  • Airbus
  • Airbus
  • Airbus
  • Airbus
  • Airbus
  • Airbus Industries or Airbus is a consortium uniting Aesa and IFMU to build civilian airplanes. The Airbus company is headquartered in Toulouse, France, of which it is one of the main employer. Main assembly sites are in Toulouse and Hamburg in Germany. Airbus' main competitor is Federated-Boeing, followed by Lockheed and Saeder-Krupp on certain segments.
  • Airbus {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Avion fabriqué par la société Airbus. * Boeing
  • Airbus Industries or Airbus is a consortium uniting Aesa and IFMU to build civilian airplanes. The Airbus company was headquartered in Toulouse, France, of which it is one of the main employer. Main assembly sites are in Toulouse and Hamburg in Germany. Airbus' main competitor is Federated-Boeing, followed by Lockheed and Saeder-Krupp on certain segments.
  • A French airplane manufacturer that is challenging America's ownership of the air. It will never work, France, no matter how fat you make your planes. Everyone knows that Stephen Colbert gives the power to fly. It was at Kitty Hawk when Colbert first realized that man should take to the skies. He gave the Wright brothers the idea to build the first airplane.
  • Airbus is a joint european company that manufactures aircraft and aircraft parts. Its headquarters is located in Toulouse, France and its Factory hangar in Hamburg, Germany.
  • Airbus {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Avion fabriqué par la société Airbus.
  • Airbus S.A.S. è la casa costruttrice del famoso aeroplano Airbus 321, aereo con un’altissima concentrazione di componenti tecnologici. Nata tra l’anno zero e l’ormai vicino 2054, vanta della più stimata e indiscutibile sicurezza aerea mondiale.[citazione necessaria] Diversi modelli sono infatti dotati del cosiddetto fly-by-wire, ossia un sistema di controllo del velivolo interfacciato con computer modello Commodore 64, che prende le decisioni al posto del pilota; in questo modo è stato finalmente eliminato l'errore umano: adesso è la macchina a decidere dove, come e quando l'aereo deve sfracellarsi al suolo.
  • Airbus (ang. powietrzny autobus) – europejski ciężki pojazd lotniczy o napędzie silnikowym, który rywalizuje o palmę pierwszeństwa w przestworzach z amerykańskim Boeingiem. Airbus z reguły wygrywa tę rywalizację dzięki biegłości technicznej w pozyskiwaniu subwencji z Brukseli. Do perfekcji opanowano również technikę strącania sprzedanych maszyn do morza lub wywoływania pożarów na pokładzie, co zapewnia zbyt na nowe Airbusy i części do nich.
  • Airbus Industrie is a commercial airline manufacturer. Its products differ in size and range from the shorthaul Airbus A318 to the A380 (the largest commercial passenger jet in the World). Airbus was founded in 1970 by numerous European aeronautical companies and backed by numerous European governments in order to break the Boeing monopoly of wide-bodied commercial airliner products in Europe. In 2000 EADS bought over most of the aviation firms that owned Airbus, and thus Airbus became a subsidary of EADS ever since.
  • Airbus is the aircraft manufacturing subsidiary of EADS N.V. (EuropeAn Designed Shit), an imperial pan-European conspiracy. Based at "Too loose", In the land of rods who speak Funny, with significant operations in other European dominions, Airbus produces just as their name implies, around half of the world's "air buses", with most of the rest built by its more efficient rival Boring, though the precise share varies depending on who is quoting.
  • Der Airbus ist ein Bus, der fliegt. Um einen normalen Bus in einem Airbus umzuwandeln, braucht man nur mit Schwung eine Passstraße hinunterzubrettern. Ein Airbus ist wie eine Kirche ein geweihter Raum, denn in Airbussen wird mehr gebetet, als in Kirchen!
  • Commercial airliners
  • 19000000000
  • Hairbus S.A.S.
  • Holy owned Subsidiary
  • John Leahy, Chief Loudmouth
  • Loser Gallent, CEO
  • When the Mammoths roamed
  • Aerospace
  • Mesozoic era
  • Long Long Ago
  • €-10,000 million
  • "Setting fire to Boeings standards"
  • Too loose
  • Airbus Industries or Airbus is a consortium uniting Aesa and IFMU to build civilian airplanes. The Airbus company is headquartered in Toulouse, France, of which it is one of the main employer. Main assembly sites are in Toulouse and Hamburg in Germany. Airbus' main competitor is Federated-Boeing, followed by Lockheed and Saeder-Krupp on certain segments.
  • Airbus {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Avion fabriqué par la société Airbus. * Boeing
  • Airbus Industries or Airbus is a consortium uniting Aesa and IFMU to build civilian airplanes. The Airbus company was headquartered in Toulouse, France, of which it is one of the main employer. Main assembly sites are in Toulouse and Hamburg in Germany. Airbus' main competitor is Federated-Boeing, followed by Lockheed and Saeder-Krupp on certain segments.
  • A French airplane manufacturer that is challenging America's ownership of the air. It will never work, France, no matter how fat you make your planes. Everyone knows that Stephen Colbert gives the power to fly. It was at Kitty Hawk when Colbert first realized that man should take to the skies. He gave the Wright brothers the idea to build the first airplane.
  • Airbus is the aircraft manufacturing subsidiary of EADS N.V. (EuropeAn Designed Shit), an imperial pan-European conspiracy. Based at "Too loose", In the land of rods who speak Funny, with significant operations in other European dominions, Airbus produces just as their name implies, around half of the world's "air buses", with most of the rest built by its more efficient rival Boring, though the precise share varies depending on who is quoting. Airbus employs around 57.098 midgets and elves at sixteen radioactive sites in four European dominions: Scharzwald, Cote d'Azur, the Stonehenge, and Pyrennes. Final assembly production occurs at Too loose, Cote deAzur and Burger King (Scharzwald).
  • Airbus is a joint european company that manufactures aircraft and aircraft parts. Its headquarters is located in Toulouse, France and its Factory hangar in Hamburg, Germany.
  • Airbus {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Avion fabriqué par la société Airbus.
  • Airbus S.A.S. è la casa costruttrice del famoso aeroplano Airbus 321, aereo con un’altissima concentrazione di componenti tecnologici. Nata tra l’anno zero e l’ormai vicino 2054, vanta della più stimata e indiscutibile sicurezza aerea mondiale.[citazione necessaria] Diversi modelli sono infatti dotati del cosiddetto fly-by-wire, ossia un sistema di controllo del velivolo interfacciato con computer modello Commodore 64, che prende le decisioni al posto del pilota; in questo modo è stato finalmente eliminato l'errore umano: adesso è la macchina a decidere dove, come e quando l'aereo deve sfracellarsi al suolo.
  • Der Airbus ist ein Bus, der fliegt. Um einen normalen Bus in einem Airbus umzuwandeln, braucht man nur mit Schwung eine Passstraße hinunterzubrettern. Ein Airbus ist wie eine Kirche ein geweihter Raum, denn in Airbussen wird mehr gebetet, als in Kirchen! Gerüchteweise soll aber auch einer der weltgrößten Flugzeughersteller diese Bezeichnung als Firmennamen gewählt haben, und sich jetzt der systematischen Vernichtung von Steuergeldern in Form von Subventionen widmen. Orte, an denen das Unternehmen dieses Namens diese fragwürdige Tätigkeit ausübt, sind unter anderem Hamburg und Toulouse. Da diese Beschäftigung aber für ein Unternehmen noch keine ausreichende Existenzberechtigung darstellt, werden ganz neben bei auch noch Flugzeuge gebaut.
  • Airbus (ang. powietrzny autobus) – europejski ciężki pojazd lotniczy o napędzie silnikowym, który rywalizuje o palmę pierwszeństwa w przestworzach z amerykańskim Boeingiem. Airbus z reguły wygrywa tę rywalizację dzięki biegłości technicznej w pozyskiwaniu subwencji z Brukseli. Do perfekcji opanowano również technikę strącania sprzedanych maszyn do morza lub wywoływania pożarów na pokładzie, co zapewnia zbyt na nowe Airbusy i części do nich.
  • Airbus Industrie is a commercial airline manufacturer. Its products differ in size and range from the shorthaul Airbus A318 to the A380 (the largest commercial passenger jet in the World). Airbus was founded in 1970 by numerous European aeronautical companies and backed by numerous European governments in order to break the Boeing monopoly of wide-bodied commercial airliner products in Europe. In 2000 EADS bought over most of the aviation firms that owned Airbus, and thus Airbus became a subsidary of EADS ever since.
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