  • Teen Green
  • Teen Green
  • Teen Green war eine umweltfreundliche Gruppe die eine G8 Gipfelprotest während Cat's Claw besuchten. Zu ihren Mitgliedern gehörten Kim Bauer, Janet York, Marshall Cooper, Brad Gilmore und Constantine Noguera.
  • Kim Bauer joined the group with her friend Janet York, mainly due to her attraction to Brad Gilmore, another member. Marshall Cooper was the group's student advisor, and Andi Parks was their parent chaperone during their protest at the G8 summit. (Cat's Claw)
  • Teen Green war eine umweltfreundliche Gruppe die eine G8 Gipfelprotest während Cat's Claw besuchten. Zu ihren Mitgliedern gehörten Kim Bauer, Janet York, Marshall Cooper, Brad Gilmore und Constantine Noguera.
  • Kim Bauer joined the group with her friend Janet York, mainly due to her attraction to Brad Gilmore, another member. Marshall Cooper was the group's student advisor, and Andi Parks was their parent chaperone during their protest at the G8 summit. (Cat's Claw)