  • The Super Squishie Squad Show
  • The only people who could possibly enjoy this shit are morons like Darth Fred Fredburger, Darth Misa-Misa, and . Even the toddlers that the SSSS is aimed towards will back away from it, veeeery slowly... Upon the announcement of The Super Squishie Squad Show, the entire Star Wars fandom declared Dave Failoni their Lord and Saviour, and declared The Clone Wars the greatest invention since Darth Cake. Ahsoka Tano action figures sold out nationwide shortly afterwards.
  • The only people who could possibly enjoy this shit are morons like Darth Fred Fredburger, Darth Misa-Misa, and . Even the toddlers that the SSSS is aimed towards will back away from it, veeeery slowly... Upon the announcement of The Super Squishie Squad Show, the entire Star Wars fandom declared Dave Failoni their Lord and Saviour, and declared The Clone Wars the greatest invention since Darth Cake. Ahsoka Tano action figures sold out nationwide shortly afterwards.