  • Employ sinister bait
  • From: [[]] The butcher on Mutton Island sells it. But only when no one else is around, and never for anything so banal as Echoes... [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Ask no questions
Failure title
  • Beyond the pale
Failure description
  • Oh, God. Should it still be moving? You fling it away in a moist red arc. Row. Row away!
From Card/Storylet title
  • Going fishing
Unlocked with
  • 41
Success description
  • You cover your nose[…]ripe ginger and day's-end meat. The entrails slither damply into the waters. They were wrapped in fat, which froths on the surface in yellow bubbles. A few minutes later, the zee seethes. Its denizens hold a feast of their own.
  • 2
  • The butcher on Mutton Island sells it. But only when no one else is around, and never for anything so banal as Echoes...
  • From: [[]] The butcher on Mutton Island sells it. But only when no one else is around, and never for anything so banal as Echoes... [Find the rest of the story at ]