  • 284
  • 284
  • 284
  • El dos cientos ochenta y cuatro (284) es el número natural que sigue al 283 y precede al 285. Categoría:Números
  • At Windcliff Sanitarium, Dr. Julia Hoffman is in session with Maggie Evans. She is urging her patient to remember Sarah and wonders if the little girl's surname is Collins. Julia presses Maggie, forcing her to recall the Mausoleum and the name of the person who hurt her. When Julia prompts her with the name Collins, Maggie breaks down in tears, screaming "No... No... No!"
  • Roman möchte von Deniz wissen, ob er schwul ist. Deniz entzieht sich der Antwort und flüchtet zu Nina. Krampfhaft bemüht er sich selbst, seine Heterosexualität zu beweisen. Dabei verliert er Ninas Gefühlslage völlig aus den Augen und kriegt prompt die Retourkutsche... Julian ist fest entschlossen, ihr einen Heiratsantrag zu machen. Leider kommt ihm ein Streit mit Tim dazwischen, der wütend seinen Anteil des Erbes einfordert. Als Julian dann mit Diana zu ihrem gemeinsamen Überraschungstrip aufbrechen will, ist auf einmal das Auto verschwunden. Die Steinkamps machen einen Deal mit Maximilian aus: Er kauft in seinem Namen die Siedlung - aber mit ihrem Geld. Als Maximilian einwilligt, sind die Steinkamps so erleichtert, dass sie Maximilian einen wichtigen Posten in der Firma geben. Doch sie ah
  • 284
  • 1967-07-10
  • 280
  • 1967
  • 1967-07-27
  • 284
  • Roman möchte von Deniz wissen, ob er schwul ist. Deniz entzieht sich der Antwort und flüchtet zu Nina. Krampfhaft bemüht er sich selbst, seine Heterosexualität zu beweisen. Dabei verliert er Ninas Gefühlslage völlig aus den Augen und kriegt prompt die Retourkutsche... Julian ist fest entschlossen, ihr einen Heiratsantrag zu machen. Leider kommt ihm ein Streit mit Tim dazwischen, der wütend seinen Anteil des Erbes einfordert. Als Julian dann mit Diana zu ihrem gemeinsamen Überraschungstrip aufbrechen will, ist auf einmal das Auto verschwunden. Die Steinkamps machen einen Deal mit Maximilian aus: Er kauft in seinem Namen die Siedlung - aber mit ihrem Geld. Als Maximilian einwilligt, sind die Steinkamps so erleichtert, dass sie Maximilian einen wichtigen Posten in der Firma geben. Doch sie ahnen immer noch nicht, wen sie sich da ins Haus geholt haben...
  • At Windcliff Sanitarium, Dr. Julia Hoffman is in session with Maggie Evans. She is urging her patient to remember Sarah and wonders if the little girl's surname is Collins. Julia presses Maggie, forcing her to recall the Mausoleum and the name of the person who hurt her. When Julia prompts her with the name Collins, Maggie breaks down in tears, screaming "No... No... No!" Later, Julia has taken Maggie to Dr. Woodard's house outside of Collinsport. Woodard is furious over Julia's actions, which are endangering Maggie. She, of course, disagrees. It seems that Julia needs Woodard's aid in implementing a plan: she wants him to introduce her to the Collins Family as an historian and genealogist. She insists on the ruse as it is the only way in which she can work freely. Woodard believes she suspects one of the Collinses is responsible for Maggie's trauma. Julia refuses to answer, but explains she is following a certain direction. Woodard reluctantly agrees, only he has another query for Julia: does she still believe, as he does, that what caused Maggie's condition is unearthly? She will only explain that the limits one uses to describe unearthly need to be extended. Sometime later, Julia has arrived at Collinwood and has met Victoria Winters, who escorts her into the Drawing room. Victoria, thrilled over the prospect of the book on the Collins Family Julia claims to be writing, suggests she talk to Barnabas Collins. At that moment, David Collins returns from playing outdoors and Victoria introduces him to Miss Hoffman. David tells Julia of all the books and paintings she can use in her research. Victoria suggests he resume his geography studies, and David laments being unable to find Sarah outside. This immediately piques Julia's interest. She questions him about Sarah, but David doesn't know her last name. After he leaves, the subject returns to Barnabas. Julia learns about the Old House and Barnabas' eccentricity. She notes Victoria's shared affinity for "days gone by", and the governess confides in how caught up in the past she's become of late. However, Victoria enthuses about Josette's room and Julia expresses an interest in seeing it. Victoria agrees to set up a meeting between Julia and Barnabas, whom she believes will get along very well. That afternoon, Victoria takes Julia to the Old House and shows her Josette's room. Julia learns about the recent costume party, and that Victoria wore one of Josette's gowns. She feels a sudden chill, and Victoria notes that the sun has set. No sooner has Victoria lit a candle than an abrupt gust of wind blows it out. The chilly sensation returns, and Julia is anxious to leave although she is looking forward to returning and meeting Barnabas. Later, Julia revisits Dr. Woodard and she claims not to have anything new to report or any suspicions. She requests a moment alone with Maggie before taking her back to Windcliff. With a bit of cajoling, Julia convinces Maggie to let her hold the doll Sarah gave to her. She encourages Maggie to peer at the doll while she says different names belonging to the Collins Family. When Julia says "Barnabas Collins", Maggie reacts strongly. Julia returns the doll in order to calm Maggie, who begins to sing London Bridge. However, Julia's growing suspicions are confirmed.
  • El dos cientos ochenta y cuatro (284) es el número natural que sigue al 283 y precede al 285. Categoría:Números
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