  • Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks
  • However, even amongst this tolerant and easy-going people, there is the odd proverbial rotten apple that spoils an otherwise toothsome batch. In this case, the rotten apple goes by the name of Lumpin Croop and the batch in question is known as Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks. Extraordinary trackers and excellent marksmen, this band of Halfling game-wardens and hunters have fought many battles under Lumpins leadership, using their expert tracking skills to lead their allies through thick wilderness to ambush enemy armies without being notice.[1a]
  • However, even amongst this tolerant and easy-going people, there is the odd proverbial rotten apple that spoils an otherwise toothsome batch. In this case, the rotten apple goes by the name of Lumpin Croop and the batch in question is known as Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks. Extraordinary trackers and excellent marksmen, this band of Halfling game-wardens and hunters have fought many battles under Lumpins leadership, using their expert tracking skills to lead their allies through thick wilderness to ambush enemy armies without being notice.[1a] Lumpin Croop himself was a former thief and poacher before he became a mercenary, using his skills of stealth and tracking to mold the Fighting Cocks into what they are today. Ever since then, Lumpin had shown great compassion towards his fellow Halflings, staying up for hours to create an ingenious plan that would hopefully bring him and his company victory upon the battlefield.[1a]