  • Luis the cat
  • Luis the cat is A cat tower also known of the angry squirrel but is a special agent Throws a single super razor sharp dart that pop when a bloon get past of this tower he gets annoyed When a bloon leak or he just damaged he become beserk When also hes become beserk hes can pop leads and can pop layers of the ceramic bloon! Pro version: he made of metal amour and he immune to attacks but can be damaged by firey or explosive And hes too heavy to be just fly around! and also thier stamina last longer of the tiredness
  • Luis the cat is A cat tower also known of the angry squirrel but is a special agent Throws a single super razor sharp dart that pop when a bloon get past of this tower he gets annoyed When a bloon leak or he just damaged he become beserk When also hes become beserk hes can pop leads and can pop layers of the ceramic bloon! Pro version: he made of metal amour and he immune to attacks but can be damaged by firey or explosive And hes too heavy to be just fly around! and also thier stamina last longer of the tiredness