  • Otoh Gunga Traffic Control
  • The Otoh Gunga Traffic Control was an agency used by the Gungans of Naboo to monitor environmental hazards outside their underwater city of Otoh Gunga. In 33 BBY, Goodrow Neb Nob reported that the Traffic Control's sensors indicated a seaquake five kilometers south of Boss Rugor Nass's position. The report delivered via the comm unit informed them that an underwater storm was going to head their way and that they were advised to seek either defensive cover or return to Otoh Gunga immediately.
  • The Otoh Gunga Traffic Control was an agency used by the Gungans of Naboo to monitor environmental hazards outside their underwater city of Otoh Gunga. In 33 BBY, Goodrow Neb Nob reported that the Traffic Control's sensors indicated a seaquake five kilometers south of Boss Rugor Nass's position. The report delivered via the comm unit informed them that an underwater storm was going to head their way and that they were advised to seek either defensive cover or return to Otoh Gunga immediately.