  • Vestigial organ
  • A vestigial organ is a distinct anatomical structure that does not appear to have any function within the human body, but appears consistently and appears to have a function in related species. Their existence is one of the major arguments in favour of evolution. However, the concept is coming under question as the understanding of physiology improves. For example, the appendix, once thought to be a vestige, is now believed to play an important role in intestinal bacterial flora regulation.
  • Vestigial organs were parts of one's anatomy that were retained despite a lack or loss of function. The Human appendix was one such example. In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy noted that the mute empath Gem didn't even have any vestigial vocal cords. (TOS: "The Empath" ) In 2372, after crossing the warp 10 threshold, Tom Paris's vestigial organs atrophied and dissolved. (VOY: "Threshold")
  • A vestigial organ is a distinct anatomical structure that does not appear to have any function within the human body, but appears consistently and appears to have a function in related species. Their existence is one of the major arguments in favour of evolution. However, the concept is coming under question as the understanding of physiology improves. For example, the appendix, once thought to be a vestige, is now believed to play an important role in intestinal bacterial flora regulation.
  • Vestigial organs were parts of one's anatomy that were retained despite a lack or loss of function. The Human appendix was one such example. In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy noted that the mute empath Gem didn't even have any vestigial vocal cords. (TOS: "The Empath" ) In 2372, after crossing the warp 10 threshold, Tom Paris's vestigial organs atrophied and dissolved. (VOY: "Threshold")