  • Ood
  • Ood
  • Ood
  • Ood
  • The Ood (or, as they sometimes called themselves, Oodkind) were a gestalt race of telepathic humanoids who originated from the Ood Sphere.
  • Die Mundregion der Ood besteht aus zahlreichen Tentakeln. Die Ood tragen einen Teil ihres Gehirns außerhalb ihres Körpers mit sich und sind telepathisch kollektiv mit einem Riesenhirn verbunden.
  • Les Oods étaient une espèce extra-terrestre d'humanoïdes télépathiques. Ils étaient originaires d'Ood-Sphère, et furent pendant des années réduits en esclavage par les Humains.
  • The Ood, also known as Oodkind, were a gestalt race of telepathic humanoids, their home planet being the Ood Sphere, a frozen, snowy world.
  • De Ood was een groep mens-achtige wezens met tentakels onder hun gezicht. Ze maakten gebruik van drie hersenen: * Gewone hersenen in hun hoofd * Een externe lampachtige bal verbonden met een koord * Het zogenaamde 'Ood Brain', een gezamelijke hersenpartij waar alle Oods contact mee maakten door te zingen.
  • Whilst the Ewd initially appear as a controlled slave race who repeatedly become hostile (funny how all slaves do this), time went by and they were ruined like the Weeping Angels, later being shown as a naturally peaceful race; by The End of Time they were even ridiculously shown as having progressed to becoming an advanced civilization. The Doctor usually fails to save an Ood out of flat-out racism and often tells his friends racist Ood jokes that go over the heads of companions who've never seen any RTD episodes. Example: " What’s the difference between an Ood and a car tire? The tire doesn’t sing when you put it chains! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! HA-HA-HA-HA! THEY DON'T SING! Oh my god, that still gets me!" (TV: Listen)
  • The Ood were a humanoid species with coleoid tentacles used for feeding purposes located on the lower portions of their faces. They had no vocal cords and instead communicated by telepathy. The Ood had long lifespans; Ood Sigma lived 100 years after the human enslavement ended and the Tenth Doctor was surprised at this, thinking he should have been much older. (TV: The End of Time)
  • Sapient
Erster Auftritt
  • 280
  • Making monsters - Dr Who Confidential - BBC sci-fi
  • Ood Sphere
  • Ood Brain, humans, the Beast
  • Ood
  • Cephalopod-faced humanoid
  • Tardisode 8
  • Doctor Who Prequel Pond Life part 4 - Series 7 Autumn 2012 - BBC One
  • Donna & The Doctor attacked by The Ood - Doctor Who - BBC
  • The face of the Beast - Doctor Who - The Satan Pit - Series 2 - BBC
  • 5
  • 100
  • Oodkind, the Legion of the Beast
  • Doctor Who
  • Ood 1.jpg
  • De Ood was een groep mens-achtige wezens met tentakels onder hun gezicht. Ze maakten gebruik van drie hersenen: * Gewone hersenen in hun hoofd * Een externe lampachtige bal verbonden met een koord * Het zogenaamde 'Ood Brain', een gezamelijke hersenpartij waar alle Oods contact mee maakten door te zingen. De Oods leefden in vrede tot de mensen hun ontdekten en hun als slaven onderwierpen. Ze vervingen de lampachtige hersens met een vertaalmachine en ze limiteerde de communicatie afkomstig van de Ood Brain, waardoor de Ood gewillig werden om te doen, wat hen opgedragen werd en waardoor ze niet meer alleen konden overleven. en:Ood Categorie:Rassen
  • The Ood (or, as they sometimes called themselves, Oodkind) were a gestalt race of telepathic humanoids who originated from the Ood Sphere.
  • Die Mundregion der Ood besteht aus zahlreichen Tentakeln. Die Ood tragen einen Teil ihres Gehirns außerhalb ihres Körpers mit sich und sind telepathisch kollektiv mit einem Riesenhirn verbunden.
  • The Ood were a humanoid species with coleoid tentacles used for feeding purposes located on the lower portions of their faces. They had no vocal cords and instead communicated by telepathy. The Ood had long lifespans; Ood Sigma lived 100 years after the human enslavement ended and the Tenth Doctor was surprised at this, thinking he should have been much older. (TV: The End of Time) The Ood had two brains: a forebrain in the head and a secondary hindbrain. The hindbrain was usually held in their hands, and was connected by an umbilical cord-like connection to their faces. The forebrain did much of the thinking and stored the telepathic sensors. The hindbrain processed memory and emotions, leading to mental instabilities when removed. The Ood could survive with it being removed and replaced with the more commonly seen translation sphere that connected to an Ood's nervous system. (TV: Planet of the Ood) The Ood Elder had a larger, external forebrain (TV: The End of Time). A giant Ood Brain located on their home planet acted as their telepathic center; if the brain was destroyed, it would kill the entire species, and if suppressed the mental capacity of the species would be severely weakened. (TV: Planet of the Ood) Under normal circumstances the Ood were benign and harmless creatures. However, due to their brain structure they were susceptible to manipulation, as demonstrated by how easily the race was enslaved by Ood Operations. (TV: Planet of the Ood) More worryingly, their passive telepathy allowed them to be easily controlled and/or possessed by more powerful telepathic entities, such as the Beast (TV: The Impossible Planet) and House. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)
  • Whilst the Ewd initially appear as a controlled slave race who repeatedly become hostile (funny how all slaves do this), time went by and they were ruined like the Weeping Angels, later being shown as a naturally peaceful race; by The End of Time they were even ridiculously shown as having progressed to becoming an advanced civilization. The Doctor usually fails to save an Ood out of flat-out racism and often tells his friends racist Ood jokes that go over the heads of companions who've never seen any RTD episodes. Example: " What’s the difference between an Ood and a car tire? The tire doesn’t sing when you put it chains! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! HA-HA-HA-HA! THEY DON'T SING! Oh my god, that still gets me!" (TV: Listen) The Ood are humanoid except for their creepy coleoid (whatever the fuck that shit means) tentacle pussy-faces which Amy nevertheless found "exciting"... several times. The Ood are a telepathic race, yet for some dumb reason still need "translation sphere" (also known as "translation balls", ha ha) to communicate with non-telepathic creatures, that flashes when they speak - just like Daleks! This sphere is connected to the Ood via a tube that originally connected their external brains to their anus, meaning they had shit for brains. Slavers physically removed these "hind brains" to plug the inflatable translator sphere tube into where their butts used to be; the Doctor did this once or twice to other races as well. There appears to be no gender differentiation among the Ood which suited the Doctor just fine, though the Doctor seems to be able to determine their gender, not that he gave a fuck, "if it's creepy, fuck it." (TV: Cold War) The Ood insist they require no names or titles because they die so fucking quickly. For being connected to a hive mind, they're often kind of stupid. The Ood are empaths, and when reaching out with their telepathic fields, it can be heard as deep, prolonged farting, making the Slitheen look restrained by comparison, but hugely entertaining for Rusty.
  • Les Oods étaient une espèce extra-terrestre d'humanoïdes télépathiques. Ils étaient originaires d'Ood-Sphère, et furent pendant des années réduits en esclavage par les Humains.
  • The Ood, also known as Oodkind, were a gestalt race of telepathic humanoids, their home planet being the Ood Sphere, a frozen, snowy world.
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