  • Prescription
  • Prescription
  • Ce mot à plusieurs sens: * Les prescriptions médicales sont données par un médecin à son patient et décrivent les médicaments dont il a besoin. * La prescription est le délai après lequel un délit n'est plus poursuivi.
  • Prescription is a note in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone.
  • A prescription for back pain medicine. Take it to the item shop in Burguss. == How To Obtain ==__NOEDITSECTION__ == Used In ==__NOEDITSECTION__
  • A prescription (℞) is a health-care program implemented by a physician or other medical practitioner in the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient.[1] Prescriptions may include orders to be performed by a patient, caretaker, nurse, pharmacist or other therapist. Commonly, the term prescription is used to mean an order to take certain medications. Prescriptions have legal implications, as they may indicate that the prescriber takes responsibility for the clinical care of the patient and in particular for monitoring efficacy and safety. However, as medications have increasingly become pre–packaged manufactured products and medical practice has become more complex, the scope of meaning of the term "prescription" has broadened to also include clinical asses
  • Prescriptions also direct the instructions the pharmacist must give to the patient as to the dosage and frequency of the medication. Prescriptions are always written on a patient's chart, or on a prescription pad - stationary with the physician's name and contact information. Most such prescription pads now contain security features to prevent forgery or fakery of a prescription.
  • ?
  • Biggoron on Death Mountain Summit
  • Prescription
  • Other
  • Special Items
  • ??
  • The Prescription
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  • Taken to King Zora XVI
  • A prescription for back pain medicine. Take it to the item shop in Burguss.
  • Ocarina of Time
  • None
  • None
  • A prescription (℞) is a health-care program implemented by a physician or other medical practitioner in the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient.[1] Prescriptions may include orders to be performed by a patient, caretaker, nurse, pharmacist or other therapist. Commonly, the term prescription is used to mean an order to take certain medications. Prescriptions have legal implications, as they may indicate that the prescriber takes responsibility for the clinical care of the patient and in particular for monitoring efficacy and safety. However, as medications have increasingly become pre–packaged manufactured products and medical practice has become more complex, the scope of meaning of the term "prescription" has broadened to also include clinical assessments, laboratory tests, and imaging studies relevant to optimizing the safety or efficacy.
  • Prescriptions also direct the instructions the pharmacist must give to the patient as to the dosage and frequency of the medication. Prescriptions are always written on a patient's chart, or on a prescription pad - stationary with the physician's name and contact information. Most such prescription pads now contain security features to prevent forgery or fakery of a prescription. A prescription is required for any medication that is designated a controlled substance and should not be taken without the direction of a physician. This can range from a simple antibiotic like penicillin to a powerful narcotic like Vicodin. In addition, physicians prescribing narcotics must also have approval from the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA can remove the ability of a physician to prescribe these drugs on suspicion that a doctor is improperly prescribing them. Wilson had this permission withdrawn after he was under suspicion of writing improper Vicodin prescriptions to House, which left him effectively unable to carry on his practice.
  • Ce mot à plusieurs sens: * Les prescriptions médicales sont données par un médecin à son patient et décrivent les médicaments dont il a besoin. * La prescription est le délai après lequel un délit n'est plus poursuivi.
  • Prescription is a note in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone.
  • A prescription for back pain medicine. Take it to the item shop in Burguss. == How To Obtain ==__NOEDITSECTION__ == Used In ==__NOEDITSECTION__