  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • Seen in Gothador
  • A Ripper is a type of enemy in the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. They are gray mobile tombstones with bulbous eyes. Their names are most likely derived from the phrase "R.I.P." (a short abbreviation for "rest in peace").
  • Ripper (en español Destripador) era uno de los doce bulldogs de Marjorie Dursley. El perro se deprime cuando Marjorie está lejos, es por esto que ella se lo lleva con ella en los viajes (es decir, para visitar a su hermano en Priver Drive).
  • Ripper ist ein Gegner, der in Banjo-Kazooie in Mad Monster Mansion und in Gruntildas Reich auftaucht. Er ist ein großer grauer Grabstein, auf dem R.I.P. (Rest in Peace - bedeutet auf Deutsch Ruhe in Frieden) steht, der die ganze Zeit ruhig wie die normalen Grabsteine herumsteht, bis Banjo und Kazooie vorbeikommen. Dann springt er auf, läuft ihnen nach und attackiert sie. Es gibt sie in Mad Monster Mansion und in Gruntildas Reich vor dem Eingang zu Mad Monster Mansion. Die jenigen, in Gruntildas Reich sind, sind etwas größer als die in Mad Monster Mansion.
  • Renfield called Ripper in when Downtown Ebony Hare came in and was threatening to take control of Renfield's business. When Ebony Hare saw Ripper, he simply snapped his fingers and his own personal bodyguard, Blackjack, stepped in and knocked Ripper unconscious with one punch. This was his only appearance and he did not receive any dialogue. (KtE #14)
  • Born Rip Hunter, Ripper is an Canadian professional wrestler currently signed to the American Wrestling Federation(AWF) better known as the ring name, Ripper.
  • thumb|left|100px|Ripper saat mudaRipper adalah seorang pria rata-rata yang mengenakan seragam kelautan. Namun, ascot nya adalah hijau muda bukan biru gelap. Dia memiliki kulit kecokelatan, rambut cokelat, dan kumis coklat serta jenggot.
  • Ripper ist eine schwarz-lohfarbene Hündin.
  • Le Commandant Ripper (リッパー 中佐, Rippa Chusa) était l'un des officiers de Morgan de la base Marine à East Blue. Après la défaite de Morgan, il prend le contrôle des opérations de la base. Après l'ellipse on le voit informant Rika du retour de Luffy et Zoro.
  • "Ripper" is a male Zeverek who joined the Dark Hunters and the Vesper Confederacy in the Downfall Alternate Universe.
  • The Ripper is deathtrap in Bloodshed. It was used to kill Devon, but Devon survived. The machine will also make an appearance in the 2009 sequel Bloodshed 2.
  • Ripper was a robot that competed in Series 7 of Robot Wars, entered by Team Roaming Robots. It reached the Heat Final in Series 7, where it was flipped out of the arena by the second seed Firestorm 5. Ripper also competed in the Annihilator at the end of the series, finishing runner-up to the previous Annihilator champion, Kan-Opener. After the announcement of Series 9, John Findlay revealed that Ripper was "not allowed" to compete in the rebooted Robot Wars due to it being "unfair" to other competitors, as he is the owner of a live roboteering event that formerly used the Robot Wars brand.
  • A Ripper is an attachment used on Crawler tractors, Tracked Shovels or Tractors that hass one or more "shanks" with a hardened steel tooth or bit on the end that id drawn into the ground and "Rips it up".
  • Ripper was a male rat, a member of Plugg Firetail's crew. He didn't have a tail at all, he had only one eye and he was missing half an ear. He accompanied Slitfang on the expedition which later led to the capture of Scarum, Sagaxus and Kroova, and was sent back along with Scummy and Tazzin to bring the news to Plugg. He was part of the ill-fated gang that attempted to burn down the maingates of Redwall Abbey. He showed a dislike for Princess Kurda at two occasions; once onboard the Seascab when he openly refused an order from her, and once in a secret conversation with Tazzin. Ripper was a minor character, nothing else is known about him.
  • The Ripper is one of the many types of Irken spacecraft that accompany the Massive to constitute the Irken Armada.
  • whshs
  • This is a tachyon-based weapon that has the longest range of all energy-based weapons, but requires enormous amounts of power to fire. This weapon is most effective against molecular shields, and weakest against positron shields.
  • Ripper is a Clone trooper sergeant that served in the Grand Army of the Republic. He was one of the many clones of the Republic cloned from Jango Fett's genetics. He undertook a surprisingly sort but successful month of training. His first mission was on a nameless rain planet. It unfortunately failed. In his first battle he was entered as a sergeant. He used a DC-15 blaster pistol and a electro-ripper.
  • Il Ripper è una forma biologica fluttuante del pianeta Zebes. Si muove orizzontalmente, è passivo, è normalmente di colore marrone e ha una corazza unicamente resistente ai Super Missili, alla Supercinesi e all' Attacco a Vite. Certe aree possono essere raggiunte congelando uno o più Ripper e usandoli come piattaforme. Ne esiste anche una versione più evoluta, il Ripper II.
  • Ripper (烈爪(リッパー) Rippā) is a video game-only Melee Combat ability.
  • Ripper grew up alone in a snowy forest, a lone wolf hiding in a cave. One night, while looking at the moon, he spotted a shadow rushing through the sky. He followed it as best he could and finally arrived to a clearing where Umbra was training. Ripper instantly became a fan, and started to emulate his new-found idol: he crafted claws so he could slash as well, and he started to learn to pounce and attack as fiercely. Now Ripper is a deadly warrior, throwing himself entirely into battle, a hunter catching and killing his prey. Front-row attacker. He can deal AoE and single-target damage. He can also boost allies' physical damage and speed.
  • Ripper was as violent as they came. He was a brutal man who turned into a Bounty Hunter later in life. As he was the worst known in his family, he was expelled from the family and was forced to have no contact. This move turned him in to a killer. Ripper murdered his best friend and related cousin Hazar when he was just 14 and he was the most dangerous criminal by the age of 17. Even the Hunters that were sent after him refused to get close to him.
  • Commander Ripper was one of Morgan's officers at his base in the East Blue. After Morgan's defeat, he takes control of the base's operations.
  • Ripper (no real name known) is one of the team that tries to take Tennyo in the hospital just after she emerges and before she gets to Whateley. They may be the ones being held by the Meta Force in California.
  • Ripper is an enchanted composite longbow +2, which addes +2 physical damage to arrows fired by this weapon and gives a -2 bonus to THACo. The bow weighs 5 lbs and it has a speed factor of 5. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. It's dropped by one of the cannibal halflings in the Sphere of Lavok.
  • The Ripper is a weapon primarily used to target the enemy's necks, inflicting an instant kill. The primary shot will bounce off of surroundings (but not people) for five hits before evaporating. The secondary shot will explode on contact with anything, causing small splash damage. Both shots will kill in 2 direct hits. The Ripper is deadly in closed spaces, but care must be taken not to behead yourself with it.
  • Ripper is an enemy within Breath of Fire III. While stronger than other enemies at this point of the game, it is simply more of a nuisance.
  • Style: Rips his way through his opponents. Fact: Has never been known to blow his own horn. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • DREADNOK RIPPER has led a life of delinquency since nursery school, where he stole candy from his schoolmates. From there, he just kept expanding the scope of his criminal activities, paying the price many times with stints in various correctional institutions. He is motivated by greed, a dislike for civilized behavior, and the pure delight of destroying something with cutting tools and edged weapons, of which he has gathered a substantial collection. He’s known for the blade he uses as a cross between a firefighter’s axe and a can opener to rip open gates and tear apart safes.
  • Ripper is a dark black-and-tan female Fierce Dog with a pointed snout, pricked ears and glossy coat.
  • Jack the Ripper is the best known name given to an unidentified serial killer generally believed to have been active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888.
  • Image:Ripper.PNGRipper is the main villain in Mario Rise Of Shadow. He is extremly strong, fast, and intelligent. He is the leader of an organization known as the Death Squad, which is made up of ten strong warriors. Ripper is the only human on the Death Squad. His weapons include Metal poison and fire claws he also has a jetpack arm cannon and battle suit. Ripper was born in an unknown castle in a shadow world and was the strongest person in his world at the age of 7 and at the age of 10 he had killed millions of People and at the age of 13 he destroyed his planet. Other then that Rippers past is pretty much a mystery.
  • Ripper was a fiendish displacer beast who served the drow blackguard, Zedarr T'sarran.
  • The Ripper is Terran Republic activatable knife. While wielded, by pressing «Gear Slot 8» button(8 by default) or by holding «Melee Attack» button(File:Template-MMB.pngmiddle-mouse button by default), it can be activated by pressing «Switch Fire Group» button(B by default). When activated it will emit loud sounds, and will have capability to One-Hit Kill any infantry class, except Heavy Assault with his overshield activated.
  • File:Celtic.jpg Ripper or Nakta was a Yautja hunter
  • Rippers were Kel-Morian Combine soldiers who fought in the Guild Wars. They made up the bulk of the Kel-Morian ground forces, and served in a frontline capacity, often coming into conflict into Terran Confederacy marines. Rippers made use of mechanized transportation such as Armored Personnel Carriers to move around the battlefield. They wore informal black battledress, sometimes just stolen CMC armor plating patched together with pseudo-leather padding. Despite being the Combine's best-equipped soldiers, they frequently stole Confederate marine armor. Looted armor was also painted black.
  • Ripper – hybryda pistoletu maszynowego i karabinu szturmowego występująca w Call of Duty: Ghosts. Broń pojawiła się pierwszy raz dla posiadaczy Season Pass, potem została udostępniona w DLC Devastation.
  • Ripper era una mascota Jurgoran propiedad del Capitan Shivanek, un capitán del Imperio Sith durante la Guerra Fría.
  • Ripper ist ein in Shellstown stationierter Marineoffizier, der den Rang eines Fregattenkapitäns bekleidet.
  • W grze po raz pierwszy pojawia się w misji ISV-KranDeck4. Primary fire umożliwia wystrzelenie szybkiego metalowego ostrza, które ma moc ścinania głów przeciwnikom. W trybie alternatywnym możemy za pomocą celownika sterować lecącym dyskiem.
  • Ripper is a character featured in Fable II. He is a bandit based in Brightwood. Ripper can use Time Control, a Will ability. When former guard turned farmer Giles moved into the area, Ripper and his gang began terrorising him and his family. The situation eventually escalated when one of Ripper's men, Ethan, murdered Giles' wife, Jennifer. Upon hearing of Giles' situation, the Hero of Bowerstone has two options in order to solve Giles' problem.
  • The Ripper is a long range, saw shooting gun that tears through Mil armor. The Ripper can cause critical damage to Grunts such as dismembering them on contact. The saw blades will "bounce" off of the wall as they hit them, except for at level 3, at level 3 the ripper's saw blades will catch on contact with what they hit, and spin for an additional 5 seconds, causing extra damage to their target.
  • Ripper was one of Marjorie Dursley's twelve bulldogs. The dog whined while Marjorie was away, resulting in her taking him if she went away on trips (for example, to visit her brother at Privet Drive), while leaving the others to be cared for by Colonel Fubster. The dog had at one time chased Harry Potter up a tree in the Dursley's yard after Harry had trodden on his paw. Harry was stuck there until Marjorie called him off after midnight.
  • Ripper was originally a proposed television show based upon the character of Rupert Giles. More recent information has suggested that if Ripper were ever made it would be a TV-movie or a DVD-movie. Giles, played by British actor Anthony Stewart Head, was nicknamed 'Ripper' while he was dabbling in the occult during his rebellious youth. At Comic Con 2007, Joss Whedon confirmed that talks were almost completed for a 90-minute Ripper special on the BBC,[1] with both Head and the BBC completely on board.
  • Ripper is a walking tombstone found in Mad Monster Mansion in the game Banjo-Kazooie. These enemies appear in various sizes in the game and are gray in appearance with angry red eyes. They have hands and feet, unlike regular tombstones. These enemies, when first encountered, sneak up upon Banjo and Kazooie. They then try to attack the duo. These enemies also disguise themselves as normal tombstones. They are powerful enough, making them take multiple hits to become defeated.
  • Ripper или EvoPro III (во внутриигровых файлах) - пистолет-пулемёт в Call of Duty: Ghosts, добавляемый в DLC Devastation. Впервые стал доступен обладателям сезонных абонементов для консолей Xbox 6-ого марта. Владельцам абонементов для консолей Playstation стал доступен 4-ого апреля. Всем остальным (владельцам ПК и тем, кто не приобрёл сезонный пропуск) стал доступен 8-ого мая, вместе с покупкой DLC Devastation. Также, владельцы платформ Xbox могут купить этот ПП отдельно за $3.99. Это оружие совмещает две конфигурации - пистолет-пулемет, эффективный на малых и средних дистанциях, и автомат, эффективный на средних и дальних расстояниях. Это уникальное гибридное оружие может переключаться между конфигурациями в самой гуще боя одним нажатием кнопки, что обеспечивает вам непройзденную тактичес
  • El Ripper es una especie de criaturas voladoras semejantes a escarabajos y reconocidas por su alta resistencia defensiva. Aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid. Los Ripper tenían una aparición preparada en Metroid Prime pero finalmente no aparecieron. Una versión mimetizada de Ripper por el Parásito X y conocida como Ripper-X aparece en Metroid Fusion.
  • __TOC__ Ripper is a super-strong super member of VIPER's Dragon Branch. Always immensely strong, when he activates the "Omicron technology" embedded in his body he temporarily becomes one of the strongest beings on Earth. No one really knows who Ripper was before the accident. The only pertinent detail is that he worked for VIPER in the Monster Island Nest. Ripper isn’t very intelligent. Although he’s been a super villain for VIPER for years, he doesn’t comprehend tactics or strategy very well. In battle, he will habitually grab hold of an opponent and rip them in half – hence his name, Ripper.
  • El Comandante Ripper (リッパー中佐 Rippā Chūsa?) era un oficial de la Marina y subordinado de Morgan hasta la derrota de éste, momento en el que asumió el mando de la Base Naval de Shelltown. Como comandante fue muchísimo más ético y ecuánime a la hora de ejercer su recién adquirida responsabilidad que su antecesor, como demostró al presentarse en el bar de Ririka y pedir a Luffy y Zoro que abandonasen la isla, de forma totalmente libre y sin sufrir amago alguno de represión por parte de los marines, aunque sí daría parte sobre su condición de piratas por haber derrotado a Morgan. Además, aceptó la petición de Luffy de permitir a Coby alistarse en la Marina , a pesar de su vinculación con unos piratas como ellos.
  • A Ripper is an ovaloid, coelopteranoid creature native to the planet Zebes, but also found aboard the BSL Research Station. The creature is completely brainless and flies back and forth its whole life. It keeps alive by breathing air, which is rich in minerals and other nutrients. It only has nerves to control itself and mainly uses them early in its life to find a place to fly for the rest of its life.
  • Rippers are small, floating insect-like creatures native to Zebes which move strictly horizontally in a back and forth pattern. Best known for their near-invulnerability, they usually require a Super Missile, the Speed Booster/Shinespark or the Screw Attack to kill them. The original Famicom/NES Metroid game featured two different colored Rippers; the weakest of the two needed either 100 Beam shots or a single Missile to kill. They have been encountered mostly on Zebes, though mimics/infected Rippers were found on the Biologic Space Laboratories in Metroid Fusion.
  • Rippers resembled huge skinless basilisks, that stand upright, and are tailless. They have long arms, with five-fingered hands tipped with razor sharp claws. Rippers were developed as The Agency's first answer to the Hunter, but proved too vicious to control. Rippers constantly tore apart their researchers, and one even broke out of its pen, violently killing several scientists, before being shot to death by the security guards. Mr. Black had them penned for termination, but then, Island One came under attack by three S.T.A.R.S. squads.
  • Ripper was a competitor that has been around since 2003 where it was built for Robot Wars Series 7. It was armed with a big flipper that never achieved throwing another robot out the arena in Robot Wars despite achieving this a lot in Roaming Robots events. In Series 7 of Robot Wars it reached the heat final where it was beaten by Firestorm and it also reached the annihilator final as well where it got beaten by Kan-Opener. The robot also took on the house robots showing them who's boss in the show as well. At the team's own events, Ripper has had some success but always came out with bad results when it met Terrorhurtz where Team Hurtz's machine chopped off bits of polycarbonate with its axe making it fly everywhere, because of these issues and the fact it was getting old, Ripper has now
  • 10
  • 10
  • 122
  • 18
  • 85
  • Great
  • 32
  • リッパー
  • 5
  • 32
  • Ripper
5Type Chance
  • 1
  • Ripper
  • 1000
  • 2
  • hide
  • Arte oficial
item group
  • Weapons
  • 32
  • Estas lentas criaturas no atacan pero vuelan sin objetivo en líneas rectas. Es mejor huir de ellos que intentar atacarlos.
  • La armadura de estas criaturas voladoras es tan fuerte que los rayos convencionales no pueden vencerla.
  • Estas extrañas criaturas no tienen cerebro. Simplemente vuelan en líneas rectas.
  • La mayor parte del tiempo, estas criaturas vuelan lentamente en el aire en líneas rectas. Son invulnerables a la mayoría de los ataques.
  • 2
  • 12
  • Marine
  • リッパー
  • Front-row attacker. He can deal AoE and single-target damage. He can also boost allies' physical damage and speed.
  • Weiblich
  • m
  • Lazily floating horizontally
  • Razorjack
  • Ripper
  • 1
  • 1.0
  • 3.0
Row 1 info
  • 42
  • Мексика
item icon
  • File:Ripper_item_icon_BG2.png
  • リッパー
  • Status
  • m
  • mzm
  • sm
  • 180
  • Desconocido
not usable by
  • MarinesColores
  • MarinesColors
  • no
Fire Modes
  • Melee,
  • Powered Melee
  • Quick Melee,
  • Pacífico
Can Use
  • Infiltrator/Light Assault/Combat Medic/Engineer/Heavy Assault
  • Bronce o morado
1Type Chance
  • 3
Cert Cost
  • 1000
  • 161
  • 180
  • Tadellos
  • black
  • リッパー
  • 5
  • Metroid
  • Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Super Metroid
  • DR
Weapon Type
  • Melee Weapons
  • Rippā
  • Defend
Related Quests
item value
  • 3700
  • Abilities
  • Demolitions
Row 2 info
  • 21
  • 2
  • Ninguno
  • Humano
Row 1 title
  • Born:
  • true
  • 75
  • Amarillos
  • 25
  • hide
Patch Link
  • --05-19
  • Blind
Row 5 info
  • Dagger
  • Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
1Ability Chance
  • 1
  • 500
  • Masculino
  • Ripper
  • Morgan
Row 2 title
  • Death:
  • Die finstere Gefährtin, Ein Rudel in Aufruhr
  • N/A
  • 7
  • 616
SC Cost
  • 699
robot name
  • Ripper
  • リッパー
  • 100
  • Rippa
  • Civil Disturbance
  • Damaging Wind attack
Row 5 title
  • Weapon:
  • Razorjack.png
  • Ripper.jpg
Row 3 info
  • Bounty Hunter
Row 3 title
  • Type:
Patch Introduced
  • Hund
  • Rippā
  • 2
Fire Rate
  • 1.200000
  • 1.500000
  • 2.900000
  • 89
Live Image
  • Ripper Live.jpg
  • 300
  • Attack
  • 1500
  • Grim Cape, Tasmania
  • Special Event
  • 100
  • 180
  • Melee
  • 700 m
  • 8
  • Mała
  • 50
Box Title
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • 1
  • 63
  • Front
  • 2013
  • 1
  • Rippā
  • Black
  • Głowa: 1.5
  • enemy
  • Ripper
  • 3
  • 4
  • 75
  • 23
  • 69.0
  • Special Event
  • Fable II
  • Fregattenkapitän
  • Mitglied
  • 2
  • 15
  • Slow
  • 700.0
  • 10.0
  • 7
  • Dreadnok Cycle, Anything with a blade
  • Sharp sickle
  • 2
  • Deceased
  • Verstorben
  • Angkatan Laut
  • Non-Player Killer
  • Automatyczny
team members
  • David Findlay
  • John Findlay
  • Steven Johnson
  • Terrestre
  • Brown and white
  • Fierce Dogs
  • Yoshiyuki Kouno
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper
  • Ripper Service Ribbon
  • Ripper muncul untuk pertama kalinya setelah timeskip.
  • Ripper mengasumsikan perintah dan memungkinkan Coby untuk bergabung.
  • Ripper appears for the first time after the timeskip.
  • 672
  • 790
  • 967
  • 1138
  • Bez dodatków:
  • Szybkostrzelność:
  • めつつき
  • 128
  • 12
  • No visible view-port
  • Metsutsuki
  • Rippā
  • Unknown
  • Ripper
  • Bozza da ''Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Metroid concept art
  • Ripper at Doncaster 2007
  • Ripper in Series 7
  • Ripper's sprite from Banjo-Kazooie.
  • 316
lore to identify
  • 55
  • Er läuft auf banjo und Kazooie zu und rammt sie
  • 158
  • F0F8FF
  • 2
Max KP
  • Ein Ripper ist nach 2 Schnabelsprünge besiegt
4kids eva
  • 1
2Type Chance
  • 1
  • 7
  • A Pack Divided
  • 50
  • Various
Character Name
  • Ripper
  • Wybuchowa
  • Postępowa
  • 2
  • 8
  • 100.0
  • Rupert Giles
Appears In
  • Arrow referencing Ripper
  • Storm observes the corpse of Ripper
  • Storm's thoughts about Ripper
  • No
  • 50
  • Unknown
  • *Rippy *Rippy-pooh *Rippy-pippy-pooh
  • F0F8FF
  • N/A
  • Last seen on Monster Island
  • Rippā
  • Olthoi Fighter
  • 80
  • Unknown
  • 86
  • Flipper
  • The Broken Path, The Endless Lake, Storm of Dogs
  • Member: Ripper
  • 5907
  • 4
  • Member
Image size
  • 300
  • 107
  • second Watcher of Buffy Summers
  • darkgray
  • Ripper in Shellstown.
  • Although slower than the TR standard issue Chainblade, when wielded this knife can be activated, increasing its damage output.
  • undeveloped show
  • background:#ff8080
  • Verde
  • 3710.0
  • Ripper
  • 250
  • Fierce Dogs
Page Number
  • 108
  • 110
  • 6
  • 250
  • Ripper.png
  • Ripper_Sprite.gif
  • Sprite_Ripper_.png
  • Ripper
  • 30
  • 45
  • Headshot: 105
  • Headshot: 157
  • Passive ramming
  • Doberman Pinscher
Introductory text (you may leave it blank)
  • Ripper is a physical attacker, dealing damage but also increasing his team's offensive power. At the start of battles and every time he uses his C-Strike, Ripper howls at the Moon, boosting his and his teammates’ speed and Physical Attack. His skills are mostly designed to deal Physical damage, and his Assault Strike might be one of the most useful, as it knocks the target all the way back and stuns it. Since he uses it at the beginning of the battle, the enemy tank is virtually not there for the first few seconds, and this lets you take out the more fragile targets behind! This is especially useful against teams with only one tank.
  • muncul
  • perintah
  • TR
  • Unknown
  • 5
  • 20
  • 36765
  • 2015-05-19
  • Triss
  • 1
  • Średni
  • Średnio-niski
  • 160
  • 30
  • 34
  • 45
  • 51
  • +2
  • Blinding Stab
Image File
  • Ripper.jpeg
  • Female
  • Male
  • 38
  • Ripper ist ein Grabstein
  • Harry Nod
  • A Pack Divided
  • 34
  • 51
  • 32
  • 48
  • "Not every dog in Blade's Pack was evil."
  • You think you can escape?
  • Ripper was one of Blade's dogs! Surely Ripper had fled with the rest of Blade's Pack after the battle? But Arrow must know her scent, and if she really was here, then there could be big trouble. Blade's Pack wanted to kill me[Storm]. And if any of them, survived, they might still be clinging to her wish. [...] A creeping horror turned Storm's blood cold, but it was mingled with guilty relief. If Ripper had'' still nursed Blade's mad ambition to kill Storm, there was nothing she could ever do about it now.
  • A black-and-tan Fierce Dog lay sprawled in the gutter, her once-glossy coat now dull and lifeless, her ribs and hip-bones jutting beneath it. Pale worms crawled at her empty eyes, and squirmed on her lolling, swollen tongue; they had been feeding on her for some time. The smell of death was overpowering, and Storm couldn't repress a huge shudder.
  • 2
  • 79
  • Irken Technology
  • 2
  • Unknown
  • Estinto
  • 39
  • 75
  • A Pack Divided, page 110
wikipage disambiguates
  • This attack deals X Physical damage.
  • -2
  • physical
  • physical
base star
  • 2
  • Each attack deals X Physical damage.
  • Ares' Blessing
Funi eva
speed factor
  • 5
proficiency type
  • Longbow
  • Increases Physical attack by X.
  • magic
  • Yoshiyuki Kouno
  • Savage Slash
  • Slashers
  • Bloodthirst
  • Warchief
  • Triple Slash
  • Events
  • Ein Rudel in Aufruhr
  • Assault Strike
  • Beast Tribe
  • "If they don't come to me..." Charge a nearby target. Knock it back and stun it for 2 seconds.
режим огня
  • Автоматический
  • Hit the enemy with the lowest HP with a flurry of attacks. Deals physical damage.
  • physical
  • Rage
  • Ripper's Howl gives his allies' speed and P.Attack buffs. Ripper howls when he enters battle and he howls every time he kills an enemy with his Savage Slash.
combat type
  • Ranged
Does the minion have Gear? (y/n)
  • n
  • M
  • Super Metroid
  • Metroid / Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Средняя
  • Средняя-низкая
  • 32
  • This attack deals X Physical damage. Stun chance depends on lvl. Guaranteed stun for and below.
  • 34
  • 32
  • 48
  • Howl
  • "Why stop at 1?" Attack nearby enemies with a 3-hit attack.
  • x1.5
  • Bulk Up
death message
  • & ripped a chunk of meat out of & with the Ripper.
  • Komandan Angkatan Laut
  • Низкая
maximum ammo
  • 75
ammo pickup
  • 25
  • Agility
rate of fire / round
  • 2
Skill introductory text (you may leave it blank)
  • Ripper has a variety of skills, including support skills to use in battle.
Minion Introductory Text
  • Ripper grew up alone in a snowy forest, a lone wolf hiding in a cave. One night, while looking at the moon, he spotted a shadow rushing through the sky. He followed it as best he could and finally arrived to a clearing where Umbra was training. Ripper instantly became a fan, and started to emulate his new-found idol: he crafted claws so he could slash as well, and he started to learn to pounce and attack as fiercely. Now Ripper is a deadly warrior, throwing himself entirely into battle, a hunter catching and killing his prey.
Awakening introductory text (you may leave it blank)
  • Once Awakened, Rippers gauntlet blades glow red, his eye glares a purple colour and his hair atop his head turns red.
Appearance Description
  • Ripper is a wolf-like creature, he wears gauntlets which are equip with deadly claws. His fur is a dull purple colour with dark purple hair atop his head.
weapon pickup
  • 15
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • Seen in Gothador
  • A Ripper is a type of enemy in the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. They are gray mobile tombstones with bulbous eyes. Their names are most likely derived from the phrase "R.I.P." (a short abbreviation for "rest in peace").
  • Ripper (en español Destripador) era uno de los doce bulldogs de Marjorie Dursley. El perro se deprime cuando Marjorie está lejos, es por esto que ella se lo lleva con ella en los viajes (es decir, para visitar a su hermano en Priver Drive).
  • Ripper was originally a proposed television show based upon the character of Rupert Giles. More recent information has suggested that if Ripper were ever made it would be a TV-movie or a DVD-movie. Giles, played by British actor Anthony Stewart Head, was nicknamed 'Ripper' while he was dabbling in the occult during his rebellious youth. Whedon said that the show would be in the tradition of "classic English ghost stories" and would explore the theme of loneliness. Head described the idea as being like "Cracker with ghosts"; Whedon elaborated on some the themes he had planned for the series: "The people who live there, it's all very isolated. [Giles] himself has been gone for many years. He was surrounded by a de facto family that he no longer has. And [he is] sort of picking up his life all alone, and then getting involved in the underbelly of other people's lives, and finding out all about them. Loneliness is what I think of. It may not be the theme so much as the emotional intent of the series, but that's what really attracts it to me the most". It was later reported that Whedon had written the two-hour pilot, and that Espenson and other Buffy staff writers had penned story outlines for other potential episodes. Originally in 2001, the show was planned to be aired as a miniseries on the BBC. Later mentions suggested a TV movie. However, in an interview in December 2005, Head suggested that Ripper would be a "two hour movie, that might become part of a series of [Buffyverse] DVDs". At Comic Con 2007, Joss Whedon confirmed that talks were almost completed for a 90-minute Ripper special on the BBC,[1] with both Head and the BBC completely on board. The development process was supposedly set to begin in 2008 and Ripper was to be shown in the summer of that year. However, in a BBC interview in April 2008, Head stated that "Joss Whedon is busy with another project, I'm tied up too, so at the moment I'd just say that it's still out there." In this same interview, Head mentioned that Whedon had discussed the project with Doctor Who and Torchwood producer Julie Gardner. In 2011, Giles was killed in the final issue of Season Eight. He was resurrected in What You Want, Not What You Need, Part Two (2013), though in the form of a young boy. Add to that the fact that two characters Whedon intended for Ripper appeared in Women of a Certain Age (the tenth issue of Angel & Faith), it is unlikely that a Ripper series or movie will ever come to fruition, though it is still a possibility. Were it to be created, it would most likely be set in the past.
  • A Ripper is an ovaloid, coelopteranoid creature native to the planet Zebes, but also found aboard the BSL Research Station. The creature is completely brainless and flies back and forth its whole life. It keeps alive by breathing air, which is rich in minerals and other nutrients. It only has nerves to control itself and mainly uses them early in its life to find a place to fly for the rest of its life. Rippers are generally brown in color and have a tough shell that protects them from most attacks, although a powerful enough concussive blast or intense exposure to plasma and electricity, such as with a Screw Attack movement system, will destroy them. They are also susceptible to cold, and can be frozen in place; somehow, a frozen Ripper will not fall to the ground. Their body is split into two main segments: * The head, the small pointed anterior section of the body. It is approximately only 1/10th of the total body length. * The thorax, which makes up the rest of the body and is covered in the smooth, rounded shell. With the destruction of Zebes, they are now considered extinct in the wild, although the same might not be true with the Ripper IIs, assuming that they were creations of the Space Pirates or said Pirates found a use for them.
  • Ripper ist ein Gegner, der in Banjo-Kazooie in Mad Monster Mansion und in Gruntildas Reich auftaucht. Er ist ein großer grauer Grabstein, auf dem R.I.P. (Rest in Peace - bedeutet auf Deutsch Ruhe in Frieden) steht, der die ganze Zeit ruhig wie die normalen Grabsteine herumsteht, bis Banjo und Kazooie vorbeikommen. Dann springt er auf, läuft ihnen nach und attackiert sie. Es gibt sie in Mad Monster Mansion und in Gruntildas Reich vor dem Eingang zu Mad Monster Mansion. Die jenigen, in Gruntildas Reich sind, sind etwas größer als die in Mad Monster Mansion.
  • Renfield called Ripper in when Downtown Ebony Hare came in and was threatening to take control of Renfield's business. When Ebony Hare saw Ripper, he simply snapped his fingers and his own personal bodyguard, Blackjack, stepped in and knocked Ripper unconscious with one punch. This was his only appearance and he did not receive any dialogue. (KtE #14)
  • Born Rip Hunter, Ripper is an Canadian professional wrestler currently signed to the American Wrestling Federation(AWF) better known as the ring name, Ripper.
  • Ripper was one of Marjorie Dursley's twelve bulldogs. The dog whined while Marjorie was away, resulting in her taking him if she went away on trips (for example, to visit her brother at Privet Drive), while leaving the others to be cared for by Colonel Fubster. The dog had at one time chased Harry Potter up a tree in the Dursley's yard after Harry had trodden on his paw. Harry was stuck there until Marjorie called him off after midnight. Marjorie also has the habit of sharing table scraps with him, such as licking the plate or licking brandy or wine off of her glass during mealtimes. In 1993, Marjorie brought Ripper with her when paying a visit to the Dursleys. His growling directed Marjorie's attention to Harry, but he later sank his teeth into Vernon's leg when she started to float away after being blown up by Harry.
  • thumb|left|100px|Ripper saat mudaRipper adalah seorang pria rata-rata yang mengenakan seragam kelautan. Namun, ascot nya adalah hijau muda bukan biru gelap. Dia memiliki kulit kecokelatan, rambut cokelat, dan kumis coklat serta jenggot.
  • Ripper ist eine schwarz-lohfarbene Hündin.
  • Le Commandant Ripper (リッパー 中佐, Rippa Chusa) était l'un des officiers de Morgan de la base Marine à East Blue. Après la défaite de Morgan, il prend le contrôle des opérations de la base. Après l'ellipse on le voit informant Rika du retour de Luffy et Zoro.
  • "Ripper" is a male Zeverek who joined the Dark Hunters and the Vesper Confederacy in the Downfall Alternate Universe.
  • The Ripper is deathtrap in Bloodshed. It was used to kill Devon, but Devon survived. The machine will also make an appearance in the 2009 sequel Bloodshed 2.
  • Ripper was a robot that competed in Series 7 of Robot Wars, entered by Team Roaming Robots. It reached the Heat Final in Series 7, where it was flipped out of the arena by the second seed Firestorm 5. Ripper also competed in the Annihilator at the end of the series, finishing runner-up to the previous Annihilator champion, Kan-Opener. After the announcement of Series 9, John Findlay revealed that Ripper was "not allowed" to compete in the rebooted Robot Wars due to it being "unfair" to other competitors, as he is the owner of a live roboteering event that formerly used the Robot Wars brand.
  • A Ripper is an attachment used on Crawler tractors, Tracked Shovels or Tractors that hass one or more "shanks" with a hardened steel tooth or bit on the end that id drawn into the ground and "Rips it up".
  • Ripper was a male rat, a member of Plugg Firetail's crew. He didn't have a tail at all, he had only one eye and he was missing half an ear. He accompanied Slitfang on the expedition which later led to the capture of Scarum, Sagaxus and Kroova, and was sent back along with Scummy and Tazzin to bring the news to Plugg. He was part of the ill-fated gang that attempted to burn down the maingates of Redwall Abbey. He showed a dislike for Princess Kurda at two occasions; once onboard the Seascab when he openly refused an order from her, and once in a secret conversation with Tazzin. Ripper was a minor character, nothing else is known about him.
  • The Ripper is one of the many types of Irken spacecraft that accompany the Massive to constitute the Irken Armada.
  • whshs
  • This is a tachyon-based weapon that has the longest range of all energy-based weapons, but requires enormous amounts of power to fire. This weapon is most effective against molecular shields, and weakest against positron shields.
  • Ripper is a Clone trooper sergeant that served in the Grand Army of the Republic. He was one of the many clones of the Republic cloned from Jango Fett's genetics. He undertook a surprisingly sort but successful month of training. His first mission was on a nameless rain planet. It unfortunately failed. In his first battle he was entered as a sergeant. He used a DC-15 blaster pistol and a electro-ripper.
  • Rippers are small, floating insect-like creatures native to Zebes which move strictly horizontally in a back and forth pattern. Best known for their near-invulnerability, they usually require a Super Missile, the Speed Booster/Shinespark or the Screw Attack to kill them. The original Famicom/NES Metroid game featured two different colored Rippers; the weakest of the two needed either 100 Beam shots or a single Missile to kill. Because of their slow movements, they can be quite inconvenient when moving through halls or shafts (particularly when using the Wall Jump technique). However, in Metroid: Zero Mission, there are purple-colored Rippers who move noticeably faster than the common brown variant. Within the games, Rippers are commonly frozen by Samus and used as platforms to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. In Super Metroid, they can also be used as Grapple Points for the Grappling Beam to cross over hazards and with enough momentum, Samus can throw herself high into the air; the Rippers stop moving as soon as they're connected to Samus. They have been encountered mostly on Zebes, though mimics/infected Rippers were found on the Biologic Space Laboratories in Metroid Fusion.
  • Il Ripper è una forma biologica fluttuante del pianeta Zebes. Si muove orizzontalmente, è passivo, è normalmente di colore marrone e ha una corazza unicamente resistente ai Super Missili, alla Supercinesi e all' Attacco a Vite. Certe aree possono essere raggiunte congelando uno o più Ripper e usandoli come piattaforme. Ne esiste anche una versione più evoluta, il Ripper II.
  • Ripper (烈爪(リッパー) Rippā) is a video game-only Melee Combat ability.
  • Ripper grew up alone in a snowy forest, a lone wolf hiding in a cave. One night, while looking at the moon, he spotted a shadow rushing through the sky. He followed it as best he could and finally arrived to a clearing where Umbra was training. Ripper instantly became a fan, and started to emulate his new-found idol: he crafted claws so he could slash as well, and he started to learn to pounce and attack as fiercely. Now Ripper is a deadly warrior, throwing himself entirely into battle, a hunter catching and killing his prey. Front-row attacker. He can deal AoE and single-target damage. He can also boost allies' physical damage and speed.
  • Ripper was as violent as they came. He was a brutal man who turned into a Bounty Hunter later in life. As he was the worst known in his family, he was expelled from the family and was forced to have no contact. This move turned him in to a killer. Ripper murdered his best friend and related cousin Hazar when he was just 14 and he was the most dangerous criminal by the age of 17. Even the Hunters that were sent after him refused to get close to him.
  • Commander Ripper was one of Morgan's officers at his base in the East Blue. After Morgan's defeat, he takes control of the base's operations.
  • El Ripper es una especie de criaturas voladoras semejantes a escarabajos y reconocidas por su alta resistencia defensiva. Aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid. Los Ripper tenían una aparición preparada en Metroid Prime pero finalmente no aparecieron. Una versión mimetizada de Ripper por el Parásito X y conocida como Ripper-X aparece en Metroid Fusion. Son criaturas pacíficas y no buscan dañar a otros seres. Variaciones de esta especie son Ripper II y el Ripper Alado, este último siendo una muy rara sub-especie pocas veces vista. Otra variación es Tripper. La Federación Galáctica tiene esta especie registrada como "SR-478".
  • Ripper (no real name known) is one of the team that tries to take Tennyo in the hospital just after she emerges and before she gets to Whateley. They may be the ones being held by the Meta Force in California.
  • Ripper или EvoPro III (во внутриигровых файлах) - пистолет-пулемёт в Call of Duty: Ghosts, добавляемый в DLC Devastation. Впервые стал доступен обладателям сезонных абонементов для консолей Xbox 6-ого марта. Владельцам абонементов для консолей Playstation стал доступен 4-ого апреля. Всем остальным (владельцам ПК и тем, кто не приобрёл сезонный пропуск) стал доступен 8-ого мая, вместе с покупкой DLC Devastation. Также, владельцы платформ Xbox могут купить этот ПП отдельно за $3.99. Это оружие совмещает две конфигурации - пистолет-пулемет, эффективный на малых и средних дистанциях, и автомат, эффективный на средних и дальних расстояниях. Это уникальное гибридное оружие может переключаться между конфигурациями в самой гуще боя одним нажатием кнопки, что обеспечивает вам непройзденную тактическую гибкость
  • Ripper is an enchanted composite longbow +2, which addes +2 physical damage to arrows fired by this weapon and gives a -2 bonus to THACo. The bow weighs 5 lbs and it has a speed factor of 5. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. It's dropped by one of the cannibal halflings in the Sphere of Lavok.
  • The Ripper is a long range, saw shooting gun that tears through Mil armor. The Ripper can cause critical damage to Grunts such as dismembering them on contact. The saw blades will "bounce" off of the wall as they hit them, except for at level 3, at level 3 the ripper's saw blades will catch on contact with what they hit, and spin for an additional 5 seconds, causing extra damage to their target. * Level 1: Fires a saw blade at directed target. Can be used to cut red wires in the campaign. Good for dismembering Mil Grunts. Weak damage. * Level 2: Increased impact damage to the ripper. * Level 3: The ripper's blade will now spin upon impact, and move along it's target, doing increased damage and an after-effect damage which will likely dismember multiple limbs.
  • The Ripper is a weapon primarily used to target the enemy's necks, inflicting an instant kill. The primary shot will bounce off of surroundings (but not people) for five hits before evaporating. The secondary shot will explode on contact with anything, causing small splash damage. Both shots will kill in 2 direct hits. The Ripper is deadly in closed spaces, but care must be taken not to behead yourself with it.
  • Ripper is an enemy within Breath of Fire III. While stronger than other enemies at this point of the game, it is simply more of a nuisance.
  • El Comandante Ripper (リッパー中佐 Rippā Chūsa?) era un oficial de la Marina y subordinado de Morgan hasta la derrota de éste, momento en el que asumió el mando de la Base Naval de Shelltown. Como comandante fue muchísimo más ético y ecuánime a la hora de ejercer su recién adquirida responsabilidad que su antecesor, como demostró al presentarse en el bar de Ririka y pedir a Luffy y Zoro que abandonasen la isla, de forma totalmente libre y sin sufrir amago alguno de represión por parte de los marines, aunque sí daría parte sobre su condición de piratas por haber derrotado a Morgan. Además, aceptó la petición de Luffy de permitir a Coby alistarse en la Marina , a pesar de su vinculación con unos piratas como ellos. Al final, se une junto con el resto de marines a Coby, Rika y Ririka, para despedir a Luffy y a Zoro con el saludo de reconocimiento propio de la Marina. Una vez que los dos piratas zarparon, el comandante Ripper impuso sobre todos sus hombres y sobre sí mismo una sanción alimenticia como castigo por haber saludado con honores a unos criminales.
  • Style: Rips his way through his opponents. Fact: Has never been known to blow his own horn. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • DREADNOK RIPPER has led a life of delinquency since nursery school, where he stole candy from his schoolmates. From there, he just kept expanding the scope of his criminal activities, paying the price many times with stints in various correctional institutions. He is motivated by greed, a dislike for civilized behavior, and the pure delight of destroying something with cutting tools and edged weapons, of which he has gathered a substantial collection. He’s known for the blade he uses as a cross between a firefighter’s axe and a can opener to rip open gates and tear apart safes.
  • Ripper is a dark black-and-tan female Fierce Dog with a pointed snout, pricked ears and glossy coat.
  • Jack the Ripper is the best known name given to an unidentified serial killer generally believed to have been active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888.
  • Image:Ripper.PNGRipper is the main villain in Mario Rise Of Shadow. He is extremly strong, fast, and intelligent. He is the leader of an organization known as the Death Squad, which is made up of ten strong warriors. Ripper is the only human on the Death Squad. His weapons include Metal poison and fire claws he also has a jetpack arm cannon and battle suit. Ripper was born in an unknown castle in a shadow world and was the strongest person in his world at the age of 7 and at the age of 10 he had killed millions of People and at the age of 13 he destroyed his planet. Other then that Rippers past is pretty much a mystery.
  • Ripper was a fiendish displacer beast who served the drow blackguard, Zedarr T'sarran.
  • The Ripper is Terran Republic activatable knife. While wielded, by pressing «Gear Slot 8» button(8 by default) or by holding «Melee Attack» button(File:Template-MMB.pngmiddle-mouse button by default), it can be activated by pressing «Switch Fire Group» button(B by default). When activated it will emit loud sounds, and will have capability to One-Hit Kill any infantry class, except Heavy Assault with his overshield activated.
  • __TOC__ Ripper is a super-strong super member of VIPER's Dragon Branch. Always immensely strong, when he activates the "Omicron technology" embedded in his body he temporarily becomes one of the strongest beings on Earth. No one really knows who Ripper was before the accident. The only pertinent detail is that he worked for VIPER in the Monster Island Nest. It was VIPER that got Doctor Phillippe Moreau to come and treat Ripper. He was horribly disfigured from an accident in which he was sprayed with large quantities of an acid compound, which destroyed a large portion of his skin and tissue. Dr. Moreau rebuilt him, using armor plating in place of skin as well as a new exoskeleton in place of muscle. He used an experimental serum to keep the man alive. Despite this, Moreau was unable to make the injured VIPER operative look anything close to normal. Ripper became more tormented and malicious from his pain. It has taken years for VIPER to improve on what Moreau tossed together on the spot, but they have done it. Their new Omicron technology stabilizes Ripper’s biochemistry through regular injections, recieved through his harness. His armor has also become stronger and more impressive. Ripper isn’t very intelligent. Although he’s been a super villain for VIPER for years, he doesn’t comprehend tactics or strategy very well. In battle, he will habitually grab hold of an opponent and rip them in half – hence his name, Ripper. Thanks to his built in armor, he’s incredibly strong and can take a lot of damage. This makes his disregard for tactic less of an issue. His Omicron injections make him even stronger, although he can only tolerate a few injections a day. The knowledge of that strength gets into his head,often making him go berserk. In this condition he will fight both friend and foe with little regard to safety.
  • File:Celtic.jpg Ripper or Nakta was a Yautja hunter
  • Rippers resembled huge skinless basilisks, that stand upright, and are tailless. They have long arms, with five-fingered hands tipped with razor sharp claws. Rippers were developed as The Agency's first answer to the Hunter, but proved too vicious to control. Rippers constantly tore apart their researchers, and one even broke out of its pen, violently killing several scientists, before being shot to death by the security guards. Mr. Black had them penned for termination, but then, Island One came under attack by three S.T.A.R.S. squads. Rippers move slowly when they don't sight prey, or are alone, but when they sense a pontential victim, they run at high speeds, usually jumping into the air, and tackling their prey. They are sterile, a side effect of The Agency's experiments, and usually hunt in pairs. Rippers also attack other B.O.W.s, like zombies and Hunters, usually making short work of these other creations.
  • Ripper is a walking tombstone found in Mad Monster Mansion in the game Banjo-Kazooie. These enemies appear in various sizes in the game and are gray in appearance with angry red eyes. They have hands and feet, unlike regular tombstones. These enemies, when first encountered, sneak up upon Banjo and Kazooie. They then try to attack the duo. These enemies also disguise themselves as normal tombstones. They are powerful enough, making them take multiple hits to become defeated. They reappear in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts found as statues in Banjoland. They are found near the Mad Monster exhibit. They can be found underground. Kazooie, however, can control their arms with the Mumbo's Wrench by spinning them around.
  • Rippers were Kel-Morian Combine soldiers who fought in the Guild Wars. They made up the bulk of the Kel-Morian ground forces, and served in a frontline capacity, often coming into conflict into Terran Confederacy marines. Rippers made use of mechanized transportation such as Armored Personnel Carriers to move around the battlefield. They wore informal black battledress, sometimes just stolen CMC armor plating patched together with pseudo-leather padding. Despite being the Combine's best-equipped soldiers, they frequently stole Confederate marine armor. Looted armor was also painted black.
  • Ripper is a character featured in Fable II. He is a bandit based in Brightwood. Ripper can use Time Control, a Will ability. When former guard turned farmer Giles moved into the area, Ripper and his gang began terrorising him and his family. The situation eventually escalated when one of Ripper's men, Ethan, murdered Giles' wife, Jennifer. Upon hearing of Giles' situation, the Hero of Bowerstone has two options in order to solve Giles' problem. Firstly, the Hero can choose to help him, thus starting the Cold Comfort Farmer quest. After talking to Giles, the Hero heads to Ripper's camp and wipes out his entire gang. Once all of his men are dead, Ripper chooses to confront the Hero, but is bested and surrenders. The Hero can then choose to kill him outright, or take him to Giles. Once he is Giles' prisoner, Giles binds him and escorts him to Bowerstone where he will be hanged for his crimes. Alternatively, the Hero can choose to help Ripper, thus starting the Red Harvest quest. The Hero assaults Giles' home, killing many guards that have been stationed there, and eventually Giles himself. Once Giles is dead, the Hero receives a key to his basement, where they find Giles' Manuscript - a journal detailing Giles' pursuit of the Ripper gang back when he was a guard. The journal details a raid in which Giles and numerous other guards rushed into a cave in which the Ripper gang was hiding. They were unable to make an arrest, as all the guards fell into fits of hysterics upon see Ripper and many of his cohorts dressed up in frilly women's clothing, dancing and singing. Once the manuscript has been read, Ripper, Ethan, and another crony confront the Hero and attack, only to be killed.
  • Ripper – hybryda pistoletu maszynowego i karabinu szturmowego występująca w Call of Duty: Ghosts. Broń pojawiła się pierwszy raz dla posiadaczy Season Pass, potem została udostępniona w DLC Devastation.
  • Ripper was a competitor that has been around since 2003 where it was built for Robot Wars Series 7. It was armed with a big flipper that never achieved throwing another robot out the arena in Robot Wars despite achieving this a lot in Roaming Robots events. In Series 7 of Robot Wars it reached the heat final where it was beaten by Firestorm and it also reached the annihilator final as well where it got beaten by Kan-Opener. The robot also took on the house robots showing them who's boss in the show as well. At the team's own events, Ripper has had some success but always came out with bad results when it met Terrorhurtz where Team Hurtz's machine chopped off bits of polycarbonate with its axe making it fly everywhere, because of these issues and the fact it was getting old, Ripper has now retired and John Findlay the team captain currently fights with an improved version called Ripper Evo which is the current Winter Tour Champion.
  • Ripper era una mascota Jurgoran propiedad del Capitan Shivanek, un capitán del Imperio Sith durante la Guerra Fría.
  • Ripper ist ein in Shellstown stationierter Marineoffizier, der den Rang eines Fregattenkapitäns bekleidet.
  • W grze po raz pierwszy pojawia się w misji ISV-KranDeck4. Primary fire umożliwia wystrzelenie szybkiego metalowego ostrza, które ma moc ścinania głów przeciwnikom. W trybie alternatywnym możemy za pomocą celownika sterować lecącym dyskiem.
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