  • Questions with XXX (
  • VO: Pls. turn off your phones and any electrical gadgets for no disturbance with our host and his invited guest. Also, recording this is not allowed and uploading this will cause a fine of $3,000 to $7,500 or imprisonment for no less than 1 week. This is rated G. And now we start. (XXX comes in) XXX: Welcome to Questions with XXX! Please wait because my guest isn't here yet. XXX: Oh, here he is. Phineas: So why did you bring me here? XXX: Because we at P&F Fanon would like to ask you questions! XXX: Just put your questions at the talk page or my talk page. This page will be updated everyday. DEAD.
  • VO: Pls. turn off your phones and any electrical gadgets for no disturbance with our host and his invited guest. Also, recording this is not allowed and uploading this will cause a fine of $3,000 to $7,500 or imprisonment for no less than 1 week. This is rated G. And now we start. (XXX comes in) XXX: Welcome to Questions with XXX! Please wait because my guest isn't here yet. XXX: Oh, here he is. Phineas: So why did you bring me here? XXX: Because we at P&F Fanon would like to ask you questions! XXX: Just put your questions at the talk page or my talk page. This page will be updated everyday. DEAD.