Crossroads * *Knights of the Old Republic 8: Flashpoint, Part 2 * *Knights of the Old Republic 14: Days of Fear, Part 2 *Knights of the Old Republic 15: Days of Fear, Part 3 * *Knights of the Old Republic 17: Nights of Anger, Part 2 *Knights of the Old Republic 18: Nights of Anger, Part 3 *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate *Knights of the Old Republic 22: Knights of Suffering, Part 1 * *Knights of the Old Republic 30: Exalted, Part 2 *Knights of the Old Republic 31: Turnabout *Knights of the Old Republic 32: Vindication, Part 1 *Knights of the Old Republic 34: Vindication, Part 3 *Knights of the Old Republic 35: Vindication, Part 4 *Knights of the Old Republic 47: Demon, Part 1 *Knights of the Old Republic 49: Demon, Part 3 *Knights of the Old Republic: War 4 *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  • 250
  • Саул Карат
  • Саул Карат
  • Саул Карат
  • Sith
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • 3958
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • KOTOR Campaign Guide Web Enhancement 2: Captain Dallan Morvis
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut
  • 250
  • Saul Karath.png
  • Saul Karath
  • Saul Karath
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/KOTORweben2
  • news/star-wars-the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-12-tales-of-the-new-republic
  • Fair
  • 4015
  • Human
  • Officier
  • 3956
  • Leviathan
  • 3956
  • 3956
  • *Courageux *Léviathan
  • Azzurri
  • Sometime before 3958 BBY
  • 1
  • Saul Karath fue un humano que sirvió en la armada Jedi durante la Guerra Civl Jedi. Antes de eso, había servido como almirante en la armada republicana durante las guerras mandalorianas. Después de que el recién convertido Revan y Malak regresaran como señores del Imperio Sith, Karath traicionó a la República y se unió al Imperio Sith. En un momento no especificado durante la guerra, Karath fue ascendido a almirante de la Armada Sith. Le dieron el mando de su propia estrella destructora, el Leviatán. Karath interceptó al Halcón de Ébano, e interrogaró a la tripulación que incluía a los redimidos Revan, Bastila Shan, y su antiguo protegido, Carth Onasi. Los tres escaparon del confinamiento y asaltaron el puente del Leviatán, obligando a una confrontación entre el antiguo protegido y su mentor. Karath fue mortalmente herido en la batalla, y en su último aliento reveló a Carth la verdadera indentidad del compañero de Revan, que no era otro que el antiguo Señor Oscuro de los Sith.
  • Karath is then featured as the secondary antagonist in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He was voiced by the late Robin Sachs who also is Sarris and Zaeed Massani.
  • Saul Karath was a human who served in the Sith Navy during the Jedi Civil War. Before that, Karath served as an admiral in the Republic Navy during the Mandalorian Wars. After the newly turned Revan and Malak returned as Sith Lords of the Sith Empire, Karath betrayed the Republic and joined with the Sith Empire. At an unspecified time during the war, Karath was promoted to Admiral of the Sith Navy and as such was given command of his own Interdictor-class ship, the Leviathan. Karath intercepted the Ebon Hawk and interrogated the crew which included the redeemed Revan, Bastila Shan and his former protege Carth Onasi. The three escaped confinement and assaulted the bridge of the Leviathan, forcing a confrontation between former protege and mentor. Karath was mortally wounded in the battle, and with his dying breath revealed to Carth the true identity of his comrade Revan, who was none other than the former Dark Lord of the Sith.
  • [Source] Saul Karath était un officier décoré de la Flotte de la République durant les Guerres Mandaloriennes. Il devint amiral au cours de celles-ci et prit sous son aile Carth Onasi, qui le considérait comme son mentor. Lorsque le Revanchiste remporta la guerre, partit pour la Bordure Extérieure et se déclara Sith, Karath le suivit, trahissant ainsi la République pour rejoindre l'Empire Sith. Il se rangea aux côtés de Dark Malak, apprenti de Revan, qui fut renversé au cours de la Guerre Civile des Jedi. Karath dirigeait alors le Léviathan. Il obéit au nouveau commandant des Sith lorsque ce dernier lui demanda de bombarder la planète Taris, tuant de nombreux innocents dans le but de mettre un terme à la vie de Bastila Shan. Elle parvint cependant à s'enfuir; aux côtés de Revan amnésique. Justement, Karath réussit à capturer Revan et l'Ebon Hawk. Malheureusement pour lui, son prisonnier s'échappa. Au terme d'un duel lors duquel l'amiral retrouva Carth Onasi, qui brûlait de rage envers lui, il fut tué.
  • Saul Karath was a Human male born on Corellia who served in the Galactic Republic's Navy as an admiral during the Mandalorian Wars. In 3963 BBY, Karath was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral after keeping the Mandalorian forces at bay for six weeks at the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line. When the fugitive Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick—who was fleeing from his Masters after being framed for the Padawan Massacre—attempted to warn Karath of the planet Serroco's impending destruction, Karath assumed that Carrick was a Mandalorian spy. When the Mandalorians razed Serroco's surface, Karath and his allies took Carrick into custody and, after boarding Adascorp leader Arkoh Adasca's flagship Arkanian Legacy, they participated in an auction in which Karath attempted to negotiate for Republic control of Adasca's exogorth superweapons. After Adasca's schemes were brought to an end, Karath also played a role in the events of the Covenant Affair, which saw the destruction of the Jedi Covenant—a secret Jedi organization which was dedicated to preventing the rise of the Sith—when one of the leaders, the Sith Acolyte Haazen, led an insurrection against the Jedi Order. In that same year, the Jedi Knights Revan, Malak and their Jedi faction entered the war, with Karath becoming Revan's and Malak's subordinate. Karath later assisted Carrick in destroying the slavery organization known as the Crucible. In 3960 BBY, after Revan and Malak led the Republic to victory against the Mandalorians in the war's final battle, Karath was one of the few individuals among the Republic forces who did not follow the Jedi into the Unknown Regions to search for the ancient Rakatan Star Forge space station, which produced an unlimited amount of war matériel. A year later, Revan returned to the Republic as the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak as his apprentice, igniting the Jedi Civil War. In 3958 BBY, Karath transferred his allegiance to Darth Revan's Sith Empire, bringing his flagship, the Leviathan, to Revan's service. In order to test Karath's loyalty, Malak ordered the Admiral to destroy the planet Telos IV. Karath killed millions of civilians on Telos, and earned the wrath of his former friend and protégé Carth Onasi, who had served with Karath during the Mandalorian Wars. After Malak betrayed Revan during the Jedi's and Republic's attempt to capture them, Karath continued to serve the Sith forces under Malak's command. In the war's final year, Malak captured the ecumenopolis of Taris and ordered the Sith fleet to blockade the planet so that the Sith forces could search for Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. Karath was eventually ordered by the Dark Lord to destroy the planet in order to prevent Shan's escape, and Karath bombarded Taris. Shortly after Taris's destruction, Malak and Karath were informed by the bounty hunter Calo Nord of Shan's escape from the planet, and of Revan's survival and involvement in the escape. Malak and Karath hired Nord to capture Shan, but Revan, now a partially re-trained Jedi, killed Nord during his search for the Star Forge. After Revan located a fourth Rakatan Star Map—which was needed to find the Star Forge—and slew Malak's Shadow Hand Darth Bandon, Karath captured Revan's starship Ebon Hawk and tortured Revan, Onasi, and Shan in an attempt to discern their mission. The two Jedi and Onasi eventually escaped and confronted Karath on the Leviathan's bridge. Karath offered to ask Malak to be merciful if the Jedi and Onasi surrendered; however, Shan, Revan, and Onasi refused. Karath and his forces attacked them, and after a heated firefight, Karath was grievously injured. As he lay dying, Karath informed Onasi about Revan's true identity as the former Dark Lord of the Sith, and then succumbed to the wounds dealt to him by Onasi and the Jedi.
  • Saul Karath era un oficial condecorado de la Armada de la República durante las Guerras Mandalorianas. Después de frenar con éxito a las fuerzas Mandalorianas en la línea Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith por seis semanas, y comandar la flota en la Batalla de Vanquo, Karath fue promovido a almirante. Después dirigió a la flota de la República en la Batalla de Serroco. Después de la guerra él desertó al Imperio Sith, y sirvió como el comandante principal de su flota durante la última etapa de la Guerra Civil Jedi, supervisando personalmente el bombardeo de varios planetas, incluyendo Telos IV, Taris y Dantooine.
  • Sodan jälkeen hän loikkasi sithien imperiumiin Darth Revanin johtamana ja toimi sen laivueen ylikomentajana jedien sisällissodan aikaan. Hän oli henkilökohtaisesti valvomassa useiden planeettojen, kuten Telos IV:n, Tariksen ja Dantooinen, pommituksia.
  • Karath was put in command of the Leviathan, Malak's flagship. He relayed Malak's order to destroy Taris, and captured the Ebon Hawk and its crew. Saul Karath was responsible for Carth's learning of Revan's true identity, and indirectly allowed Revan to finally learn who he truly was. Karath was killed on the bridge of the Leviathon by Revan, Carth, and Bastila Shan, who were captured with the Ebon Hawk. Karath carried a modified Sith Assassin Pistol.
  • Saul Karath fu un ammiraglio che servì la Repubblica durante le Guerre Mandaloriane e successivamente divenne il comandante supremo della flotta imperiale Sith durante la Guerra Civile Jedi.
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